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Friday, June 3, 2022

Best way to ask where things are going?

So I've (m24) been seeing this girl (f26) for the last 3 months (at least once a week for 2 months) and its been going well imo but I'm a bit confused on how she feels about it, she is super keen in person and is always the one to ask when we can next meet up and comes up with plans as well but she is terrible at talking when we aren't together and can not reply to texts for hours or a day.

She says she doesn't like texting which is fair enough but it just feels a bit weird to me because everyone else I've been with I talk to everyday so I'm not used to not talking to someone I'm seeing for days and it's confusing me on if she is really that interested

It says she wants a relationship on her dating profile but we haven't had the what are you looking for conversation so I'm wondering how to best have the conversation so I have a rough idea on where things are going and maybe ask for exclusivity.

Any help would be much appreciated

TLDR - Girl (26) is super keen on me (24) when in person but is bad a texting so I want to find the best way to ask how she sees thing going?

submitted by /u/KieranID98
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* This article was originally published here

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