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Sunday, March 5, 2023

I M22 just deleted/Unfriended 2 girls F20 F21

May sound selfish but honestly idc anymore. These 2 girls that I would snap(talk to on Snapchat) let’s call them D and Z they are good friends and I’ve been actively trying to hook up with Z but no luck so far. Tonight I go to the bar with both of them we talk and drink and and have a good time but I’ve been trying to hook up or even take things further with Z but I find out she’s slept with HELLA dudes (whilst at the bar saying she hooked up with one of the bouncers) so I say whatever, people hook up with people all the time I don’t think I’ll ever be someone’s first obviously. We get back to my house and D just gets calls left and right from miscellaneous dudes while me and Z are talking. I’ve been trying for weeks now to get Z to even think about going further than a friendship boundary without pushing it too hard and coming off as weird cause I think she’s extremely pretty and she has a good personality but nonetheless D has other plans and they leave saying they are going home. Cool with me I’ll try another night but Z starts snapchatting me and it’s the regular face pics and stuff until she sends a pic with her legs and another DUDES leg right beside hers. I immediately unadd Z and D and just back tf up cause honestly I feel like im kicking a dead horse to try and race again after that dumb foolishness. I feel like I made the right call with this why should I spend my energy and time on someone I’m just gonna get played by and is obviously for everyone else (the streets). Was the right call made or was I wrong? What’s y’all’s thoughts? (Not even to add me and Ds terrible and beef/argument ridden backstory before all this transpired)

TL:DR: I removed these 2 girls from my life because they played games with me and I couldn’t deal with it anymore.

submitted by /u/Holiday-Bluebird-736
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, March 4, 2023

21F Getting back with my EX 22M

So me (21f) and my ex boyfriend (22m) are trying to get back together, we were together for 3 years! Our relationship was very wonderful for the most parts but we still had our issues, I broke up with him due to him continously going too far in arguments by pushing, shoving, grabbing ect. He also said the meanest things to me when we were together, i just got enough and figured things werent going to work out since i was so drained from all the back and forth and not to mention my self image was shattered by the end of the relationship.

It's been around 5-6 months since we broke up and for a few months now we have been working on getting back together and he's showing alot of improvement and effort but I can't help but look back at the things he did to me and it makes me really worried about getting back with him.. I keep thinking I should just stay single but at this point I don't know how to not be with him.

I love him more then anyone else but I'm worried I might not still be in love with him and that I'm holding a grudge for the things that happened in our relationship, while the other part of me just so badly wants to be loved and believes he is the one, no one has ever been there for me, understood me and accepted me as much as him. I want to believe that we can just work through this like adults but I'm not too sure.

I'm so confused with all these feelings and I have no idea what to do, im worried that if i break things off that i will regret it, any advice?


Me and my ex have alot of love for each other but had a very rough time that made us break up and now he wants to get back together and show he's improved and we have been trying to work on things for a few months now, I'm not sure if I should trust it and keep trying to rekindle things or not, I'm worried that if I break it off that I'll regret it.

submitted by /u/pink_hentaigirl
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, March 3, 2023

Dateless 26yr old Male is confused by relationships and doesn't know how to convey it appropriately.

Hello, r/relationships

I've never posted here before, and am not completely sure if the topic I want to discuss is fit for this sub, but perhaps I should try to put it into words, post it and see what happens.

So, I'm 26, male and have never been in a relationship. I have been socially isolated for the past 8 years or so, a shut-in; I was depressed. Though even prior to this time, I wasn't very social at all. Almost never went out, never had any friends to go out with. (Why is this social stuff relevant?)

Okay, so in high school, I did receive interest from girls I felt attracted to, but never reciprocated any of the interest that they showed me. In fact every instance of someone showing interest in me I have never been able to reciprocate.

Maybe it's also relevant to mention that I'm a virgin (kissless).

I don't know how relationships work or how they are supposed to be formed. I've made an account on a dating website and am considering attending speed dating events. But still don't really know if it's possible for me to really connect with someone.

I've never really ever had any friends, I have a lot of difficulty with developing any and all kinds of relationships.

I've questioned whether I can even experience attraction. Though when I have felt attracted to someone it is accompanied by an overwhelming anxiety, a terror or fear. Makes it quite a nerve-wracking experience. It is rare for me to find someone attractive. And in the instances that I have found someone attractive it was purely based on looks, nothing deeper than that.

A friend that I have has been telling me about other things which are supposed to be reasons why people feel attraction. Things like interactions, humour, habits, shared passions, dance moves, them backing you up. This is a list he made which I have summarised. He also mentions to me this idea of being open to finding someone attractive. So not finding them attractive initially but choosing to get to know them in the hope that I may start to find them attractive. I really don't understand his second point. I feel like there would have to be something to hook me in, an initial attraction of some kind. And the other stuff whilst yes I may be able to find things about people to be cute or endearing I've never felt attracted to someone because of any of them.

I guess I associate being attracted to someone with the fear/anxiety/terror I mentioned earlier, there is an excitement that comes with it. I feel like there is something promising about whoever it is I feel this fearful of in this way.

I do believe that I must try to conquer this fear and I am willing to do so, but I'd need to go on a date first. Oh yeah, I've never been on a date.

What am looking for, by writing this and posting it here. Insight. I'd like insight.

I don't know if I've explained everything. This is quite the mess of a post. If this post provoked any thoughts (not mean) please share them with me. I'm aware in the rules it said no venting, I guess this was a bit of a vent.

TL;DR I'm open to the idea of a relationship, but feel a lot of pessimism and self doubt. I seriously doubt whether I understand how things are supposed to work or if I'm even able to be attracted to other people. I seriously question whether I'm capable of a relationship. I hope it's obvious why I felt this sub might be an appropriate place to post this.

submitted by /u/-abhayamudra-
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Keeping the momentum going before a first date with someone who doesn’t like text

I’ve been talking to someone over an online dating app just recently. Unfortunately we live a little bit away from each other so we can only plan a date next week. He asked for my number after we had a short call but I asked him if we could exchange numbers after we meet that I’d prefer that. He was ok with this. After that, I tried to get the conversation going but really it’s small talk. He called me yesterday to discuss the plans and I asked him and he told me he’s old school and prefers calls and doesn’t like texting. My questions are whether I ruined it by not giving my number (I just didn’t feel comfortable yet) and how I can make sure the spark stays there until we meet next week

TL;DR: 28F. how to keep the momentum going before a first date with someone who doesn’t like texting

submitted by /u/throwRAcircles1
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

My (29f) partner (40m) is depressed and it’s becoming too much for me

Tldr my partner of nearly 3 years is severely depressed and it’s making me I’ll

Long story short we live together and have had an amazing relationship for the most part. I love him so much and he’s the most important person to me. He’s stayed with me through some seriously rough times and he’s very loyal. But his job is really depressing him at the moment - he’s stuck in a position that is unfulfilling with not much chance of career progression and he has been for a few years - and he’s become very depressed. He’s moody and angry all the time, talks to me in a hostile way and when I ask what’s wrong he says he’s depressed about work but doesn’t want to talk about it as it makes him feel worse. He keeps slamming doors and banging things in the kitchen loudly. I am trying to stay positive and do nice things for him but it’s hard not to take it personally and I’m starting to feel really low myself, like I’m not good at making him feel better and I’m not right for him.

It doesn’t help that I am quite a bit younger and earning a lot more than him. He’s incredibly bright (probably the sharpest person I’ve ever met, including my parents, both of whom went to Harvard) but very shy and terrible at self-promotion, and has spent his career being largely overlooked. I don’t want the pay disparity to be an issue but it looks like it will be no matter what. He seems to resent me and think my success is undeserved.

I have a stress induced autoimmune condition that has started to flare up again and I need to fix this situation now for my health. Does anyone have any advice? I feel like everything I’m doing is wrong

submitted by /u/Fantastic-Abroad2323
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

why does my life revolve around men and their love and attention

tl;dr: my last relationship has ended ages ago and i still compare myself to the new girl and how she is better than me.

this is a throwaway. hello everyone. its kind of an existential question but im 24[f] now and as far back as i can remember i have CRAVED attention from men. i only felt worthy when a man gave me attention. when i was younger it felt good to have a man care for me like he was my father. it goes without saying that my father wasnt very present my whole life. fast forward to 20 years old. i get into my very first relationship. i didnt love him but forced myself to. he ended it and i spiralled. spiralled as in lost weight and felt terrible and disgusting about myself for a good three months. i started hooking up with guys to ‘sexually relieve myself’ but ended up way too attached. got into a new relationship two years later and felt like some of my needs were met but i wanted to be around him all the time and he broke it off. we only lasted 5/6 months. needless to say i spiralled off a lot more than last time. a few months after the breakup i found out he had started dating a girl a month after the breakup. i started getting obsessed with her. stalking her everywhere and asking myself how shes better than me. i dont have to tell you that my self esteem is terrible. i need that validation to ‘exist’ which is to be fair very exhausting and honestly disgusting. im tired of this cycle. of how i compare myself to the new girl like any person’s opinion of me matters. but it does matter so much to me. im tired of men trying to talk to me because they see the outside visually appealing and when they get to know me and find out im not as intimidating as i seemed and i am in fact very loving and caring they run away. ive been doing therapy since the breakup but its been so long and im not changing. i even got into a thing with a guy that ghosted me after he slept with me a few times. if you’re going to tell me i have to love myself, i agree, but tell me HOW to do it please.

edit: all the men i dated and hooked up with were my age or a year older.

submitted by /u/throwaway___qeiwo
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, February 27, 2023

Why is it so easy for an OW [28F] to move on and get married, or a family member [33F] who ostracizes nice people to get married and have a kid, while I'm [34F] still struggling??

I am in such a bitter mood this morning.

My life sucks. I'm turning 35 soon and feel I still have nothing to show for it. I'm unmarried, not even dating anyone or having an active sex life, no kids, never been pregnant, still not a homeowner, my beloved car that I financed and paid off in full got totaled last year (I have a different car now but it's not the same, isn't even a color I like), and the only thing decent is my meh job that doesn't even require the 4-year college degree I have, is far away, and is very stressful and not nearly as inclusive of me in their workplace as my last job with the same company (at a different location) was. I am NOT looking forward to turning 35, at all.

My lack of kids definitely hasn't been due to a lack of trying. When I was 24, I started seeking out a man who would be marriage material and who wanted to have a serious relationship in hopes I could work toward getting married and then having kids. At 25 I thought I met such a guy. He was about 11 years older, great nice guy, great math-related job, homeowner, etc. Very geeky but I was perfectly okay with that and considered it a good thing, especially in terms of my serious-minded goals. As it turned out, he acted mature but when it came to relationship milestones was immature and noncommittal. Although he was very nice and my parents liked him a lot, I ended up feeling strung along for over 2 years. Meanwhile, my closest friends admitted and hinted that he wasn't into the whole having kid thing and that he just wanted to keep living his single life and enjoying his freedom (hmmm explains why he didn't stand up for himself to his job when they kept sending him on all these faraway business trips for weeks at a time, grrr), so eventually because I wanted kids and marriage and he didn't, we mutually broke up. I thought at least this would give me the freedom to find someone more compatible and willing to do the things I wanted. Instead, I ended up lonely and struggling in the dating world.

In my efforts to try and find a guy to actually want to have kids with me, I settled and accepted someone who didn't quite meet all the checkboxes, a guy I was set up with through my then-male BFF. The areas he was lacking, he was several years younger than me and he had a past criminal conviction. We got along great at first and I was determined not to screw it up, even being overly patient with certain relationship milestones (e.g., sex) because I thought if I gave in too soon, I might set myself up to get used or seen as short-term material only. Almost a year in, I THOUGHT things were going good and that we were trying for a baby and engaged-to-be-engaged but he became distant, dumped me, and then after we got back together half a year later, horrifically serial cheated on me and impregnated a younger, thinner girl...a girl who ironically was the same age I was when I first decided I felt mentally ready to have kids and settle down, 24. I was seething and outraged. By the time I found out about the affair baby and other girl, we'd already been broken up for months but that just made it worse because I wasn't able to dramatically confront him or really show him what he deserved, plus the insult and pain of knowing how many people who I thought were my friends who probably hid this affair from me.

Years later, I finally started speaking to my family again (I distanced myself when they continually treated me in a condescending manner because I didn't have kids, acting like I was naive to life while simultaineuosly telling me I wasn't ready for kids even though I had cousins and siblings who'd had kids by that age or even younger). I also got talking to my extended family and cousins and got very close to a cousin who's my age minus 1-2 years. She was still unmarried and childless in her early 30s too. When I finally confided in her my decision to do artificial insemination with donor sperm, she freaked out on me and ended our friendship, called me selfish, said I was stupid to willfully get pregnant out of wedlock, etc. As it turned out, she was a total deceptive hypocrite. She ended up getting pregnant by trying/intentionally with her BF only a few months later, then hiding the pregnancy from me until the very end, then not inviting me to her baby shower yet inviting both my sisters. She had her baby in November and nobody in the family bothered to tell me until I started questioning my immediate family members about it more than a month later at Christmas time, then they told me but were curt about it and tried to change the subject. I feel so left out because I don't have kids.

And now, on top of everything else, I find out that the young little blonde who had my toxic cheater XBF's baby, is now ENGAGED and awaiting her wedding date by a much better guy! Even though older strangers on sites like survivinginfidelity told me XBF would never stay by her, he actually ended up surprising everyone by doing a 180 and being a loyal BF and involved dad. He moved her and the kid into his big house (which he had bought years earlier far below market value with an inheritance, back when the market was VERY good for home buying) and they, who started as a sl**ty one night stand, became an actual couple. She stayed with him for over 2 yrs until she apparently broke up with him and moved out. I admit I followed their pages for a while because I was curious how their lives were turning out after this and if the people from survivinginfidelity were right that they'd eventually "crash n burn" figguratively or not, as I didn't want to see them keep doing great when I was floundering in my own life. She left him and while it seemed she was fine being single afterwards, she started dating again somewhat quickly and less than a year later, was in the relationship she's in now, with a taller, better looking, slightly older guy who seems to be a better catch than XBF. He has a kid too from a previous relationship so isn't this the perfect little stepfamily situation (rolls eyes). Of course they ended up engaged within a normal engagement timeline of slightly less than 2 years, and now they have a summer wedding and online registry. I'm upset because she acted in ways my mom and grandmother always told me that would never lead to guys taking you seriously or wanting to marry you, i.e. unprotected sex with a one night stand she met at a bar party, yet in the end SHE'S getting married, and I'm not! How unfair is that?!

WHY does it seem that even though I do all the right things, I get left behind in the dust?? And before you tell me to "love myself", "date myself", "marry myself", etc let me tell you, I've tried the artificial insemination thing on my own and so far it hasn't worked, and I would buy a house on my own but apparently I make nowhere near enough money especially with sky high house price inflation these days. Attempts to bring in paying roommates in the spare room of my apartment to cut expenses so I can save up for a house has also backfired in my face, BADLY, to the point that they not only became two-faced deadbeats on their rent, but one guy insisted on staying as an unpaying squatter and then was found DEAD in my apartment. I feel like every effort I make to get ahead is just one step forward three steps back. What can I do to propel MY life forward and find love for once?

TL/DR: It is highly unfair that the AP who got impregnated by my XBF while I was still technically with him gets to go on to have a great life and trade up for a better guy than XBF who she is now marrying this summer, while I'm stuck striking out in the dating world and struggling to get things in my life. What can I do to improve MY life?

submitted by /u/seekingmorefromlife
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* This article was originally published here