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Sunday, July 30, 2023

My [23M] partner [23F] is going travelling for a year - feel hopeless and anxious

We [23M and 23F] have been together for 1 year, and in a few omnths they will be moving country for a year for a working holiday.

The distance would be huge - a 20 hour flight and an 8 hour time difference, which makes it even harder to communicate via call/message

I am very upset by this and it's hard to not feel a bit angry at being left behind

My GF wants to stay together during this time and do a long distance relationship, and believes it can work. I am much more hesitant, but at the same time it feels impossible to break up as our relationship is so good otherwise.

I don't hopeful at all that we would manage to stay happy during this time. I know I will struggle with the lack of physical connection, be worried about her meeting someone else, and overall just find it very hard.

But we love eachother a lot and enjoy being together so much, that I can't end things

The best we can hope for is to see eachother once the entire year. Me going with is not an option unfortunately.

I am not sure I believe long distance for this length of time could work, but they feel otherwise, and say they know many people who have done it - so why can't we?

Its something they have always wanted to do, which I get, but I can't help feel that they are abandoning a relationship that is going very well

This is incredibly hard because a breakup is hard as it is, but that normally happens due to relationship issues. Here we both love eachother and are our enjoying our relationship so much that if it weren't for this we would definitely continue

TLDR: Partner leaving in a few months for a working holiday, for one year. She wants to stay together during this time, but I am unsure. I cannot go with and the distance will be huge, so we could only hope to visit once the whole year. I don't want to break up, but also don't think I could cope with long distance (struggle with needing physical connection, and I would be worried about her meeting someone else). I know I struggle a lot with long distance, and I also can't help but feel a bit rejected. Our relationship was going so well before this. I feel hopeless. Any advice?

submitted by /u/yeokay
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* This article was originally published here

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