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Saturday, September 30, 2023

Painfully ordinary man

Background: I(20M) am a student used to be very bright, nerdy so didn't go out much. I believe (or like to believe) that I can pursue social life(e.g. travelling, partying, such bigh things)after I become financially independent and get a job(tautological) for I don't have the resources to do so now.

Immediate context: had a good female friend(22F), she fell for me somewhat and since I didn't want anything serious for now, we agreed for a casual relationship. After some days of normal quarrel, she called me 'You're such a painfully ordinary man'. Nothing has hurt me more. I'm on the verge of crying and it's not normal for me to cry. I am out of my wits and emotions. I guess it's hurting even more because it's somewhat true. I don't know what to feel now. Help me.

Tldr: girlfriend called me painfull ordinary man and it hurts.

submitted by /u/incognitoisfraud
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, September 29, 2023

I (26M) love my gf (24F) and find her very sexy, but I feel mentally blocked while having sex with her - any advice?

Let's start with this - before this relationship [2 years of it now], I engaged in casual sex only. I was having a problem to find a girl for relationship, so I went into sexual - based relations to fulfill my sexual needs and it was very physically arousing for me.

Now, in a romantic relationship, I find it hard to "unlock" myself to have really good, arousing sex with my gf. I love her and having sex with her in the way I used to have with my previous partners I find a bit... objectifying?

I read alot about madonna-wh*re complex and I'd say I think I'm suffering to it. I consider my gf pure, beautiful, and clean entity who I love by my entire heart, and I connect with it an inability to have free-minded sex with her which would fully arouse me and sexually release me. I feel terrible with it, but sometimes I think of other women and it makes me very aroused there [I hate it].

I feel as if I was unable to show love through sex, meanwhile I'd love to do that because I love my gf, but I feel totally lost there. Any advice?

tl;dr I love my gf but I don't feel sex with her as arousing as with other women even though she physically arouses me

submitted by /u/Regular_Paramedic60
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, September 28, 2023

My GF has a close guy friend who tried to make moves on her before. I'm not really comfortable. Is this being too overbearing?

My gf [23F] has a close guy friend [23M] that she met during the pandemic/online classes. They became study buddies and gaming buddies way before we met. This dude has tried to reach out and made moves on her a couple of time, and yet to no avail. Their friendship got cut off for a while but has recently been restored. And now that they're in med school together, they study together quite often in cafes.

I've confronted her with this and she has been nothing but reassuring on a positive note. It just ticks me that I sense her parents' approval of that guy instead of me. I'm just trying to find security in the trust that we have and our commitment to this.

Am I being too overbearing on her?


My gf has a guy friend who made moves on her before but he got rejected. I'm just honestly uncomfortable.

submitted by /u/Winter-Addendum-2206
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

I'm (30M) planning a trip but my friend (28F) is unreachable

My friend (28F) and I (30M) have known each other for a few months and from the start we've connected really well.

My friends and her friends are separately planning a trip to the same country at the same time (by coincidence).

I recently asked her whether she wants to plan the trip together and meet up while we're there. She said we could but that she'll only be there a short time and will be in a rush.

A complication to this is that she's currently hiking and unreachable for days and I need clarity on plans soon.

I can't tell if she wants to plan and/or meetup or whether this is a nice way to say no.

Is she saying yes or a soft no? I could plan a trip without her input but I know she'll be really offended if I exclude her thoughts and organise it without her.

tl;dr - Friend (28F) is unreachable but I need her so I can plan a trip. Her last message was confusing and need to make a judgement call based on it.

submitted by /u/ThrowRA_friend101
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Girlfriend[f27] lied to me[m30]

Hey so I’ve been with my girlfriend 9 months and on her Snapchat this guy she knows from school messages her and replies to her stories often.

She said she never had any feelings for him and nothing ever happened between them.

I found in her conversation before we met that they were sex talking and she had sent photos, so to me she lied.

She said she never told me because she didn’t want me thinking bad of her and she was ashamed.

During our relationship she has sent me photos when I’m not with her, it just makes me think hmm how do I know she didn’t send him them too.

We argued and she said she was going to block him because of it but I found out she hadn’t a few days later and brought it up and she said she forgot and then she blocked him on Snapchat but before that he had also removed her on Facebook.

Can’t stop thinking about this 24/7

Does this mean anything?

She always seemed a little dodgy opening the messages from him when he messaged originally or going on Snapchat, but sometimes did open it.

She always leaves her phone near me or when she’s in shower next to me and I know her passcode.


  • she said there was nothing between them before we got together
  • found out they sexted
  • not sure what to think
submitted by /u/rumplestiltzz
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, September 25, 2023

I (m18) am very conflicted wether my friend (f18) actually wants and cares to talk to me and continue our friendship

For more context ill explain: We met around 3 years ago in highschool

Id say even back then i cant seem to recall a lot of times after school (we were in the same school so naturally we would see eachother and talk) where she would initiate a conversation in like whatsaap The thing that makes this very conflicting is Every time we talk (well not every time but) She told me im one of her closest friends that she really like talking and hanging out with me

But it is genuinley messing with my brain a bit that not once did she think to send me a message (and i get that now even more then ever since we finished highschool and dont live in the same city and such)

In general the TLDR is Im getting conflicting messages from my friend and dont know if they want to keep the friendship going It feels to me as if im trying very hard to make a sinking ship float

If anyone has some advice or thought that would be nice

submitted by /u/imdepresed0
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Was I assaulted?

Hey Reddit! (English isn't my first language so keep that in mind!)
I (F21) was on a date yesterday with a guy (M22) I met through mutual friends. This was our third date, we had kissed but nothing else physically. We had some drinks at a bar and then another one at his place. After that, we started to makeout and things progressed (you get the idea). As he was fingering me, I asked him to stop but he continued. I told him repeatedly to stop and even tried to move his hand away about four times, but he was a lot stronger than me so I couldn't really do anything. After a while I just let it happen and I even orgasmed. The thing is that during it I wasn't really scared, I didn't really feel any strong emotion. Afterward, we had PIV sex, I stayed the night and we even cuddled. The morning after he was really sweet and we made plans to see each other again.
I'm really conflicted about it because, on one hand, I know that what he did was wrong and a crime in my country's jurisdiction. But at the same time, I don't really feel assaulted or sad about it. And as previously stated, during it, I didn't feel bad or something like that. I think he must have thought that I was only teasing and not really meaning it when I said: “stop”. I just want an outsider's perspective on it as I don't want to talk to my friends about it.

TLDR: A guy im dating continuted to finger me after i told him to stop. Was i assulted?

submitted by /u/ThrowRANBlue12
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* This article was originally published here