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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Booking Same Wedding Venue as Sibling

I am 25F and my sister is 32F. Years ago my fiancé and I planned out our entire engagement and wedding plans well in advance. My sister unexpectedly got engaged a few months before I did and I was so excited for her! She began to plan her wedding for next fall.

After I got engaged there was this unspoken expectation that I would not plan my wedding until 2026 and I told her that I would wait although I was pretty unhappy in doing this. However, recently my dad almost died and had to have a big life altering surgery and I realized that I was the one 20 years from now who would regret it if God forbid my dad wasn't able to walk me down the aisle because I waited for two years. I reasoned with myself that I will not invite out of town guests so as to not impact her wedding and so the wedding planning began for next summer because that's when our anniversary is.

Okay this is where things get kind of messy. I already knew where I wanted my reception from years ago and we live in a town where there's not a huge selection of nice banquet halls and this particular venue is extremely popular in our town for hosting weddings. When my sister started planning her wedding she would go on about how much she didn't like this place, however, she did a tour and decided to book it back in spring. I personally do not see why having my reception at this venue is a threat; my guest list is less than a third of the size of hers, there are maybe 5 guests who overlap, the reception is an a smaller room tucked away in the lower level, and it is an extremely popular venue in our area where many people we know personally have gone. My parents support me as they know I’ve always liked this venue and I’m not booking it to intentionally upset her.

When I told her she completely blew up saying how upset she is that I'm getting married in the same year as her and how she's never felt more low and insignificant in her life. She then texted my mom saying that she's cutting contact with the family, saying my mom betrayed her by allowing me to make my plans, ripping her to shreds even though she wasn't involved at all. For context she has a dog that we take care of for her; my parents love this dog, he is literally grandson to him and they've cared for him for the past decade. Well she said she's not going to allow him to be taken care of by my parents anymore as some sort of punishment and that she'll only have him under our care when she's working.

I just feel really guilty that my mom was dragged into this for absolutely no reason not long after my dad had his surgery.

TL;DR, My dad became extremely unwell and I decided to bump up my wedding by a year and use the venue I wanted to use, but my sister is using the same one.

submitted by /u/Helpusnamekitty
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, July 27, 2024

A girl I Was talking to left me on Delivered

Can someone provide me with advice?

So I was talking to this girl and our conversation was good. The length of text we sent each other was quite even. Although that was the case it was short lived. She’s been on DnD for 2 days and the last message sent was from me. I haven’t hit her up yet and If I do I plan on setting something up ASAP.

She did seem quite interested and engaged with the conversation. I’ve tought up of what I should text her but I’m not too sure if it will come out right.

Here are a couple of them:

• why did u give me your number • you must have a man • let’s set something up They sound too direct for me

I’m actually quite interested in her and dont want to let things end so easily.

If you have any advice on what or how I should text her, please let me know.

For some reason I feel like I’m being tested?? Maybe I’m being too delusional.

I’m trying to get back to her some time today because I’ve done nothing for 2 days now and I feel like if I left it any longer I’d end up regretting it.

TL; DR; girl I was talking to left me on delivered after having good conversation what should I do?

submitted by /u/Amazing_Brain4302
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, July 26, 2024

Is it delusional to think he [24M] still thinks about me [22F]?

This guy ‘24M’ and I ‘22F’ talked for about two and a half months and it was going great. We were talking about being together and he said he wanted to make it official soon, but then he randomly told me that he didn’t think he was ready for a relationship right now but still really liked me. I was obviously devastated because he was everything I wanted in a partner, but ultimately understood. There is no bad blood and I’m not bitter about the situation since he was very nice about it.

He said he wanted to stay in contact but every time I text or try to get in contact, he was so dry. (we still follow each other on everything since it was a very healthy end) I finally gave up on trying to remain friends but I have noticed that he rewatches my TikTok stories almost every time I post (he usually is the first one to watch and I’ll see him at the top again later in the night). I’m not sure if I’m being delusional and hoping that he still wants me, but I just don’t know why else… What could possibly be going through his mind?

tl;dr Am I being delusional for thinking he still thinks about me because he rewatches my TikTok stories?

submitted by /u/shlongshmoney
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, July 25, 2024

My (21M) Gf(19f) told me that she wouldn’t tell me if she cheated on me.

So my gf and I have been together for about two months. We are in a ldr and I love her with all my heart. We were having a conversation about cheating, and I told her that there is no way that someone can cheat on their partner and still love them. I think that it is Bs, and if someone cheats on their partner, they are being selfish and must not love their partner at all. She disagreed with me saying that shit happens, and that people can cheat on their partner and still love them. So I asked her if she will ever cheat on me and she said, no, not intentionally. I asked her if she did, would she tell me, and she told me no. I asked her so she would just continuously be cheating on me and not telling me and she said no, she would feel terrible and would never do it again, but she wouldn’t tell me. When she said that, I told her that I would want her to tell me even though I would most likely break up with her after she told me. That was all I said then, but now that I’m thinking about it, I think that it’s a huge red flag, and it scares me to think that would cheat on me and never tell me. I feel very uncomfortable knowing this and I want her to assure me that if she ever cheated on me, she would at least tell me. How do I go about bringing this conversation up again, and make her see my perspective?

Tl/Dr: Gf told me that she would never cheat on me, but if she did, she wouldn’t tell me.

submitted by /u/lilcooldudeinshades
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

ME 40M years and my wife 39F years married happily together for 15 years. Could advice me how i can go through this situation? i felt like i am cheated

One of my wife's work collogue has one sided emotional infatuation with my wife. my wife rejected him and blocked him completely. then we got married. after 3 years this person got married to our distinct relative. My wife told everything about this person and stopped the contact altogether until his marriage. This Person contacted my wife through my wife's first cousin to let her know he is married now happily, My wife's cousin and this person are close friends. i permitted her to talk with boundaries as they are relative to us. They do only friendly talks in conference calls weekly once or twice for two months. they had a wats app group. then my wife slowly stopped talking with him altogether. Later i came to know that this person calls everyone with endearment terms like honey, dear etc.. i asked my wife how he used to address you. she said mostly name and sometimes honey. She use to update me about their calls and show messages. but she did not tell this particular word he used. she is saying it seems trivial for her, that person called everyone that way even in workplace not specifically to me. it is harmless/ meaningless to her. That to during the calls he address just once with honey, mostly he address by her name. i sued to addressed him by his name not used any endearment terms not even once. i was looking at the overall situation not the trivial things. what can i do now, i stopped contacting him altogether. whatever you want me to do now i can do, i cant change the past. I am not able to get over this i fell like i got cheated. what you guys think. i expected from my wife to say don't use these kinds of words with me , it should be used only by my husband.

She saying she spoke to him as he got married so he moved on his life. he married to our relative so there may be situation we have to meet each other. so for the basic human courtesy i talked with him with your permission. He did not do any personal messages except his birthday wishes which i told to you.

he made three or four personal calls. i talked only for 1/2 min. as he is trying to make more personal calls i cutoff the contact completely

I ponder like if third person hear this conversation why they will think about my wife. he is cheating on me right

TL;DR! is this the instance of cheating? how to bounce back from this

submitted by /u/Particular-Grab818
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

My (27M) GF(29F) touches me sexually and it makes me uncomfortable

My (27M) GF(29F) touches me sexually and it makes me uncomfortable

To try to wrap the story short.

I've been with my Gf for 7 months now in a long distance relationship. Usually we see each other once a month for 7-9 days. What bothers me is the ammount of sexual touch I get. It kind of makes me less and less interested in any sexual activity.

Whenever she gets a Chance she squeezes my groin, slaps my ass, starts Playing with my nips, calls it cake etc. When I try to take away her hand from my chest she laughs it off and keeps pushing, it kinda creeps me out. Honestly it Turns me off/ makes me uncomfortable and I think she noticed some Changes, like me not really wanting to have sex.

Honestly I have no idea how to approach this topic with her. How do I bring it up and resolve it?

TLDR: How do I approach the situation of unwanted sexual touch with my gf?

submitted by /u/Flippyn
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* This article was originally published here