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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

My (f29) boyfriend (m32) made a comment on my work ethic and now I don’t feel like going to his relatives birthday event.

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2.5 years and live together.

I’ve recently been struggling with my mental health. I have a history of really bad anxiety. I took a new job a few months back in the area we moved to (outside the city). I don’t drive yet but I’m trying! I failed my test before due to severe anxiety on the exam day. I live in the U.K. where they are pretty strict with the test so it’s not that easy either.

Anyway, I’ve been using extremely unreliable public transport and my standard journey is 1.5 hours and back. Sometimes the bus never comes so I have to wait an hour for the next one so it come take me over 3 hours to get home. I’m burnt out from the commute and can’t wait til I pass my test next year, and cabs aren’t an option as I don’t earn enough to pay for them every day.

I handed in my notice and my manager is trying everything to make me stay. He’s quite unprofessional and tells me about his mental health problems, how he cries on his bed and how hard life is as he hired someone else to make him feel good but now I’m leaving. He also said the main boss wants to hire an immigrant as they are hard working. So yes he made it about himself. This was super draining so I got back home last night and broke down in tears.

I couldn’t sleep last night due to anxiety about the job. I woke up and told my boyfriend that I want to stay home today as I’m on the verge of a breakdown. He then said that’s fine but it’s true what my boss said about immigrants being harder working (my boyfriend has immigrant parents). He apologised when he’s realised it hurt me but I told him that I’m pretty much done for today and I’m not in the mood to see ANYONE. So I’ve cancelled going to his house for his nans birthday. Hope I’m not being too harsh.

TL;DR: I’m taking a mental health day off from work (a job that I’m leaving) as I’m on the verge of a breakdown, and boyfriend made an insensitive joke about my work ethic.

submitted by /u/Aztecprincess94
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* This article was originally published here

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