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Friday, August 23, 2024

29M Need Advice

My (29m) girlfriend (26f) confessed that she drunkenly sent a photo to her ex boyfriend several months ago while out with friends. The photo is of a pet they shared together and her ex. He responded the next morning just being friendly but not flirtatious and that was the end of the interaction. He did reach out a few weeks after she had texted him but she did not respond. She told me about him reaching out when it happened and did not respond. Before this, he reached out several times and she was always very honest about the communication which she either did not respond to, or responded in a respectful but faithful manner that let him know the door was closed. I feel very confident she is not hiding anything else.

She has apologized profusely and I can tell she feels very bad about this. She said as soon as she sent the text she felt regret and did not know why she had done it. We have since moved in together. I am really struggling with what to do or how to move forward

On the one hand I am glad she fessed up and feel confident she came clean to me about the interaction in its entirety. She came clean about two other very small things that I did not know about that were really not of any significance (she had used a nicotine vape a few times without my knowledge (I would not care) and something else similar and very minor). She confessed this all to me at once to clear her conscience and because she claims she is committed to not hiding anything from me moving forward and those were all the things she had withheld from me. She told me she is committed to being honest with me and recognizes her dishonest behavior as a problem that she needs to address. On the other hand, she withheld hurtful information from me that I did not know which stripped me of the ability to be able to make the decision to move in together knowing everything fully.

We have been together around a year and a half. We get along extremely well and are very likeminded individuals. Living together has so far been amazing and we are very compatible. I have been thinking about a future with her and until this I felt incredibly confident we would spend our lives together. Don’t want to tell my parents or friends because I don’t want them to judge her if we decide to work through this so that is why I am here on Reddit to get some advice. Appreciate your advice! What do you all think?

TLDR girlfriend texted ex. Didn’t tell me about it before we moved in together. Unsure of what to do now.

submitted by /u/Old_Couple2369
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Partner (28M) spends a lot of time with his friends but when I (25F) want to do something with him, he's too tired.

Hi all,

For context; my partner (28M) and I (25F) have been together for just over a year and we are long distance so really only see each other on weekends.

I really need some advice because my heart hurts.

So, for the last maybe 6 months, my partner and I have spend less and less time going out and doing things together, asides from the rare occasion where we will go for a drive or go out for food somewhere. (The last time we went out just the two of us together was to get food at the beginning of July, I did start a new job shortly after this so we didn't see each other every weekend like normal, so that's not quite as bad as it sounds.)

The part that gets me, however, is he spends a lot of time going out to spend time with his friends. When we've spoken about this, his answer has been that: he goes out with his friends for a drive in the evening/night when he has more energy, but I'm too tired to do things with him at that time. His wording was "you're too tired at night and I'm too tired during the day." There have been times where I've gotten to the point where I so badly want to do something with him that I've bit the bullet whilst I'm exhausted to go out for a drive with his friends in the evenings because I feel like that's the only time I can do something with him. It upsets me that I'm willing to do this, but he's not able to do the same for me when the roles are reversed.

I also get upset that on the occasion where he mentions something he'd like to do together, it's been something to do with his friends. The two that spring to mind that he's mentioned recently have been going on a double date to get food with his 2 friends and going to a car meet together (with his friends.) I'm happy to do it because, again, I want to spend time with him, but on the other hand, I don't want the only time we spend time together to be with his friends. I just want some quality time with my boyfriend and right now it really feels like I'm asking for too much.

Am I in the wrong for being upset at this?

Sometimes he goes out multiple days in a row with them, but each time we plan to do something it seems he's too tired.

Last weekend I suggested we go to the cinema, he agreed but the day of, he said he was too tired and spent most of the day sleeping. This weekend we planned to go for a drive, he wanted to have a nap first because he was tired, but ended up sleeping for too long and then it was too late.

I completely understand that he works nights and he's tired but it never used to be this bad, we used to do so much more but now we spend more time sat inside together. Don't get me wrong, I love sitting down to watch some shows with him and have a cuddle or playing video games together but I just want to go somewhere and do something together, go watch a film, go see some new sights, go play bowling or go to the gaming place we have. I've made so many suggestions and they just never go anywhere. I'm 25 years old and I feel like I'm just spending my life indoors and not making any memories.

I'm so fucking sad, I love this man with all my heart, he's genuinely the best thing that's ever happened to me, but I just can't stand not doing things together.

I want to clarify that I don't care if he goes out with his friends multiple times, that is not my issue at all. My issue stems from, he's doing all this but he doesn't have the energy to do things with me. If he went out with his friends and spent time doing things with me, I'd be totally okay. I just want to spend time with my partner and make memories together.

Any advice would be so helpful because I'm truly losing my marbles right now, I feel like the bad guy here because I'm getting so upset at him but at the end of the day, all I want is that quality time.

TL;DR - My partner is too tired to spend time with me, but spends a lot of time with his friends. I get upset because I see him doing this and I just wonder why we can't find a way to do this too.

submitted by /u/throwaway91772
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I (22M) may be cheating online on my GF(19F) and I feel like a terrible person, but I cannot help it. Am I terrible person? Should I tell her?

TL;DR; : I think I am a bad person because I message NSFW on reddit with random people, even thought I have a GF whitch I love

The thing is I have a GF. I love her and I cannot be happier with her. But once or twice a month I get this terrible urge. I get on reddit search some NSFW communities and then find myself an online Pet GF/BF. Then I chat with them for a while, maybe some roleplay, they send some photos and then it ends. It never got to IRL, I never met any of those people. They mean nothing to me and I always choose my GF before them. The thing is, I cant stop it. Even if I fight it. It even makes me appreciate her more and even more sexually aroused with her. But I still thing its bad and she doesnt deserve it.

Is that cheating? Am I terrible person? Should I tell her?

submitted by /u/BarMinute1986
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

My(18F)boyfriend(19M)broke up with me, and when i tried to talk things out he accused me of cheating, what do i do?

A little background information: my(18F) boyfriend(19M) had two exes before me, as far as i know both of them cheated on him. It left a huge scar on him, and I was aware of that when we started dating. I always had a few guy friends in my life, but not many, maybe one and two, but I only had one when me and my boyfriend got together. I told him that it's just casual friendship, and nothing more, and he didnt have a problem with that. The problem started when another guy from my school texted me a few times. It wasn't flirty text, he just told me that if I liked a certain band, there are a few songs I should listen to, and we sometimes spoke a few words about music. I didnt have feelings for him and I dont think he had feelings for me, because we never talked about nothing personal, maybe said hi and a few words in school. I of course told my boyfriend that I have a casual friendship with this guy, and if he doesnt like it I'll block him, because I dont want to make the love of my life uncomfortable. I know he had a hard time trusting people, so I showed him the few text we had (although at the time i was clearing my insta dms and I deleted a lot of texts, not just with the guy but with everyone else). After two months maybe, we had a huge argument because my boyfriend thought that I was talking with that guy behind his back, and I want something from him. I immediately blocked the guy, and tried to talk things out with my boyfriend. After two months, we finally fixed everything, or so I thought. A few weeks ago, he broke up with me. He didnt gave me a really good reason, we had a small argument before the break up, but nothing we couldnt talk out. Two days ago, I tried reaching out to him, talking things out. I begged him to just talk it out and we can fix everything, and he told me that I shouldnt think he's stupid, and he knows that I'm with someone already, and I cheated on him, because of the texts I deleted(although I didnt delete them for him not to see them, I deleted because we didnt talk anymore and I just dont want people whom I dont talk with in my dms). I really didn't cheat on him, although I know that I made him feel really shitty because I was friendly with someone else, but I really never had intentions having something more than a casual friendship. I didn't even talked the guy after that, I just explained to him that I dont want to make my boyfriend uncomfortable, so I dont want to be friends anymore, he understood and that was it. I really miss my boyfriend. He was a really good boyfriend besides the jealousy, and I feel like I messed things up and I didnt even cheat on him.

TLDR; I tried to fix my relationship with my boyfriend, but he accused me of cheating on him and being with someone else right now

submitted by /u/Hopeful_Meeting_8675
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, August 18, 2024

My bf (26) is possessive and questions my f(26) loyalty

We’ve in a relationship since 8 months and since 2/3 months he has started to become extremely controlling and possessive. He doesn’t like when other guys flirt with me. He doesn’t let me wear dresses that show any cleavage. He doesn’t like if I talk to any guy even as friends. I understand that he cares about me but it’s so confusing because he initially told me that he’s not looking for a serious relationship. Although now from his behaviour it seems he’s getting serious but he’s also leaving the country in a few months and I’m going to be here for another year. I don’t know what he wants because he told me that we could never marry because of being from different religions. And then he gets mad when other guys flirt with me. Also sometimes he’s like let’s get married but in a non serious tone and then laughs. He also thinks that I’m not loyal because I hid my insta story from him cause i wanted to post a picture in which id worn a crop top. He noticed that I’d hidden it from him and got suuuuuper crazy mad at me and then verbally abused me bec I did that. I don’t know what should I do anymore.

Tdlr: my boyfriend is possessive and controlling

submitted by /u/Square-Swing-1434
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, August 17, 2024

How do I break up with my fiancé?

I [M28] love my fiancé [M28], or at least I think I still do. We've been together 2 1/2 years. He was never perfect, but he made me feel comfortable. I never felt worried that he might leave me because he always said how much he loves me and how committed he is to making this relationship work, no matter what. That's not because of some special bond that we have unlike any he's ever had; that's just the kind of person he is. There are a few things that I really appreciate about him, but there's probably equally as many that strain our relationship. The biggest is probably just how particular he is. It inhibits every facet of our life. The foods he's willing to eat are limited. The things he enjoys doing are far different from me. He suffers from migraines and difficulty sleeping, meaning we often abandon plans or leave events early because his head hurts or he's tired. Or maybe he's just be bored. Or maybe he doesn't like any of the food there. I wouldn't consider myself the most extroverted, but I like going out to do things. But going out is hard not just because of the various reasons I laid out, but because I am usually the only one paying. He makes significantly less than me and, in the time we've been together, he's left every job because it either burns him out or doesn't make enough to cover more than his personal expenses. On top of that, anything I want him to do I have to ask for explicitly. Paying for things, helping around the house, and even sharing driving duty. I hate doing this because I'm a very independent person and I hate asking people to do things for me. I know he makes less than me. I know doing chores is more annoying for him. Everything just feels easier for me than for him, so I find asking him to do anything is like putting an unnecessary burden on him.

Even with all of that, I'd probably still be staying with him, but our recent move to Europe has left me with a pretty stark choice. He advocated for our move here, even though I was pretty sure he would hate it. His expectation, which I did kind of set, was that we would go back to the US as long as at least one of us didn't like it here. The thing is, I don't just like it here; I love it so far. Everything I love about it, he hates. He essentially can't function here because he hates the food and the air is messing with his allergies in a way that no amount of Allegra will solve. He's given me an ultimatum: we start making plans to go back to the US together or he will go back by himself. The thing is, he doesn't really want to go back by himself, not just because he loves me and would miss me but because he can't necessarily support the lifestyle he wants without my income. I'm pretty sure I could get him to stick it out here for at least another year, if not indefinitely, if I really wanted to, but I don't want to do that to him. Also, as much as I would miss him, having him back in the US would free me up so much, and not just financially. But every fiber of my being doesn't want to tell him that it's over. If he decides it, then sure, but I don't think he will. He'll keep trying to convince me to come back with him, keep asking me if I love this country more than him. I don't want to say "yes" because its more complicated than that, but I honestly dont know what to say. I don't necessarily expect not to hurt his feelings, but I'm not always gentle with my words and I don't want whatever I have to say to come across as being mean, at least from an outside perspective. How do I communicate these feelings I have in a way that doesn't just come across as me attacking him for being who he is?

TL;DR I want to break up with my fiancé because of various issues in our relationship, but I don't know how to communicate this in a kind way.

submitted by /u/best-of-frens
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* This article was originally published here