Me (M22) and her (F20) have been together for 3 was the sweetest relationship ever and she became my life...we decided not to really have friends (a mistake probably but it was a mutual decision and we were happy about it)....before she met me she partied, got very drunk and had mostly guy friends (because her and her mum get along with men better...)...but she gave up everything when she met me...alcohol....smoking....and I opened her eyes to her guy friends just wanting her for her body.....I didn't drink....I didn't smoke....I didn't have female friends....she would get scared and beg me not to......
So we were very happy....her family became my family....her home became my home and vice versa....for 3 years we were insanely in love and had future plans together (kids, a house), we started working to save up money for a house....
I WASN'T the best sometimes and she wanst either, we DID argue and have problems but always overcame them together and were happier than ever before...
Everything changed day she just disappeared with a friend (f) and went to a bar....she was gone for hours and I didn't hear from her...and when she did finally talk to me late at night, I wasn't happy and she didn't care how I felt.....she then asked for space and didn't want anything to do with me
After a week we spoke....and I said I would do ANYTHING to make it work....she wanted to have loads of friends, she wanted to get drunk and high and do all of this stuff that she said she HATED
I agreed and agreed....but then she said she wanted it to be with men.....she wants to go out with groups of MEN and get drunk and high with the....them take her home.....her go out with them all the time....she said she's not interested in anyone else and never will....but that's just not ok....the amount of paranoia I'd have....and if she ever DID cheat....I would NEVER know or find out.....just as I'm writing this I want to cry just imagining beloved being with men and then she just sleeps with one of them...God I want to just end it right now...but I'm trying so hard....
and that is NOT right....even tho I was in massive pain I still agreed but she said she's not sure is she wants to try again and she admits that she's fallen out of love....
I ENCOURAGED her to meet some friends, I didn't keep her in a box....and it started to work...but she never wanted to go out with men before...
I don't know who she is anymore....the sweet sweet girl that I loved and loved me was gone....overnight.....
I have noone....just 1 friend but he's busy often....I'm afraid of social interaction now and I just want my sweet girl back......but I know that she will be out getting drunk and high with other men....she won't want me back....and even if she does I won't be able to trust her....I'll probably cry every moment and genuinely want to die because I don't know what she's doing or if she's cheating on me....she says she would never do it....but she doesn't love me anymore so why wouldn't she.... She even said that we shouldn't even be in a relationship....maybe just casual dating...
I want to scream in agony, how did this sweet girl just does she just NOT love me anymore...even when days before we were so so happy....
I'm sorry for the long post....if I'm honest I don't even care If someone reads it....I'm just in alot of pain....I did so much for her ...and loved her with everything...and now she's a different person....and I'm completely alone wanting to honestly kill myself....every little joy in my life has been extinguished...I barely eat...and try not to stalk her on social media but I still do....everything around me is her...stuff she's made bears....little trinkets....every photo I have is of her....clothes that's she's gotten me....sweet letters that she wrote shows...songs....everything
I'll probably try to go on antidepressants and try to get myself together.....but I will hurt for a long time....and honestly will never love another woman like her again.....maybe I will kill myself....I'll try my best reddit....but its
TLDR: loving girlfriends of 3 years switches up overnight and doesn't love me anymore, wants to get drunk and high with men.
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/u/_Domi_Mochi [link] [comments]
* This article was originally published here