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Saturday, April 22, 2023

I (21f) think my bf (27m) lied to me

When I first met my bf, I mentioned wanting to draw him. He said, "I tried to draw myself once! Wanna see?" And showed me a painting of himself.

Several months later, when he was moving stuff around, I found that painting face down. On the back, it had a note from his ex, saying she loved him, that the painting was for him. But I couldn't remember if he had said "this is a painting of me" or "I did this painting."

Well, I just now got the answer. I was going through our old texts because I miss him, and I found him saying "I did this painting".

I'm pretty upset at the idea that he would lie to me. I understand that maybe, if your ex is still a person you care about, you'd keep a really nice present they gave you. But why would he lie and say he painted it? It gives me a bad taste in my mouth.

Tldr: bf said he painted something but I figured out it was from his ex

submitted by /u/i_love_my_dog99
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* This article was originally published here

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