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Monday, July 15, 2024

Do you really have to choose your partner every day even when you don't feel like it?

Hi guys, I'm looking for some general insights on relationships. I (23F) am in my first serious relationship with my girlfriend (24F). We have been together for a year and a half. She is the first and only person I've ever fallen in love with. During the initial 8-9 months of our relationship, I was so madly in love with her. I even remember making a post about how I have so much love for her that I don't know what to do with it. After we hit our 1 year mark, things started to change a little. Now I know that there is something called the honeymoon phase and it doesn't last forever. This is the stage that I started to notice things about her that I don't like or annoys me. My girlfriend is amazing in general and she's a good person, but just like everyone else (including me), she's not perfect.

Lately, I feel like I've been feeling less connected to her. we still go on dates and activities together, but the general feeling of excitement and butterflies isn't there anymore. I do have fun hanging out with her, but i feel like i don't feel like I'm "crazy" for her anymore. i know I still love her and care for her and want nothing but the best for her. Sometimes I also feel like we're such different people and that maybe I'd be happier with someone more like me. To put it simply, I've begun to wonder how it would be like dating other people, or if I'm really truly happy with her.

I'm not sure about things because this is my first relationship. idk how things are supposed to be. if it's the right person, is it normal to even have doubts about the relationship? I've read about how it's normal to have days where you don't feel too much in love with your partner, and it's a conscious decision to still choose them every day. I agree with this, but sometimes I think about how young I am and this is my first relationship. I don't know if I want to settle with the first person I've ever loved. But on the other hand, I really do truly love her a lot. Part of me does want to spend the rest of my life with her.

I'm just looking for advice in general. thank you very much.

TLDR - Starting to have doubts about the relationship. Should I still continue to choose my partner everyday because I love her?

submitted by /u/ThrowRAWRdino
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* This article was originally published here

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