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Friday, June 14, 2024

Has anybody ever wondered if there partner might be too good for them?

Hi, I, a 60 ish year old male, once fell in love with a 57 year old lady. I possibley made the relationship difficult for both of us by being insecure about my own value and sense of self worth. I get compliments all the time and am regarded very highly by other people.

She was a fantastic person although anyone who knows her would say she is reserved. Make that very reserved. So although she was very affectionate, she would never verbalise it.

In any case, I used to wonder about this issue and I wondered how anyone else might have dealt with it?

tdlr Has anyone wondered about there parner being too good for them and how did you handle it?

submitted by /u/Integritynumber1
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* This article was originally published here

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