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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Need help losing virginity

TLDR: need some advice on how to go about losing my virginity

I'm 22f and just haven't really cared about losing it before, I don't have any issues in getting male attention and know I could lose it within the next hour if i needed to, but recently I feel like my fear of judgement in regards to still being a virgin is holding me back from pursuing any actual relationships (romantically and purely physically). I don't care about losing it in some sentimental/ meaningful experience/ with someone I care about. What the best way to go about it and what should I expect? I’ve had a few people suggest hiring a SW or asking a close male friend but I don’t think that’s really my jam at all, I would prefer for it to be with someone I don’t have to see again if it’s too awkward lol

submitted by /u/Hot-Attitude-1653
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

I told my best friend I like her more than a friend

So I(20M) told my best friend (28F) that I like her more than a friend. So for some context she has a boyfriend that she’s been with for 2 years. We’ve known each other for about a year but best friends for like 4 months. We get along really well together, we joke around a lot and when we do she punches or slaps my arm, we hangout a lot and sometimes just the two of us in either one of our cars, we text/call all day, we could be talking about anything for hours and not get bored, we literally talk until we fall asleep on the phone together, and we go to the gym together. He’s been suspicious of us since the beginning of when we were best friends. He thinks she would cheat on him with me and he thinks I like her more than a friend. And because of his suspicions of me she has asked me if I liked her 2 times before.

So 4 days ago I kinda made her think or feel guilty about her talking to me so much. I told her that if I had a girlfriend I wouldn’t be talking to her as much as I do right now and she took it like a comment about her like if I was saying she has a boyfriend yet she talks to me so much. I asked her if her boyfriend even knows how much we talk and that we sleep on the phone together which the answer was no he doesn’t know. So she ended up telling him and he got irritated and told her she shouldn’t be talking to me at night and just as much in general. So she set some boundaries of us not talking at night which I said “that’s completely fine I understand”. So after all this she asked me if I liked her which would be for the 3rd time and the other 2 times I lied and said no but this time I told the truth and said I did like her. She was surprised because I’ve never shown it or done anything for her to think that. I asked her if she liked me and her response basically was that she feels like she can’t like me romantically because she has a boyfriend but subconsciously she probably does like me more than a friend and she thinks if she was single she would like me that way.

Since then we’ve hung out 2 nights in a row once at 1:30am in my car and this last night we hung out in her car and she asked me why I liked her. I told her cause of her personality and she’s pretty. She also asked me why I did tell her sooner and I responded with that I didn’t want to tell her I liked her because she’s in a relationship why would I. She told me it’s good I told her and that you never know what could happen, but as of right now she still feels the same way as she told me. I really think she does like me because she said maybe subconsciously she does like me and if she was single she would like me in that way. And also she is still talking to me on the phone till we go to sleep even though her boyfriend isn’t comfortable with it and even hanging out with me at night. What do you guys think of the whole situation?

So basically my best friend now knows she likes me and even though she said she would only like me if she was single I think her actions show otherwise. What should I do next if I actually want to pursue a relationship with her? What do you guys think of the whole situation?

submitted by /u/AdvancedLong9175
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, September 2, 2024

How to navigate this?

My new boyfriend is a great guy. He was previously with someone for 12 years who he shares a child with. His family are still very close to his ex, his sister has a child the same as his so they have always grown up doing things together on the weekends.

However, since the break up they continue to do things with his ex all the time, as in most weekends !

I haven’t said anything about it yet, but it makes me feel so uncomfortable especially as they give me the cold shoulder a lot. I constantly feel like I’m living in her shadow and they won’t even give me a chance to get to know me.

I’m struggling to integrate and it gets me down. Is this dynamic normal ? I don’t expect them to stop seeing her and would never ask that.

TLDR: Struggling to integrate into new partners family because the ex is still always around

submitted by /u/SpecialistDirt6778
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, September 1, 2024

My (30M) friend (30F) saw our new apartment for the first time, and I feel she was rude. Seeking an outside perspective.

My partner and I just moved into a new (old) apartment. We love it. Our friends have slowly come over since the move, and everyone has said something nice about it. I feel this is the socially acceptable thing to do when seeing someone’s place for the first time - just be kind and say something nice.

Yesterday, my partner (30F) went out for drinks, and came back with a friend (30F)

This friend didn’t say anything nice about the apartment. She just kept saying how there was a house for sale up the road with enough bedrooms so that our friend group could rent it. She even showed some pictures.

I found this to be rude, almost jealous/insecure on her part, and I have been ruminating about it since it happened.

Should I say something, after the fact, to this friend? Or should I drop it and just speak up if it happens again the next time she is over?

TL;DR - Friend came over after drinks, didn’t say one nice thing about the new apartment, just spoke about a house up the street our friend group could rent together. Should I say something after the fact? Or ignore it until it happens again?

submitted by /u/skibum207
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, August 31, 2024

My (21 F) bf’s (22 M) friend made a comment about my body to him- am I being overly sensitive or is he TA?

My (21 F) bf (22 M) of 2yrs’ friend made a comment looking at a pic of us, where he called me fat. I don’t know what specifically was said, maybe smth like ‘oh you’re with that fatty/big girl’ type thing. My bf told me after it happened. He said it upset him and he said something to him about it.

But since them, it affects our relationship and when at the gym together he will try to get me to do cardio at the end of the workout, or say I used to be thinner but have ‘let myself go’ (I have not), and also straight up calling me fat but attempting to be gentle about it. I have voiced countless times that it bothers me and makes me feel terrible and unattractive to him, but he’s continued for at least a year. He says the only reason he keeps saying it is so if I have an amazing thin/fit body it will ‘shut them down’ - them being his friend and anyone who would think that about me. He says it’s for that reason but also for my own benefit for health/I would benefit from the nicer body too

I feel like a normal response would be to feel angry at that friend and defensive of me, but feeling the need to then prove everyone else wrong by encouraging me to look better, makes it seem like he’s only concerned about how it looks to others for him to be with me. And that he isn’t proud to be with me how I am. I thought the normal thing would be to feel angry at the friend but then also think ‘this is the person I love and choose to be with, and she is perfect the way she is and doesn’t need to change’.

Is his explanation unreasonable for his actions? Is he TA or NTA?

Has anyone else had a friend say something bad about your s/o and how did you react. What would be your reaction in my situation.

For context, I do struggle with body image issues from being a bit heavier in the past, but I objectively am not fat. Size 10, work out regularly in the week. I have a curvy figure , naturally broad shoulders and hips, and might be what some see as chubby in areas, but very much within the average female population build. Bmi also objectively not overweight, not that that matters or is the best measurement anyways

TLDR; my bf’s friend made a comment about my appearance and now he’s trying to get me to improve my body to ‘show everyone’ and prove them wrong. Is his reasoning completely off- is he TA or NTA?

submitted by /u/Remarkable-Ad7771
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, August 30, 2024

M80 Just died and partner m36 acting odd

My uncle M80 died a couple of hours ago. I told my partner 36M and he said, already that was quick, then I was upset, more for my dads sake as he was extremely close to his brother. Partner asked when will the funeral be, I said I don't know he just died. I said you know which one it is and he said yeah I think I saw him a few times, I'm not coming to the funeral though I only met him a few times. That upset me more, my logic is you are there to support my dad and the whole family. Then he just went back on his computer googling retreats for himself so he can do some fasting or something. Am I overreacting or is this not normal?

TL;DR uncle just died and partner is not phased

submitted by /u/New2thisplac3
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wife’s (32f) poor treatment of me (32m). What am I doing to deserve this? How can I fix it?

My wife (32f) and I (32m) have been together 4 years, we have dated on and off prior to this but consistently together 4 years.

She had our first baby within the last year, and ever since she was pregnant, she doesn’t treat me the same. She has a short fuse, always snaps back at me, or is less than kind. This is getting to the point that I don’t even really try and converse with her because 50% of the time or more, I get some snappy, frustrated, or condescending response.

Prior to getting pregnant and having the baby, she was sweet, kind, affectionate, and very into me. We had a pretty passionate bedroom and the passion translated out of the bedroom as well. It was like the honeymoon phase on steroids. Now it’s turned into a dead bedroom, and what feels like a dying relationship. I’m critiqued about almost everything I do, or say. Don’t get me wrong, I do miss the passion in the bedroom, but it wouldn’t be so bad if I was treated with general respect, or had some stress relief. Also, I don’t really want to initiate anything, because of the day to day treatment is kind of a turn off. She is very well spoken, and focused in her remarks. Whereas I’m more of a reserved, kind person who tends to avoid confrontation.

I’ve been an attentive husband, I help with the baby as much as I can. Whether that be diapers, feeding, house maintenance, dinner\meals. Anything. Going from work, to family\house care nonstop to the point where I’m getting burnt out on all fronts. I’ve brought this to her attention, because I’d rather deal with it directly, than to be passive aggressive about it. This turned into her feeling horrible, crying, and me consoling her. I’ve tried to be as understanding as possible, because pregnancy, nursing, first time childcare is taxing, and a hormonal time. But I’m getting to my wits end.

Hopefully this all makes sense and I didn’t miss any details. This was kind of a vent to help relieve some stress, as well as if anyone has advice. I’ll try and clarify any missing points as they arise.

TL;DR my wife is rude and condescending to me after pregnancy and baby, and I’m getting fed up with the treatment and lack of intimacy.

Edit: another thought came to mind

submitted by /u/Alert-Cucumber13
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* This article was originally published here