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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

why does my life revolve around men and their love and attention

tl;dr: my last relationship has ended ages ago and i still compare myself to the new girl and how she is better than me.

this is a throwaway. hello everyone. its kind of an existential question but im 24[f] now and as far back as i can remember i have CRAVED attention from men. i only felt worthy when a man gave me attention. when i was younger it felt good to have a man care for me like he was my father. it goes without saying that my father wasnt very present my whole life. fast forward to 20 years old. i get into my very first relationship. i didnt love him but forced myself to. he ended it and i spiralled. spiralled as in lost weight and felt terrible and disgusting about myself for a good three months. i started hooking up with guys to ‘sexually relieve myself’ but ended up way too attached. got into a new relationship two years later and felt like some of my needs were met but i wanted to be around him all the time and he broke it off. we only lasted 5/6 months. needless to say i spiralled off a lot more than last time. a few months after the breakup i found out he had started dating a girl a month after the breakup. i started getting obsessed with her. stalking her everywhere and asking myself how shes better than me. i dont have to tell you that my self esteem is terrible. i need that validation to ‘exist’ which is to be fair very exhausting and honestly disgusting. im tired of this cycle. of how i compare myself to the new girl like any person’s opinion of me matters. but it does matter so much to me. im tired of men trying to talk to me because they see the outside visually appealing and when they get to know me and find out im not as intimidating as i seemed and i am in fact very loving and caring they run away. ive been doing therapy since the breakup but its been so long and im not changing. i even got into a thing with a guy that ghosted me after he slept with me a few times. if you’re going to tell me i have to love myself, i agree, but tell me HOW to do it please.

edit: all the men i dated and hooked up with were my age or a year older.

submitted by /u/throwaway___qeiwo
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, February 27, 2023

Why is it so easy for an OW [28F] to move on and get married, or a family member [33F] who ostracizes nice people to get married and have a kid, while I'm [34F] still struggling??

I am in such a bitter mood this morning.

My life sucks. I'm turning 35 soon and feel I still have nothing to show for it. I'm unmarried, not even dating anyone or having an active sex life, no kids, never been pregnant, still not a homeowner, my beloved car that I financed and paid off in full got totaled last year (I have a different car now but it's not the same, isn't even a color I like), and the only thing decent is my meh job that doesn't even require the 4-year college degree I have, is far away, and is very stressful and not nearly as inclusive of me in their workplace as my last job with the same company (at a different location) was. I am NOT looking forward to turning 35, at all.

My lack of kids definitely hasn't been due to a lack of trying. When I was 24, I started seeking out a man who would be marriage material and who wanted to have a serious relationship in hopes I could work toward getting married and then having kids. At 25 I thought I met such a guy. He was about 11 years older, great nice guy, great math-related job, homeowner, etc. Very geeky but I was perfectly okay with that and considered it a good thing, especially in terms of my serious-minded goals. As it turned out, he acted mature but when it came to relationship milestones was immature and noncommittal. Although he was very nice and my parents liked him a lot, I ended up feeling strung along for over 2 years. Meanwhile, my closest friends admitted and hinted that he wasn't into the whole having kid thing and that he just wanted to keep living his single life and enjoying his freedom (hmmm explains why he didn't stand up for himself to his job when they kept sending him on all these faraway business trips for weeks at a time, grrr), so eventually because I wanted kids and marriage and he didn't, we mutually broke up. I thought at least this would give me the freedom to find someone more compatible and willing to do the things I wanted. Instead, I ended up lonely and struggling in the dating world.

In my efforts to try and find a guy to actually want to have kids with me, I settled and accepted someone who didn't quite meet all the checkboxes, a guy I was set up with through my then-male BFF. The areas he was lacking, he was several years younger than me and he had a past criminal conviction. We got along great at first and I was determined not to screw it up, even being overly patient with certain relationship milestones (e.g., sex) because I thought if I gave in too soon, I might set myself up to get used or seen as short-term material only. Almost a year in, I THOUGHT things were going good and that we were trying for a baby and engaged-to-be-engaged but he became distant, dumped me, and then after we got back together half a year later, horrifically serial cheated on me and impregnated a younger, thinner girl...a girl who ironically was the same age I was when I first decided I felt mentally ready to have kids and settle down, 24. I was seething and outraged. By the time I found out about the affair baby and other girl, we'd already been broken up for months but that just made it worse because I wasn't able to dramatically confront him or really show him what he deserved, plus the insult and pain of knowing how many people who I thought were my friends who probably hid this affair from me.

Years later, I finally started speaking to my family again (I distanced myself when they continually treated me in a condescending manner because I didn't have kids, acting like I was naive to life while simultaineuosly telling me I wasn't ready for kids even though I had cousins and siblings who'd had kids by that age or even younger). I also got talking to my extended family and cousins and got very close to a cousin who's my age minus 1-2 years. She was still unmarried and childless in her early 30s too. When I finally confided in her my decision to do artificial insemination with donor sperm, she freaked out on me and ended our friendship, called me selfish, said I was stupid to willfully get pregnant out of wedlock, etc. As it turned out, she was a total deceptive hypocrite. She ended up getting pregnant by trying/intentionally with her BF only a few months later, then hiding the pregnancy from me until the very end, then not inviting me to her baby shower yet inviting both my sisters. She had her baby in November and nobody in the family bothered to tell me until I started questioning my immediate family members about it more than a month later at Christmas time, then they told me but were curt about it and tried to change the subject. I feel so left out because I don't have kids.

And now, on top of everything else, I find out that the young little blonde who had my toxic cheater XBF's baby, is now ENGAGED and awaiting her wedding date by a much better guy! Even though older strangers on sites like survivinginfidelity told me XBF would never stay by her, he actually ended up surprising everyone by doing a 180 and being a loyal BF and involved dad. He moved her and the kid into his big house (which he had bought years earlier far below market value with an inheritance, back when the market was VERY good for home buying) and they, who started as a sl**ty one night stand, became an actual couple. She stayed with him for over 2 yrs until she apparently broke up with him and moved out. I admit I followed their pages for a while because I was curious how their lives were turning out after this and if the people from survivinginfidelity were right that they'd eventually "crash n burn" figguratively or not, as I didn't want to see them keep doing great when I was floundering in my own life. She left him and while it seemed she was fine being single afterwards, she started dating again somewhat quickly and less than a year later, was in the relationship she's in now, with a taller, better looking, slightly older guy who seems to be a better catch than XBF. He has a kid too from a previous relationship so isn't this the perfect little stepfamily situation (rolls eyes). Of course they ended up engaged within a normal engagement timeline of slightly less than 2 years, and now they have a summer wedding and online registry. I'm upset because she acted in ways my mom and grandmother always told me that would never lead to guys taking you seriously or wanting to marry you, i.e. unprotected sex with a one night stand she met at a bar party, yet in the end SHE'S getting married, and I'm not! How unfair is that?!

WHY does it seem that even though I do all the right things, I get left behind in the dust?? And before you tell me to "love myself", "date myself", "marry myself", etc let me tell you, I've tried the artificial insemination thing on my own and so far it hasn't worked, and I would buy a house on my own but apparently I make nowhere near enough money especially with sky high house price inflation these days. Attempts to bring in paying roommates in the spare room of my apartment to cut expenses so I can save up for a house has also backfired in my face, BADLY, to the point that they not only became two-faced deadbeats on their rent, but one guy insisted on staying as an unpaying squatter and then was found DEAD in my apartment. I feel like every effort I make to get ahead is just one step forward three steps back. What can I do to propel MY life forward and find love for once?

TL/DR: It is highly unfair that the AP who got impregnated by my XBF while I was still technically with him gets to go on to have a great life and trade up for a better guy than XBF who she is now marrying this summer, while I'm stuck striking out in the dating world and struggling to get things in my life. What can I do to improve MY life?

submitted by /u/seekingmorefromlife
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, February 26, 2023

My Ex (X) Is Mad ab Something I Did After We Broke Up

Recently (about 2mo ago) my(23F) ex(23M) and I split up after about a year and some change. It was for the best as the relationship was toxic for the both of us. I'm horrible at breakups and probably have an anxious attachment style. For 3 weeks I did the whole nonstop crying and trying to reach out and be friends and even at times asking if we could just work it out. I know, bad OP. We would text, but no calls or hanging out. I asked if that would ever change, and he said he never wanted to see or speak to me again in his life. This was my sign that I was holding on to something that was clearly way beyond dead. I downloaded some dating apps and started meeting people, just to prove to myself that I could, and that I didn't just have to sit at home alone and sad. Around this time, an old fwb(Y) that I've known for years and had been friends with during X and I's relationship, started wanting to hang out. I kind of knew what was up and I told him I wasn't really looking for sex or anything else, but that we could hang out. One night, about 6 weeks after the breakup, things were getting steamy and I just thought "this is fine." It wasn't and I stopped it after like 2 seconds because I didn't feel ready. Some time later, X reached out to hook up. He directly asked me if I had been with anyone else and I was honest. The night progressed as he had planned, even after I told him, and we honestly had a really good talk about why our relationship had been so toxic. We both admitted we still had some unresolved feelings, and he admitted that he was trying to seem over it the whole time, to create distance. We've been talking for the last two weeks, and all of a sudden he says that he's so pissed that I had sex with Y so soon, and that it makes it worse that it was someone he didn't like while we were dating. For additional details, Y and I had a brief fwb stint a couple summers ago, have known each other for 8 years, and while X and I dated I saw Y once, in a group setting. I'm kind of pissed too. Pissed that he couldn't admit how he was feeling and instead told me he never wanted to see or speak to me again. What was I supposed to do, hold a candle for it forever? Do I wish that I hadn't had sex with Y? Sure thing, for myself. However, if X had been honest about how he felt, and talked to me about it instead of saying he never wanted to see or speak to me again, it would never have even happened. I'm just anxious and sad all over again. I know that the relationship should probably stay over just based on the feelings this is causing for myself but I uhhhhh am very bad at endings.

TLDR: my ex and I were thinking about getting back together, but he said he's angry that I had sex with someone else while we were broken up.

submitted by /u/mangeyraccoon
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, February 25, 2023

How do I (21F) tell my parents about my boyfriend (23m)?

So I've been dating this guy for 4 months and it's going well. I already met his parents and his friends, but my parents don't even know that I'm dating somebody. They're suspecting it, but I always kind of lie about it to them. I don't know why I'm so scared to tell them. I guess I just never even told them that I have a crush before or anything and it's so weird to bring this up. I feel like they would start looking at me differently if they knew that I'm being romantic/sexual with someone lol. And of course, I feel like they would judge him. How do I get over this fear? It's gettting hard to keep this relationship a secret.

TL;DR: I've been dating a guy for 4 mnoths and I'm scared to tell my parents about him. What do I do ?

submitted by /u/ummlost1
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, February 24, 2023

Mine (F38) isn't comfortable around me and I don't want to break up, but it's the best option at the cost of ending up like the bad guy

Before me, my partner had never been with a woman. We have been together for 5 years and have always had a good relationship. She didn't tell anyone about our relationship, and she didn't tell her children about my real relationship. To the children, my relationship with her mother was just friends.

My partner refuses to organize anything, and one day when she sent me a photo of the two of them together, I told her that I would appreciate it if she told me they were going out so I could join. My partner gets mad and says to me that sometimes I make her nervous because I don't know how to present myself in public and those people are in a different category than me. I was rightfully annoyed and told her it would be fine if I didn't meet the girl, but there was no need to attack my character.

From this I understood that it all had to do with the fact that she wasn't used to me as a woman and wasn't ready to accept it. I told her so. TLDR partner feels uncomfortable around me but blames me for it and is not ready to accept the fact that she is in a relationship with a woman.

submitted by /u/ivanlove_2233
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, February 23, 2023

I (25F) think about endings things everyday after i broke up with my bf (35M)

I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years, 8 months ago and i've been thinking weekly, if not daily to end things. I really dont find joy anymore in anything, my favourite part of the day is when i sleep and i dont feel anything anymore. I cant stop blaming myself for everything I did wrong in the relationship, for being ungrateful, unexperienced while my ex is happy with someone else.

I just cant take it anymore. I cant forget the life i had before with my ex and i keep telling myself maybe if i would have been more patience, more understanding, less spoiled. I know it has more to do with myself, because im not happy with my life, but i dont think i ll ever come to he level of happiness i achieved with my ex, before starting to fight w him. He was my first boyfriend, and he was everything i wanted at first, i really thought he was a gift from God and i was so happy i found someone with whom i could be happy and who would take care of me, unlike my parent's relationship.

Im tired of living with this weight on my chest, im crying everyday and its exhausting for me and those around me.

Tl;dr: I (25F) think about endings things everyday after i broke up with my bf (35M)

submitted by /u/ThrowRastarssie
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Unsure if I [21M] got rejected by her [21F], confusing signals

I [21M] have been talking to this woman [21F] whom I met online. We’ve been talking since sunday.

My plan was to ask her out, as the vibe has been good these last days. So that’s what I did yesterday. I asked if she wanted to go ice skating with me this Friday. She answered that she’s busy. I interpreted this as a rejection immediately as she didn’t give an alternative day, and answered: “No worries, let me know when you’re free”.

My reasoning behind sending this was that I did my part and that if she wanted to hang out in the future it has to come from her.

TL;DR: Asked a girl out and she is giving me unsure signals.

EDIT: She just answered that she loves ice skating, and is free Monday. Now I’m not sure anymore on how to interpret this.

submitted by /u/YoungLad19548
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

My (30M) gf (33F) is very insecure and I don't know how to save the relationship or if it's even possible

We've been together for almost 2 years and we have lived together for most of that time. Things moved really fast at the start. Despite being 30, it's my first relationship and I had no idea what's normal, expected, etc.

She has a lot of mental health trouble. She has PTSD from people in her life dying (said by her psychologist, not self diagnosed). She also has abandonment issues from when she was a kid and treated very badly by her parents. this leads to a lot of insecurity and jealousy.

Now, I am not a perfect person or bf by any means. In particular there are two main things that hurt my gf that I did. I watched porn and after a few months that we had a terrible discussion about it I caved in and watched it again. I don't think there's anything wrong with porn and the first time I could say we didn't have a discussion about it and didn't know, but the second time I knew it was not ok for her and still couldn't stop myself and it makes me very ashamed. I also confessed to her that I sometimes have thoughts about other women when thinking of sex. I confessed all these things to her myself, she didn't discover me. And I made sure to try and explain that they were only fantasies and I NEVER intended and never intend to have sex with another woman or anything of the sort.

So while you keep my failings in mind, I want to point out that many of the things below started before any of that even happened, so it's not just a kneejerk reaction to what I did.

She wants to spend every second together (even being in the same room but doing different things is not good enough for her, we have to be constantly interacting or doing something together at all times), doesn't want me to see people alone both because she doesn't want to spend time apart but also because she has to "control that I'm being proper" and I risk interacting with other girls without her being able to check on me. She doesn't want me to have female friends and interactions. She reads all messages from my phone. If she can't be there (mostly just when I am at work) and I am seeing someone, she wants real time accounts of exactly who I am talking with and what we are saying. When outside, she will randomly accusing me of looking at women all the time, most of the time I don't even know which woman she is referring to. It makes me feel very suffocated. Sometimes I PHYSICALLY feel like I'm drowning and I can't breathe.

So while I am not without fault, I feel like her requests and behaviour are over the line and my actions only gave justification to things she wanted or needed to have either way. And as I stated, they started before any of that even happened. I struggle with setting boundaries and she is very hard to set boundaries with. I have no idea how to approach a conversation about the subject. Every time I try she brings up the episodes above and she automatically wins.


gf doesn't trust me partly because of things I did, but partly because of her mental health issues and makes unreasonable requests that I have been accepting because I feel guilty and I have no idea how to change it or if it's even possible

submitted by /u/Civil_Lengthiness937
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, February 20, 2023

Did my friend betray me?

Tldr: I asked my best friend to cut ties with her group of friends who have hurt me badly. She refused.

So to cut to the chase, there is this girl(Let's call her Sara) who I am really close friends with. We have known each other for a long time and in these times I had also developed feelings for her. After I communicated my feelings for her, I got friend zoned by her, took some time off and then became her good friend again. After that I felt really happy how this situation had turned out. All in all, at this point I considered her someone who I can trust a lot with almost anything. I had always helped her when she needed something and I knew I could rely on her for the same.

Anyways now here is what had happened. In our college mess, she, I, and a group of our mutual friends were having lunch. This other girl( let's call her Tricia) who was sitting next to me was also 'friends' with me for 6 years. (Emphasis on the friends part).

Anyways, in campus it is not common for guys and girls who are in a platonic relationship to often have some physical contact. I have seen Tricia have such contact with guys she deemed close friends. Having known her for 6 years and she having been really close to my family at one point I thought that she would also be ok with me having some physical contact with her.

I jokingly pocked her cheeks and she got uncomfortable. Then even after I apologized countless times she and her group of friends began to shout at me in front of everyone and called me a sexual harasser. All eyes of the entire lunch table were on me. I was humiliated to the core.

After that, I was pissed at them. I wanted to take some action against them for deliberately trying to hamper my image on campus but that is a different story.

Anyways, later I asked Sara to break all ties with Tricia and her group of friends who were all in on this bullying. Sara is also somewhat friends with that group.

She replied me on text saying that 'I can' t force her to act upon my will.' and that she 'has her won descretion.' She also said things like 'how her talking to them matters to me?'

I told her that I would have done the same for her if she was in my position and later asked her if she was still their friends. She hasn't replied to my last text but I am wondering if this was the right thing to ask.


submitted by /u/Crimson_Nightwing
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, February 19, 2023

My girlfriend (24) and I(25)

met in early October and began dating since then. We have been having a really good time together and she had mentioned how she wanted to take everything really slow which I told her I respect. However I had mentioned that I tend to move a little faster than the pace she would like to which she also understood. So after 3 months of dating I decided to pop the question and we made it official. She said she would’ve liked for me to wait a month or 2 more before but it worked out. So a month into being official, I told her that I felt the “three words”(I love you). I didn’t say it but I said it without saying it. I went with that approach because I don’t want to say the words until I know she’ll say it back. I knew she wasn’t going to say it back because she wanted to move slower but I decided to say it because in all honesty it is what I felt. She looked at me funny and I knew I kind of triggered her and she said that I’m moving to fast. She said it’s completely fine but I know it’s kind of not. We’re on good terms but it made me feel like a weirdo for saying it within that time frame. So my question is, do you think I said way too soon?

TLDR: Dated for 3 months before making it official. Have been official for a month and I said “I love you” kinda. Was it too soon?

submitted by /u/anonchromosome
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Why women don't meet me? (32m)

For the last month, I have been chasing women in various places, mostly online. My ultimate intention is to find a woman for committed long term relationship. But I am open to short, non committed.

In one conversation, I had convinced a woman to meet me. During a meeting, she didn't even disclose her age. And what she looks for from a man. I am sure a (38f) has idea about this case. (I estimated her age as she mentions the year she was studying in the university.) We basically talked some politics and she left earlier. We were supposed to walk in a big park. Then case closed never to meet again.

Another case... I met this lady from a speed dating event. We had some common interests, common ideas on life.. After chatting for a few days, we agreed to meet up on Thursday. Suddenly, on Wednesday, she got sick. And for the following weeks, she had an overwhelming work. She never met me.

Another case... One lady was coming from a small town to my city nearly every week. She was staying with (genderless) friend's flat on Saturdays. Possibly this friend is somehow like a boyfriend. Since I have none, I would take this chance. Anyways... She agreed to meet me on Sunday and I was supposed to take her to bus station till 7 PM. I agreed and made a plan. She didn't answered my messages till Friday. And she didn't even gave me an excuse for not coming. She just didn't come. I wasn't there to wait her too.

I will cut short. After having some conversations, i asked another lady's number. Her answer was... I'm not ready for relationship. I'm in such situation... Jeeezzz. I didn't ask your p.ssy. Just a phone number. I will be wise not to disturb you. Otherwise it takes just 10 seconds to block someone. Another one dont even share her number after first date. Who said first meeting would be a date?.. And several other small chats that leads nowhere.

I question myself on this issue. Am I the problem? Or is this the market? How to get myself out of this situation?

TL;DR! Women don't meet me. Am I the problem? Or the whole market is the problem? How to get out of this situation?

submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Eye-4197
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, February 17, 2023

[25M][23F] (2 months) My girlfriend wants to “keep things simple”, whereas I enjoy deeper conversations. How do we find a healthy middle?

I often like to have conversations with my girlfriend about many things I find important. I also ask her to give me eye-contact during those moments, which I think is basic respect. She says she is able to listen to me intently even without eye-contact, and doesn’t understand that I feel it is a matter of respect to be fully engaged during conversations I feel are important, or at least first assess whether a topic could be considered “important” from both sides.

My girlfriend, however, says that she likes to “keep things simple” sometimes, and that my thoughts/deep conversations can come across as tiring to her.

Yesterday, we were talking about things over food, and I started the topic of what exactly makes people comfortable, and where those feelings come from, being a psychology nerd. This caused my girlfriend to react in an almost scared way, as she shut-down the conversation and said she didn’t want to talk about this topic because she was “worried it will end up in a disagreement again”.

Today, she told me that she actually feels tired oftentimes because my deep conversations overload her mentally. I understand that she is currently doing her masters degree and applying for PhD programmes, so perhaps that is a factor why she sometimes needs intellectual downtime!

She said that the crux of why she finds this difficult to handle is because usually, it is when I reiterate things I talked about before, that even after she would say “I agree” or “I disagree”, I still go on about this topic. Of course, me loving her, I want to know her perspective, rather than just a blanket “agree” or “disagree”.

I told her today to let me know when she isn’t feeling up for a deep conversation, and to also point out when I ruminate as I have ADHD. Perhaps, and ADHD brain can be very taxing on a partner, so maybe that’s an issue?

How do I help my girlfriend be less scared of talking about deeper topics without adding too much pressure? I proposed that she tell me when it’s a bad time, and that we rather talk about it later when she’s more up for it. Her response was that it’s not an optimal solution, as we would still need to talk about whatever topic is on my mind. I see it as her disregarding the thoughts I find important. She does agree though that “sometimes, deep conversations are important”.

I see two ways forward here: Either, we work on this and find a balanced middle, or I tell her that my intellectual needs aren’t being met and move on to someone else. It’s only been two months, so that’s also an option in my book.

What are your thoughts?

TL;DR: Girlfriend feels tired of too many deep conversations. Looking for a way forward to compromise. Considering breaking up gracefully if it is too serious of an issue to handle.

submitted by /u/AnglophileAlex
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, February 16, 2023

I (30M) told my partner (26F) I don't know how I feel about her past

I (30M) need advice, I feel like I've been completely unfair towards my partner (26F) due to my honesty.

We've only been together for almost half a year now, things got serious rather quickly and we now live together, have done for just over a month.

About two weeks my partner decided she'd like to tell me about her past, she was a webcam model for 2 years. Initially my reaction was just.. oh cool and I had some questions she was happy to answer.

Then it started to play on my mind a lot, I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression which isn't helping me process all of this.

We had a discussion last night after I was honest and said I'm still not sure how I feel about it.

She asked me is it something you would break up with me for? My honest answer right then was, I don't know. She started to cry and told me the thought of us splitting up made her feel like a little part of her inside had died, it broke my heart, I was upset at this too as I never want to hurt her.

Was it wrong of me to be honest and say I don't know? I understand now that she must feel like she's on a piece of rope that could snap at anytime. I've had last night and all night to think about it and its definitely not something I want to break up over and I would like to deal with it so it doesn't become an issue again. I've told her this but I'm afraid the damage is already done.

TL:DR: My partner was a webcam model, she asked if its something I would end the relationship over. I said I don't know.

submitted by /u/bRighteyez7
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Boyfriend’s friend/ex won’t leave him alone

My boyfriend and I have been on and off for 7 years, solidly back on for over 2 years and have lived together for a year. We’re in a very serious place and other than the below, we’re very happy.

Approx 4 years ago (when him and I were ‘on’) I met his new female friend and immediately felt uncomfortable with their relationship. She greeted me by saying she knew specific intimate details about mine and my boyfriends sex life and was generally flirty around him. They also spent a huge amount of time together, more than he spent with me. He knew I felt uncomfortable about it and along with other reasons, we ultimately broke up. Shortly afterwards, he slept with her.

When we got back together he admitted he’d slept with her once, they remained friends but he knew if things were going to work with me then she couldn’t be a part of our lives anymore and he cut her off. It was his choice but I’m relieved as being honest I don’t think I could have had coped with her being around.

Now over the last couple of years, she messages him every couple of months. He’s shown me the messages and he doesn’t reply but she continues to message along the lines of she misses him. A couple of months ago it still wouldn’t stop so he blocked her number. She’s now started reaching out on Facebook instead.

Any advice on what to do? It’s been years and she still won’t leave him alone and it’s wearing me down.

He’s suggested sending her a message requesting her to stop but I don’t really want to open a dialogue with her.

TL;DR boyfriend cut off his female friend who he slept with once during one of our breaks. She’s messaged constantly, he’s blocked her so she’s now reaching out on social media

submitted by /u/Ok_Breath9207
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

I'm [28M] terrified of letting go of my GF [28F] of 4 years as we reach a junction whereby our paths are diverging. Will I regret letting go of love to pursue my goals and ambitions?

Feeling quite desperate around this whole situation and seeking external advice.

We've been together for 4 to 4.5 years and since we are from opposite ends of the world (20 hours flight) we have had a very intense, deep relationship full of shared experiences. We have both lived in each others country for long periods of time, travelled to many different countries together, and lived with each other for almost this whole duration of time.

In this period we've developed our own paths to go after our dreams which has involved moving towards self employment. Unfortunately, it's beginning to feel like our own individual careers/dreams would be better off without the relationship. My business is more profitable when I can travel a lot more, and I would also be able to develop my craft when I can allocate more time to it and less time to my relationship.
As for my GF, she is 1 year into her journey and in order to progress with her career it would benefit her to be able to travel to different places where she can work closer with other people on projects and she would be able to learn more and build an even stronger network to help her breakthrough into an industry which is hard to break through when alone.

Unfortunately, the cities I want to go to for my business are predominantly cities that don't align with the cities my girlfriend wants to go to. It would be really hard for her to follow me because she would have no social network and I'd be wanting to work late hours leaving her feeling isolated from the networks she wants to get closer to.

One way the relationship could potentially work is if I lived with her in Europe and compromised the amount of travelling I'd be doing (e.g. 1 week every 5 weeks), as opposed to the nomadic lifestyle I would otherwise be living. Doing so would result in a less than optimal way for me to grow my business and chase my dreams.

Furthermore, it's worth mentioning that we both don't have any desire to have children within the next 5 years (if at all) and we both don't feel like we are ready to settle.

Has anyone else ever been in a similar situation and can advise me to help make a decision between compromising on my optimal pathway to fulfillment of my ambitions or letting go of a 4 year relationship with a loyal woman who loves me deeply and whom we have shared many rich years of experiences together?

TL;DR 4 year relationship with girlfriend from other side of the world has reached a point where our personal dreams are both being compromised in order to continue the relationship

submitted by /u/ThrowRA_20231234
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, February 13, 2023

My (30f) Nana with dementia (92f) won't pick up phone, how else do I try contacting her?

I (30f) have a nana (95) who lives in another state, and 2-3 hrs drive from her nearest relative (my mother).

There is quite a bit of history to this situation, with my nana moving out of our home city to the area in which she is now in a nursing home roughly 30 years ago, despite family asking her not to. She has had multiple illnesses and is in a wheelchair, with regular health flare ups. After multiple hospitalisations, she was sent to a nursing home in her local area on doctors orders roughly 2.5 years ago. Over the past 10 or so years, my family has been trying to get her to move closer to my mother (her daughter), with the latest attempt being just a few months ago. My grandmother is stubborn, and refuses to acknowledge or talk about the fact that my parents are also now getting too old to make the 4-6 hr return drive to visit her regularly, and the sad reality is that she is choosing loneliness over staying where she is.

Unfortunately, my nana now has dementia. This is where things have taken a turn for the worse, and are making it very emotionally difficult for us. My mother is technically power of attorney for my nana, and has had to deal with clearing out my nana's house, putting it up for sale, arranging all of her bills, medical appointments, finances, etc over the last few years. In her now affected mind, my nana has now decided that my mother has sent her to a nursing home (not the doctors), stolen and sold her house, and has shipped her up to a distant place so we can forget about her up there. She is in complete denial that she moved away from her home city on her own terms. She refuses to see my mother when she visits, becoming very aggressive and saying some very nasty things to her, including that my other is being controlling and insinuating financial/elder abuse.

I, on the other hand, get a very different reaction. She is usually happy to talk to me, and last December when I went up to visit she cried and clung to me because she was so happy to see "someone she remembered" - and then again yelled at my mother and refused to see her the next day. She was full of conspiracy theories about the phone being tapped/not working because "they" didn't want it to, that her parents "warned her" about my mum, etc etc. She has stopped making calls to anybody, and now rarely picks up the phone. Myself, my mother and my sister haven't been able to call her since December. I put all of the above for context, as things are a little tricky, as my mother is now also somewhat avoiding visiting or trying to contact her, given the abuse she receives.

What I need advice on is how to actually maintain a relationship with my nana, and actually get some sort of communication through to her. When I send her postcards from various travels in the past, she complains she can't read my writing (and I suspect she hasn't the last 2 I sent her, and she spent more time looking at the picture on the christmas card I gave her than the writing inside). She won't pick up the phone. It is VERY difficult to visit her where she lives, as it's a 2hr plane ride then a 2-3 hr drive or 2hr train + 30min taxi ride away from where I live (same for my sister). I did visit November because of some drama re trying to get her to move again, as well as at Christmas, but I can't do that all the time, it's simply not practical or financially feasible. So I feel like I'm out of options to communicate with her - I can't write because she won't read it, she won't take my calls because she doesn't trust or potentially also hear the phone (she's quite deaf being her age, and you know, won't wear her hearing aids), and I can't visit more than a few times a year. I'm the only one in our family she is communicating with. That means she's physically and socially isolated, which breaks my heart.

Any advice on where to go from here would be appreciated, especially from anyone else who's dealt with a relative with dementia whose personality has drastically changed.

tl;dr TL;DR! Nana has dementia and is refusing to see nearest relatives. She has stopped picking up phone calls, and I'm running out of ideas of how to maintain contact her. I'm the only one she still talks to in the family, but I can't get through to her, need advice for what else I should try.

submitted by /u/ka4564reddit
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, February 12, 2023

My (22F) and (26M) situationship is destroying me

I was stuck in a situationship for almost a year. In the past, things were actually okay, we did decide to become exclusive for a couple months until this guy cheated on me while i was literally at home sick. I had to find this out from my own friends, and his friends were lying to me about it as well. Stupid me wanted to forgive him yet he wanted to end things after HE cheated. Apparently me being upset to him was “drama” for him.

After some time apart,We eventually started talking again and put the past in the past. We started spending time together and of course, I relapsed back into that situationship. There were times he would treat me right then stop, ghost me for days or even a week and more. I let it slide because i told myself i wasn’t ready for a relationship either, and I haven’t found anyone better yet, but now I’m starting to realize maybe I’ve been lying to myself all along.

Sometimes I wonder why I’m this affected, and why this is such a deep wound for me. I think to myself that I loved him, but I don’t think love should feel like this. I’ve always given more to him and he kept taking and taking from me. We’ve both tried seeing other people especially me, yet we keep going back to each other and it’s the same cycle all over again. I just cut him off yesterday with no explanation and blocked him everywhere, i got fed up being treated like shit and allowing myself to be. I stayed with him because it hurt me less to stay comfortable in that situation than letting go completely. Yet i keep relapsing, missing him, and second guessing my decision.

How do i stay firm and let myself move on from this? How is this situationship causing such a deep wound on me when I’ve had real relationships in the past and although they ended, it was easier to move forward with my life and be better? Badly need advice

TLDR: How do I stay firm and let myself realize how badly I was treated so I can move on from a guy who continues to destroy me?

submitted by /u/Simple-Trainer-2568
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, February 11, 2023

How do you breakup with someone you live with?

I'm not good at break-ups because it feels terrible to hurt someone you care about. I've (M45) been living with my partner (F37) for a year & a half & it's just not working for me. We like each other, we're friends, but I'm not enjoying being in a couple. We're at that point where if she walked away, I wouldn't stop her but I don't have the guts to tell her I'd prefer to be single.

Part of the problem is that we live together so once we have The Conversation it is going to be extremely difficult for both of us being in the same space regularly. I don't really want to tell her over dinner & then have no place for either of us to go to.

Plus, since it's my own home she'd have to find a new place to live which is difficult in this city. I'm thinking I can say she can stay here as long as she needs & I can sleep on the couch but I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on how to make this easier for her?

Really struggling with the logistics of this one & want to be as kind & supportive as possible.

Thanks for having a think!

TL;DR: Any advice on breaking up with someone who you live with? When do you do it? How do you help them if they'll have to move out?

submitted by /u/Sad_Lavishness_4300
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, February 9, 2023

I (20 m) asked this girl (21 f) I’ve been seeing since October to be in a relationship and she says that she want to be with me but needs time

tl;dr: Seeing this girl for 4 months, we are exclusive and hanging out often, but she says she isn’t ready because she doesn’t want old baggage to affect our relationship

I know how that sounds, and if i saw that caption I would give the advice to stay away and that she is probably not wanting a relationship (with me).

I just feel like this situation is different but I don’t know if my judgement is clouded because I really like her. We started out just hooking up, but have gotten a lot closer since then and have been hanging out multiple times a week for the last month. A lot of the posts I’ve seen about this are before ppl have become intimate/intimate regularly and this also doesn’t apply. We also have talked about being exclusive with each other a few months ago, and have valentines plans. Before this week we’d talked a bit about wanting more and seemed to both be on the same page, and this week I asked her to be with me. She said that she does want to be with me, but that she still has baggage from her last relationship (which she got out of a month prior to us meeting) and doesn’t want that to affect ours, and that she hasn’t been out of a relationship for a while and needs a little bit of time for herself. And it’s also not like she wants to see me less we’re closer than ever right now. I just feel confused because to me it seems like we are already 3/4 of the way to being a couple and feel like things will be ok but I also am keeping the possibility we don’t work out open. Right now I feel like the best thing to do is not rush things or come off needy, and bring it up again when I’m seeing signs that she could be ready. At the same time though I know I can’t just wait around forever for her. At the end of the day only I really know our relationship and her, but I would appreciate some outside perspectives.

submitted by /u/Thericjaw
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

i need an advice

i need advice

Myself 22m her 24f been in relationship for 7 months

There are two cases,

  1. I had a female friend from school, who happens to be a model by profession now but her profile is not a thirst trap. I never talked with her but we follow each other on insta. My gf is pissed about why i follow her and once also got angry over me cz i had liked some of her pics.

  2. I had a female friend from college who might have had something for me.(although she didn't clearly express it,) My gf blocked her in WhatsApp when i told her this. although I didn't talk with this female friend for more than 2 yrs and still now we don't talk she is just a friend in my fb.

After my relationship,i had no interaction of any kind with these 2 females.

Yesterday, my gf asked me why are this females still in my fb or insta. She tells me she feels bad seeing that i follow them on social media. She feels bad that i follow them cz they post something like that sort.. Should I unfollow/ unfriend them? TL;DR gf pissed cz of me following some female friends

submitted by /u/Any-Lab-7647
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, February 6, 2023

My sister(18F) acts like she hates me(M19) for dating her bestfriend(F18) but insists she’s happy for us

So i (19M) started seeing my sister’s (18) best friend (18F, let’s call her sarah) a couple months ago now. my sister was totally cool with it and even encouraged me to make the first move with sarah apon hearing that i was thinking about it. she promised me she wasn’t worried about it and she trusts both of us to treat each other right.

everything has been going amazing between sarah and i, we are taking things slow but she is over very often anyway so we see each other heaps, and love every moment of each others company

the issues started only in the past few weeks, when my sister brought up the fact that sarah spends so much time with me that she’s scared of losing her as a best friend. i felt so guilty, and i try to always put my family’s best interest first so i offered to end it then and there, but she made it clear that she doesnt want that at all, and she’s extremely happy for us, she just wanted sarah to hang out 1 on 1 with her more often. so sarah did exactly that, she goes out 1 on 1 with my sister just as much as they used to and all seemed well for a few days

but then almost out of nowhere, my sister started acting quite hostile to me, saying extremely hurtful stuff, trying to embarrass me in front of sarah every time sarah comes over, rants to sarah about me any time her and i have a classic sibling argument. even once told me sarah said she doesn’t like me anymore during a heated argument which she later took back and said she made it up to hurt my feelings because she was angry. it’s causing so much stress for me and i dont know what to do.

i spoke to my sister about it again just now and she said she still wants sarah and i to work out and i really want that too but i dont know how to do that and maintain a good relationship with my sister at the same time if it’s already hurting me this much

my feelings are definitely growing quicker than i thought and i care about sarah very much, hence why i’m asking for advice here.

TL/DR: Sister acts hostile and uses the situationship between me and her bestfriend to hurt me as well as acting upset by it despite insisting she’s happy for us and it’s growing harder to deal with

submitted by /u/ThrowAwayIfNecessary
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, February 5, 2023

My husband (39m) lost sensual intimacy in me (33f) after putting birth to our second child.

Please i really need an urgent advice as things are currently getting out of hand,ever since I put to birth to our second child my husband has suddenly lost intimacy with me, he doesn’t make advances to me anymore but when I try to go to him he always complains of being tired and work stress, it wasn't like this before please how can I make myself attractive to him again as I don’t want him to start looking out please. thanks for your advice all. Or will everything go back to normal after a while?

TLDR: my husband lost intimacy in me after giving birth to our second child how do I resolve this.

submitted by /u/Allure1123
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, February 4, 2023

I have a hard time believing my gf ever wants me sexually

Me (m20) and my gf (f19) have been together a couple years now, with the first year not having sex (both virgins) and the last year and a half or so with sex. The problem is that I always want to do it more than her, everyday, even several times a day, and she doesn’t. I actually don’t fully know how much she would want to if I never initiated, haven’t been able to fully see how long it could go, but I think in all the times we have done it, she hasn’t once been the one to really initiate it. I have discussed this with her with no change. I mean like every step of the way it is usually me, but occasionally she will ask if I want to, but this is after we have literally been already kissing and groping or whatever for a while to where it’s obvious(that I almost certainly started.) And I would say we do it probably 25% of the time I ask if she wants to and far less recently as we’ve both been a little busier and fighting more. Another thing is she is basically unwilling to try anything besides regular sex, usually missionary position only. I can convince her to get on top, facing me, for a little while but that’s it. She usually always refuses to try other positions I want her to, and has never once let us try a bj or let me go down on her, despite lots of asking and discussions.

A couple things about this I find weird, and I kind of want to know if there’s a possibility of her being asexual? Or possibly just a very low drive? 1. She actually told me early on after we started trying to do it that she never thought about sex until we started discussing trying it.(I brought it up obviously.) Naturally I was like “oh yeah, like just didn’t think about it too much? Or like you mean you didn’t know what to fully expect right?” No, she clarified that she never once thought about or was curious about the idea of sex EVER until I literally discussed it with her. Never once watched any porn, touched herself, or even just imagined it. I kinda also feel like this goes along with this but the whole first 3-4 times we tried it literally just didn’t work, like straight up wouldn’t go in. And there was plenty buildup and kissing and such, and she acted like she was into it, but kind of weird.

  1. She has never had an orgasm. I try and do what I think helps her feel good, I have asked several times for her to communicate with me about what could work or not with no avail, and it’s like, it just doesn’t really happen. I have definitely been closer some times than others, but never all the way. And I am a decent above average size, I can last for 20+ minutes with a little focus and if it hasn’t been forever, and I am more than willing to try using my hand or going down on her etc to try to help her since I know penetrative sex alone doesn’t allow even a majority of women to finish by itself, but she always refuses. Except there is a weird phenomenon where she gets grumpy after I finish. Like, genuinely just gets agitated and in a worse mood fairly often right after we get done. Is that not sexual frustration from not reaching climax?? She swears it’s not, and says it’s nothing I do wrong, but like with healthy sex that’s not the correct feeling one should get afterward no? But yet still nothing else to help her further is allowed. And I mean in my logic, I can imagine frequently having sex only to basically edge and not finish… every time. And I would certainly feel grumpy afterward, AND want to do it far less often, so kinda seems like that’s potentially a root of the problem but idk.

Finally just some other little details that feel weird to me and kind of want to know if I have sort of been on both extremes or what. My last and first gf before her was very much the opposite in this way. I had absolutely no difficulty believing that I was very much wanted in that way. I used to believe that I needed to wait for marriage, and it being my first gf I was extremely shy and inexperienced, so we never actually had sex because of my choice. But she led me out of my shell, and thinking back to how she acted and the difference between the two makes it seem unreal. An example was one of the first couple times she was over to my house, she had no problem straight up making out with me just in the living room even with people home in different rooms. She literally led me into my bedroom she had never been in before, locked my door herself, and just jumped on my bed on top of me and grinded on me, took off my shirt and hers, etc. she frequently brought up sex and various sexual questions, was frequently touching me, etc and just overall was obviously horny and very attracted to me like that. Fast forward to with my new gf I had to eventually plan after the first couple times she was over to my house. We’re talking MONTHS into dating, and I literally put some random stuff on the recliner to block up the single seat and then just fiddled with the tv for long enough for her to sit down on the sectional first so I could have a chance to put my arm around her or something. And like this initial shyness was very cute to me and I was fine with being that person to get her out of her shell eventually, but the transfer to equal initiation and stuff never came. Finally it’s like I have friends who tell me that with their gfs they just straight up gave them bjs without even asking the first time and stuff and it’s like ??? Idk am I just unfortunately experiencing an unlucky series of two extremes? Thoughts?

Tl;dr: Gf doesn’t ever think about sex and rarely if ever initiates and doesn’t want to most times I do. Also refuses to try basically anything other than missionary even when she has never had an orgasm, plus then gets agitated and in a grumpy mood after sex and denies there’s any problem at all. Frustrating thinking back to my ex and other girls who are very much the opposite and has me wondering whether I’m with someone asexual or what could be done to remedy this.

submitted by /u/TechnicianPositive94
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, February 3, 2023

I [26M] had sex with a girl I had very strong drive towards for a long time [23F] and the drive disappeared - what should I do?

So there was a girl [23F] who I barely knew for a year but I always felt strong, sexual drive towards her and I was thinking alot about her in that matter, so one day I decided to do something with it and started messaging her.

After maybe three weeks of dating, last weekend we've had an incredible sex together on friday and saturday, which for me was a feeling of incredible succes in these moments.

But now, though she wants to repeat it this weekend, we actually settled a night together in my place tonight, but I realised I stopped feeling this towards her. The drive disappeared and it's no more "something special" as it was before we did sex. She fits all my physical preferences, but somehow I do not feel anything more to her, I stopped really "wanting" her after I got her and now I don't rly know what should I do.

How is it possible that happened? I have never been through a loss of sex drive towards a girl in this way.
What should I do now? I'm not sure where will this go. I don't want to disappoint her, she's pretty cool person, but I'm afraid I'll not be able to hold this for longer if the situation stays like this.

tl;dr I had sex with a dreamed-girl of mine and I stopped feeling sex drive after this, but she wants to continue having sex with me

submitted by /u/imbarose1997
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Are we in a relationship? F 28 M 40

Are we in a FWB or some weird relationship?

Hi there so I’ve been talking to this guy he’s 41 and let’s call him Daniel. So I’m 28 years old. I’m going to be going on 29 soon.
Daniel and I met in a certain department of our job and we have only been talking for about three months now. We work in different areas so I’m not worried about shitting where I eat. So we both came to this agreement that we are just messing around kind of just enjoying this friends with benefits situation. Which I understood that and everything but now it’s starting to get a little bit weird. Daniel has a daughter who is about five years old I never met her before, but he had her talk to me on the phone for the first time. He is an ex marine and he is a contractor worker, single. I’m not gonna lie and say he doesn’t have his ptsd issues & and he gets a little mean. But nothing out of hand. So I’m just a little bit confused I’ve tried talking with this man and asking him about what the heck is going on here. Because some of his insinuations are more than just what our friends with benefits really is. Today he got really upset because he wanted to go through my phone and he openly showed me his phone. I’m like..why does this matter? We aren’t dating. He gets jealous if I even talk to other men. He became really jealous when other men would give me attention , super possessive over me. But when I say OK, are we in a relationship? He’s like no we’re just messing around I said OK, so why are you getting jealous and then he will change the subject immediately.

He will ask me who I’m texting. He will look at my phone and see if there’s other guys and then make fun of me if there’s other guys trying to hang out or so. And I’m like I’m not messing around with anyone else I just don’t have the time. Then he will flip it back on me and say oh it sounds like you want a relationship! Then he goes on to say like how he doesn’t want to relationship doesn’t want to be locked down. We have gone on dinner dates, heck the dude gives me free tattoos. Tells me about his daughter. When I say yo, what happened to just chillin? He immediately deflects it down. It’s still too early to say but I’m going with the flow. But where is the boundary? When I try to set it, he’s immediately changed the subject! Please help!

TLDR, man gets jealous of me whenever I talk to other dudes but he freewill can sleep with whoever, but says we aren’t in a relationship. But gets hella possessive. Even trying to talk about it he changes the subject! What do??

submitted by /u/Fuzzy_Note66
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

I (F24) am receiving very mixed signals from (M30)

Hey guys, so this is my first time ever asking for a relationship advice but I feel like I really don't know what should I do.

TL;DR: Casual Tinder date has turned into mixed signals party and I'm considering ending it up but I need an advice before I decide.

So I (F24) am in a non-exclusive relationship with a guy (M30) I've met on Tinder a few months ago. It's my first non-exclusive relationship as I've just figured recently that this is better for me now than setting strict rules as I have quite a tendency to ignore red flags. For a little bit of a background, I'm working with a therapist for 3 years now and also have meds to support so just to say that I have my issues and I really do try my best to recognise them. I have also ended a 3yrs partnership almost a year ago that was exhausting because I felt like I don't have any space for myself in it, because my partner was literally all the time next to me.

So that's all a bit new and now I feel that I really need some advice from you people.

To the point then. We've met on Tinder, then we've seen each other in the café, it has just sparked and my side of a responsible adult has lost the fight. It was great, he had texted me that the memories from the night helped him get through the days at work and that he cannot wait to see me again. So far I have articulated that I don't know what I am looking for on Tinder which is true, because now I'm mostly looking after myself. He was alright with that and hasn't said anything clear from his side.

We've met a few times, I was just up to have some fun. He's been texting me everyday. After I started to feel that there's a chance I will engage emotionally, I told him that. Stated that it was to meet him etc. but I started to like him and I figured I want more from a relationship than just some fun in bed especially if it's supposed to last longer than few meetups. Also I said that I'm ok with casual hookups for a while but now this has to be over because I cannot afford to be hurt and I feel like it might go that way if we keep seeing each other.

We went into a light argument where he said he doesn't want exclusive but hasn't been seeing our relationship just as a temporary fun and he wants to get to know me better too. I admitted I assumed this is not what I expected of him but he was definitely giving me the hints before that he's not gonna be emotionally into it. Ended up that we've talked a bit and he has assured me that we can also do other stuff together too and just be friends either. I told him that it's cool but I don't want to wake up someday realising he doesn't even want me around because the s*x is done.

This conversation has taken place a few weeks ago, and now let's jump back to the present. We've kept seeing each other and I constantly feel that something is off. I love to spend my time with himself but I keep dating outside of that now as he was the one to say he doesn't want exclusive and I want to keep my mind busy.

We don't meet too often and last time we had almost 2 weeks of break, but have been planning the weekend together at his house. We've been speaking specifically about hanging out Friday and Saturday. I was supposed to come Friday night and stay Saturday. And well, it was all good until Saturday morning when he has started telling me that we can no longer do the w33d vapes "because he will be doing his name stuff soon and he's gotta be focused. I said "oh ok, then I will just wait until I'm fit enough to drive and go".

Then he has ordered some food and we've been chilling on the couch, he has reminded me several times he's got this stuff to do, hasn't told me what was that but he said he's gotta be focused. I'm like ok this is getting weird and I said that I really will be going soon, not asking for explanations. Then he has cuddled up with me and fallen asleep for two hours leaving me thinking what tf is going on.

After he has woken up he has all of sudden gotten up, all serious, saying he's going to do his stuff now. I was confused as I've napped for a short bit too.

I've gotten up, went to the bathroom to wash my face and he wasn't around anymore. I've packed my stuff, called a friend and went straight to meet them, not even telling the guy that I'm leaving because I felt like I'm bothering him enough already anyway?

Then he has texted me that it was fun to see me and I said that was nice to see him too but it'd be better if I wasn't feeling like he wants me gone asap. He said that I didn't even say "goodbye" but hasn't tried pushing that anymore when I reminded him that he's just basically told me to leave and then dissappeared so what was he expecting? Then we went into an argument where he said that he's just going to see his friends now and he didn't mean to make me feel that way. I told him then well that's a shame that I thought we're gonna be hanging out Friday and Saturday because that's what we were speaking about all week before and he said he didn't mean it that way and that he really likes to spend his time with me and that we just must've misunderstood each other.

Now, I know my view is crooked by very manipulative environment from my past and that I often do misread people's intentions. I have just felt disappointed and like I was right not to trust into his feelings since the very beginning as I also often underline that I appreciate honesty and being open towards me. He has been all mysterious about this "his stuff" until after our meeting when I told him I'm feeling that way. I've also told him that I wouldn't be doing vapes this day at all if he's told me before. Also I feel like repeating it several times wasn't necessary? He knew I was still a bit boozed because that was what our Saturday was supposed to be like. He said he'd be happy to hang out longer if he knew (?). For sake of reliability of my own memory I've checked the messages and Saturday has been clearly stated several times.

And now I'm conflicted. I'm not a person who will be on someone's head unless I'm genuinely sure they want me around. I have my own anxiety so it wouldn't have even let me stay outside of my home for longer time than 24h. During an argument I said that I don't need to feel that way and that I don't think this is gonna work anymore. He seems not to notice because he's already wanting to plan our next meeting.

Now I'm keeping my messages short, maybe one or two sentences daily. He seems to try to make a conversation and it hasn't been that clear before.

I feel like I shouldn't be engaging any further. I don't know if I'm overreacting or if it's a reasonable point and that destabilizes me. But there's this one thing that I'm sure of, which is I don't usually feel that way around people I want to make any type of a bond with. The guy gives me bunches of mixed signals, but other than that he's the only person that makes my heart go a bit faster now.

Oh damn, I definitely need an advice because at this point I really want him, but it's not too late to back off. This would hurt but maybe that'd be the best thing to do? Or maybe there's something I'm not seeing?

submitted by /u/ThrowRa_Fervis
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* This article was originally published here