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Friday, September 23, 2022

my (27M) girlfriend (22F) left me the day my grandmother died and is abusing drugs and alcohol.

I am in love with this woman. We found eachother while we were both in abusive relationships and fell in love every way possible. My ex before her has many issues. Her best friend growing up killed herself over a breakup and I've always been worried she'd do the same. Shes threatened it many times, among many others things that are similar.

We've been seeing eachother for a year and a half. About 8 months ago, I moved out of my house that I lived with my ex at. I've been trying to cut off contact completely, but she is obsessed with me. Even my family is aware. Last time I went no contact, she had a psychotic episode and ended up hospitalized. I've been scared to break her hear since.

On the day my grandma died, my band was playing a show and my ex came to tell me about my grandma's death since my mother reached out to her, since my phone was broken at the time. A friend filmed the concert, and my girlfriend saw this and noticed me next to her. Without thinking first, she immediately freaked out and left me. I dont really blame her, I know how that looks.

She is not with this new guy, already seems really committed to him, and is taking a lot of molly and drinking a lot and it worries me. I've reached out to her friend who told me she loves me a lot, but is very upset and that she just wants her to be happy. I do too, and I know I can make her happy, because she told me that herself. I think she is on a bad path of self destruction.

She stayed the night last night, we kissed a lot and told eachother we love one another many times. She told me she was leaving for work, but I found out she was with the new guy. I texted her asking why she lied and she replied coldly, laughing at me. I feel like such an idiot. I sobbed to her several times while she was over. She was probably trying not to laugh. Her friend told me that she is on drugs ajd drunk and thinking irrationally. I'm worried about her.

Since she left me I've been seriously heartbroken. It's hard for me to eat, sleep, work, anything. We were so perfect for eachother and we both agreed on that last night but she is choosing to continue on this path of rushing things with the new guy and self destructing. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm so hurt, so depressed, and so confused. I hope I hear from her today so I know she's back to normal.

TL;DR: girlfriend broke up with me and is going off the deep end. I'm heartbroken and having trouble functioning.

submitted by /u/SilverGreen5054
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, September 22, 2022

My (22F) boyfriend (22M) hangs up in the middle of the night and does not call or text back until the next day

My bf and I are long distance at the moment and we usually FaceTime after work. One thing he does (that I feel crazy for even being upset about, but it deeply upsets me and I just can’t identify why) is he’ll say “hey my phone is buggy/laggy I’m gonna reset my phone I’ll be back” I’ll say alright, then he hangs up and doesn’t respond until the next day. This has been going on for a while so a couple days ago I said “Can you please communicate if you don’t wanna talk after you reset your phone before you hang up. I don’t mind it’s just it leaves me on mental cliffhangers.“ he told me he was sorry and he’ll start communicating what he’s doing once he hangs up. Problem is It happened again at 11pm last night except he didn’t tell me the usual “I’m resetting my phone” he just said “I’ll be back” hung up, no call no text since then. This specific time bothered me even more because.I know leading up to him hanging up he was texting a close female friend. I have literally no proof there’s even a connection between the two events I’ll admit it, but I will say it’s got me suspicious. I need some advice on if this situation makes sense to even be upset about tbh

Tl;dr boyfriend hangs up on me at night, doesn’t call back until the next day. I need advice on if me being upset over this is overreacting

submitted by /u/boringboredbored
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Following serious marital issues 4 years ago, my husband (35M) has had two long-term affairs. I (35F) don't want a divorce but don't know if there's any way to make him stop

My husband and I both work in very stressful and demanding jobs and are in the same field. Earlier we worked at the same firm so we at least got lunch together and commuted to work together. But it hasn't been the case for the last 4 years. We are both in our mid 30s.

We have had our ups and downs. He asked me to go to couples counselling when our problems first began but I said no. I deeply regret this now.

Because he's been having affairs since then. I know that he was seeing a friend of his for a year. But then he stopped. However, since last year, he's been seeing another friend of his and he's away from home a lot more than he was with the previous affair.

I don't want to walk away from the marriage. I also love him very much. I do think he still loves me but things have changed a lot. I'm mentioning this because people often assume that if you are not financially dependent on a man and don't have kids, you should be able to leave without problems. But I don't want to.

However, I don't know if there's anything that will make him stop the serial affairs.

I never thought I would be that woman who would turn a blind eye but yet I have become that person.

Really need some advice.

TLDR: My husband and I hit a rough patch 4 years ago and he's had serial long-term affairs. Don't want to leave but don't know if I can really get him to stop.

submitted by /u/throwawayredditedhey
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Today I was honest with my gf

This all happened an hour ago of me typing, my gf and Started dating in Highschool, and are currently dating in college, so today in a conversation with her, her friends, and a mutual friends, she brought up the topic of PDA, and how she always disliked PDA because she didn’t want to just be seen as u/Wonderful’s girlfriend, and all her friends laugh and say they understood but our mutual friend, I’ll call him Ryan, speaks up and says well it wasn’t communicated well on your end I guess huh. This statement makes everyone go quiet and when my girlfriend tried to pry, Ryan just told her to talk to me.

As everyone leaves she begins prying, at first I tell her it’s all in the past, but she really wants to know, and so as the prying got on I spilled, but I feel as I spilled I let out more than I had planned.

In the 2 years we were together I always found it odd how I could never hold hands with her in public, but with her guy friends she seemed so open, hugs, holding hands etc. Her hatred for PDA with me but the opposite with her friends always made me feel so less than, on top of that it always felt like I had to prioritize her. We had prom and everyone including my mom, made me ask her despite me not wanting to go, but I love how it’s an expectation for me but on her end she’s able to ditch me to go hang out with her friends. And sure her PDA acceptance got better as this year went on but it was only when the year had ended so it no longer mattered.

Then there’s also another one of her friends who I hate being around, but her reluctance to cut him off an always putting me in social situations with him has had me contemplating a break up every time. And when she asked me why I put up with all of this I just said, I’m her first relationship and she’s mine, I don’t really know what to do. I’ve liked her since the 6th grade, I worked so hard to get with her I don’t want to end it.

After the conversation she hasn’t spoken to me and is being very distant and I’m scared.

Tl;dr: I was honest with my gf about the last year of our relationship and how I’ve felt and she isn’t speaking to me

submitted by /u/Wonderful_Chain_9680
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, September 18, 2022

My girlfriend compares me to her sister


I (F22) and my girlfriend (F24) have been together for over two years.

I'm a competitive powerlifter and I have been into the sport since I was fourteen and I still do it at present. It's been almost a decade and I'm soon hoping to travel and compete more. There is one exercise I can't do, however, and it is pull-ups, not because I don't have the strength, but because I have elbow injury that's been preventing me from doing certain exercises. Anyway, recently I tried seeking therapy and am now learning to do pull ups despite my injury. I can do about three (I weight 190 pounds, I'm just tall) and I'm so happy that I decided to share it with my girlfriend.

The problem it, my girlfriend has a sister (F16) who began doing light exercises two months ago. She can do three pulls ups as well but she is very light (under 100 pounds). My girlfriend always says how I must seek advice from her and stuff like this and I remind her that my injury doesn't cancel a decade of training (compared to her sister's two months). If anything, her sister regularly asks me what she could improve and reaches out to me for guidance.

Yesterday my girlfriend was happy to share she was accepted in academia for arts. I bought her a new purse, some accessories for arts hobby and baked her cookies to show my pride and appreciation. In the evening I shared that I did three pull ups and I was about to cry when she said "You should learn from my sister, she does three no problem! Why took you so long? She must be following some special plan you should too," I felt kind of hurt and said "Well, she doesn't deadlift 400 pounds like me too." And she said "Why compare her to you, you are heavier and have trained for a long time." And I said "That's the point why are you always comparing me to her?"

My gf tried defending herself my saying she just points out how proud she is of her sister and I just left and haven't been in the mood to talk. How do I proceed? She says she doesn't compare me to anyone but anytime I even clue about training she would begin "Oh, my sister just did that..."

Other example is when I went jogging and she said when I returned "my sister beats you with twenty seconds haha." She then said I could be jealous of her sister which was the cherry top.

Any advice?

TL;DR my girlfriend compares my advanced weightlifting experience with her sister who began two months ago. When I confronted her and asked her to notice my achievements more she said I'm jealous.

submitted by /u/relativelyin
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* This article was originally published here