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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Need tips on what to do for a guys birthday, newly dating!

I've (31F) been dating a guy (36M, turning 37) for about a month. We've been on about 7 dates in this time, some more active dates, and then other dates where we've just hung out. We have spent the night together. Things are going super well, but we're not yet 'official', though we are exclusive.

We have decided to go on a week long staycation at the end of the month to celebrate his birthday. He was originally planning on taking a trip alone for it, but has asked me if I would like to do something with him.

I don't know whether or not we'll be together properly by then or not, just happy seeing where it goes. However, I do want to make his birthday as special as I can.

The problem is, I'm on a budget. The money I do have is mostly being spent on the holiday/spending money.

I have about £60-70. My current idea is to decorate some of the caravan with banners/balloons while he's sleeping or showering. I was then going to make a cake for him, and just have the cake and some presents for him on the table. Then just let him choose what we do that day, and either cook for him or buy him dinner in the evening.

I think I'm just concerned because he's really lived a full/adventurous life this far and I know it probably won't compare to some of the other birthdays he's had in the past. He says he doesn't mind what we do, as long as he gets to eat cake on his birthday, but I feel like he deserves the best and obviously, it still being early days means I want to make a good impression, as I'm really liking him.

Part of me is also concerned, perhaps stupidly, that I would be doing too much for someone that I'm not yet in a relationship with and perhaps I should be more low key? I've been single for a year and a half and previous to that I was in 4 year relationship, so I feel like I'm kind of out of the loop in regards to the 'dating stage'.

Are there any suggestions you could give me? What would you like to be done for you on your birthday? Is there something you've done for someone else that they've really appreciated? Thanks so much.

tl;dr I've been dating a guy for a month and we're going away for a week for his birthday. How do I make his day special on a budget?

submitted by /u/jenholder28
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* This article was originally published here

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