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Monday, October 2, 2023

A 15 year olds take on love lmao

The ability to love is a beautiful thing. You will receive smiles, laughs, moments to cherish and even tears. There is hardships and frustrations that come with love and I think it's the ability for two individuals to see the imperfections of another and accept them for it. Sometimes love wanes. Sometimes it leaks and you can't do anything about it but what makes love so beautiful is when it works. It isn't forced. It isn't perfect by any means but it's happy. Sure a pretty face and a nice body is nice but someone who can hold you through the yucky tears and the bleeding thoughts is what love really is. A true connection between 2 people no matter how big or small, stupid or smart, funny or not. The fleeting desire for this connection is what's corrupting this world and the lack of true matrimony plagues this world more so than war, greed or any of the sort. Loyalty. Honesty. Kindness. All traits a vast amount of people seem to be missing in the modern age and key requirements for love. So, do you truly love? Or are you living some deluded expectation of 'love'? Question yourself. What is love?

Love is the fragile bond between 2 people that at the least want the best for one and another. And at the most no war can be fought or not battle can be won to symbolize the connection between those people. To make someone your whole world is a dangerous game that will only end in tears. But that tiny percentage of the population that found 'the one'. Hats off to you. You were lucky enough to experience love in this degenerate generation.


**TL;DR;** : A cringe take on love by some teen.

submitted by /u/salsuck
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* This article was originally published here

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