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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Bf (M24) clumsily admits to thinking I'm ugly (F22)

Hey guys,

I've always thought I was ugly, and today wasn't a good day in regards of anything. We've been arguing and I just broke down. I started crying on the floor, whereas he joined me. I then started to mention things I disliked about us arguing. Examples K mentioned was that it made me feel less worthy of love... etc.

And so I unfortunately started saying "It's because I'm ugly isn't it? We're fighting like this because you think that." And he said "no, you're not" the first time. To which I replied "But I am...", to which he replied what this whole post is about: "Stop saying it anyway". Which caused me to break down even more, questioning what he just said, resulting in him saying "I only meant "I know you think so, but don't say it anyway", ended with him going to bed, closing the bedroom door afterwards.

I want to believe him, but his explanation sounds like something he just made up, being in distress. How can I move on from this, and how should I think? I know it's my fault for bringing it up, I'm not conventionally attractive, but not completely hideous either, I want to believe. I've heard that I'm ugly, and vice versa a couple of times, so it's hard to figure out what I, myself think. What I know though, is that this really took a toll on me.

Any advice in this regard would help, how do you guys interpret what he said, and would you believe him?

TL;DR: Bf (M24) clumsily admits to thinking I'm ugly (F22)

submitted by /u/LilyPinkie
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* This article was originally published here

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