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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Guy (23M) I’m (24F) casually dating is on a lads holiday, should I expect him to message me?

I’ve been dating this guy for just over 3 months now. We haven’t had the talk about what we are, as I knew he’s going on this lads holiday to Ibiza so didn’t want to bring it up before he goes. It’s an expensive holiday and notorious for partying so I know what he will be getting up to, so I didn’t want to pressure him before it.

He stayed over on Sunday night and was making jokes about how I’ll be at home missing him whilst he’ll be dancing, and that I can’t see him for a while now (he’s there for 9 days), and he was kissing me loads before he left to say goodbye. He’s not contacted me since he left mine that morning, and usually he messages me later the same day. He flies out today and I’m wondering if he’ll even message me at all whilst he’s away.

As we’re not exclusive or anything, I know I can’t really expect anything from him. But I can’t help but feel like it would be disrespectful if he doesn’t message me once the whole time he’s away, and that I should just cut him off and move on in that case? I guess I’m just in two minds and not sure how i should handle the situation. If I don’t expect anything from him and he doesn’t contact me the whole time then we just go back to normal when he’s back, would that just be me being taken advantage of and not respected by him? I guess I see it as him not messaging shows I’m not on his mind at all and he’s not being considerate of my feelings (as he acknowledged that I’ll be missing him)

Obviously we haven’t had the talk and I know that. A couple weeks ago he was being slow on his messages (as in a few days at a time) and I told him if he’s going to put no effort into speaking to me then I won’t be interested anymore. He apologised and explained he stuff going on, but agreed he shouldn’t leave it so long. I said he just needs to communicate and let me know that. So I have voiced how I feel about effort in messaging.

I just want advice really on what I can rightly expect and react in this situation, whether he messages me or doesn’t at all.

TL;DR Dating guy for 3 months but not had the talk yet about exclusivity etc. He’s just flown out for a holiday to Ibiza with friends for 9 days. Last saw him on Sunday night when he stayed the night at my house, and he’s not contacted me since. Don’t know if I’m right to feel disrespected if he doesn’t message me at all, or if I shouldn’t expect anything and be okay with no contact and continuing as normal when he’s back.

submitted by /u/Exciting_Opposite_51
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* This article was originally published here

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