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Thursday, October 27, 2022

How and where to break up with my (16F) boyfriend (16M) of 6/7 months?

He has much stronger feelings for me than I do for him, and I think it's not fair to him and will hurt him even more if I stay. I also don't really want to be in this relationship anymore in general, because I've lost a lot of enjoyment in talking to/spending time with him. How much (if any) of this should I be saying?

Also, I'm not sure whether to do it in person or over the phone. I know that breaking up over the phone is generally a bad idea because it's considered disrespectful and low-effort. The problem is that I can't think of a suitable place to break up in person. I'm definitely not doing it in school, and we've never been to each other's houses, so that's not an option either. I don't feel comfortable doing it in a public place, because I feel like there's a lack of privacy and we might not be able to talk openly. Also, neither of us can drive, and while my place is near public transport, I'm not sure about his. In the past, dates have also required a lot of planning effort, because of our schedules, our parents, and having to share the car with family members. In this case specifically, we would have to agree on a place and time, at the very least. I don't know if it's worth going through all that planning, and he'll probably be suspicious (though that might be a good thing, at least he wouldn't be totally blindsided). So I'm not sure what to do.

TLDR: I think I want to break up with my boyfriend, but I don't know how detailed my reasoning should be and how I should do it.

submitted by /u/Sea-Engineering9132
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* This article was originally published here

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