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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

People think my(22F) bf(22M) is gay

People think my bf is gay and I'm not sure how to deal with this

I've been dating my bf for a while now and we're happy. But the issue is what the title suggests. When I first met him I thought he was gay too. He has a way of speaking and movements that resemble the way that some gay men behave. I try to not care about what others think and focus on us and only us. But it's difficult at times, when family and friends secretly think that he must be gay. Like my mom said to me "then why does he act like this if he's not gay?". Which is unreasonable but still painful to hear. Or like the other day, he went to a party with a friend (I couldn't go because I wasn't well and he wanted to go since he almost never goes out with friends). His friend was looking for girls to hook up with so my bf was pretty much not participating in the convo, so he had started talking to a group of guys and he told me that one of them asked him if he has a girlfriend or if he's gay etc. I can't really blame the other guy, since I thought he was gay when I first met him. Anyway we've talked about it and he said that he doesn't like how other people make such assumptions but at the same time he doesn't really care all that much. I love him a lot and I could see a future wirh him but it hurts people thinking that I'm dating a gay man. It's like they're questioning our whole relationship, our love, everything. And at times I feel embarrassed.

Tldr; everyone thinks my bf is gay and it hurts me.

submitted by /u/stellaone_
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* This article was originally published here

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