I have a group of friends in college with whom I usually hang out and sit close to them in class. It's because of this reason that we usually do all of the group projects together. Lately though, I've started resenting them, as it seems every teacher decided to assign us a group project at the same time, and I'm carrying the group in all of the them.
They show no initiative in doing the work, and I have to be the one who starts the project and asking them to please contribute something. I've sent the documents many times in our group chat, asking "hey, who can do X?" and all of them simply ignore me. I understand if they might not want to start as soon as I ask them to, but is it too much to ask to just respond something like "sure, I'll do X part"?
The thing is, I'm not very conflictive and I don't know how to call them out. It's always been like this and I simply put up with it, but now that we have 5 projects at the same time, I don't think I can do this anymore.
I've been choosing to stay with them because they are my closer friends. And, not to sound like I'm bragging, but I am one of the students who gets good grades in my classes, and I'm starting to think I should be making my projects with other friends who take college more seriously, but I fear my current group might take it wrong.
I need to know how to confront them without ruining the friendship, or otherwise how to change my group for projects in the future without it being awkward.
TL;DR Group of college friends don't contribute to any group project we do together, and I don't know how to confront them.
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* This article was originally published here