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Monday, January 29, 2024

debating cheating on my gf

I'm (20M) debating cheating on my gf (20F) to experiment with a guy. I love my gf though she hasn't rly been the best and we've had our fair share of issues. regardless, I don't want to lose her but when I get horny I REALLY want to go down on a guy (and further stuff) just to try. I'm bicurious for sure and have experimented with myself but want to try with a guy. i’m extremely uncomfortable telling her this so that’s sadly not an option. l've downloaded Grindr and I talked to a guy (19M) for a few hours, we became friends and he said i could do whatever i wanted on my own discretion , I just don't know if I should or not. we're long distance and I know cheating could end the relationship, I just highly doubt l'd get caught. just don't know if it's worth the feeling of guilt though. ive always said cheating was bad and have been avidly against cheating, but me and the Grindr guy have also managed to convince myself that me just experimenting with a homie isn’t cheating since there’s no emotion involved. but i know if she found out her heart would be broken. I've also done some questionable things that could certainly be considered cheating like beating off with other ppl online and I don't rly feel guilty about that. but I really don't know what to do, cause I very badly wanna try this stuff but I also want to keep my relationship and my mental sanity.

tl;dr really want to experiment with a guy but also don't want to lose my relationship with my gf.

submitted by /u/Cheap_Watercress4739
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* This article was originally published here

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