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Thursday, January 26, 2023

My (M23) girlfriend (F20) does some things that make me uncomfortable but I don't know if I'm right to be uncomfortable about them

My girlfriend and I have been dating for 5 months and in the early stages, everything was perfect, as is the case in most honeymoon phases. But after about the second month, she started acting a strange. We went to a party of my mutual friend and she completely left me and went to go talk to others. I would be fine with that except she went and talked to every guy she could find, and I didn't see her talk to a single girl. She also made a point to touch every single one of them. Nothing major, just a touch on the shoulder or on the arm, but I saw that as flirting.

We had a talk about it and sorted everything out but a little while later, she got touchy with a guy in front of me again. I obviously told her I was still uncomfortable and she said she was sorry and explained it as "I don't have a lot of friends so I use the fact guys might like me to try and make them my friend". I honestly don't know what to make of that.

She's done other things, such as lie to me a lot (which we worked through and she doesn't anymore, or at least to my knowledge), I found out she was talking to her exes a lot, which I said I was uncomfortable with and she said she would stop. I would soon find out she hadn't and was still messaging them on social media. She has since blocked them though. She has recently asked a dude she half knows out for a drink and they wound up going swimming after, though she promises it was purely because she was in need for a friend.

She lives in a small town with a controlling family, works a lot of jobs, doesn't gave a lot of real friends and she barely gets time off to just have fun. I feel bad for her so of course I want to be understanding, but I'm not sure whether or not the stuff she does are red flags or not, because I see where she's coming from and I honestly think her intentions are pure. But her actions are completely against what she says.

Am I crazy, or is this relationship a bad idea?

TL;DR girlfriend acts strange around guys because she doesn't have a lot of friends and idk what to make of it

submitted by /u/SecureMechanic9040
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* This article was originally published here

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