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Saturday, August 31, 2024

My (21 F) bf’s (22 M) friend made a comment about my body to him- am I being overly sensitive or is he TA?

My (21 F) bf (22 M) of 2yrs’ friend made a comment looking at a pic of us, where he called me fat. I don’t know what specifically was said, maybe smth like ‘oh you’re with that fatty/big girl’ type thing. My bf told me after it happened. He said it upset him and he said something to him about it.

But since them, it affects our relationship and when at the gym together he will try to get me to do cardio at the end of the workout, or say I used to be thinner but have ‘let myself go’ (I have not), and also straight up calling me fat but attempting to be gentle about it. I have voiced countless times that it bothers me and makes me feel terrible and unattractive to him, but he’s continued for at least a year. He says the only reason he keeps saying it is so if I have an amazing thin/fit body it will ‘shut them down’ - them being his friend and anyone who would think that about me. He says it’s for that reason but also for my own benefit for health/I would benefit from the nicer body too

I feel like a normal response would be to feel angry at that friend and defensive of me, but feeling the need to then prove everyone else wrong by encouraging me to look better, makes it seem like he’s only concerned about how it looks to others for him to be with me. And that he isn’t proud to be with me how I am. I thought the normal thing would be to feel angry at the friend but then also think ‘this is the person I love and choose to be with, and she is perfect the way she is and doesn’t need to change’.

Is his explanation unreasonable for his actions? Is he TA or NTA?

Has anyone else had a friend say something bad about your s/o and how did you react. What would be your reaction in my situation.

For context, I do struggle with body image issues from being a bit heavier in the past, but I objectively am not fat. Size 10, work out regularly in the week. I have a curvy figure , naturally broad shoulders and hips, and might be what some see as chubby in areas, but very much within the average female population build. Bmi also objectively not overweight, not that that matters or is the best measurement anyways

TLDR; my bf’s friend made a comment about my appearance and now he’s trying to get me to improve my body to ‘show everyone’ and prove them wrong. Is his reasoning completely off- is he TA or NTA?

submitted by /u/Remarkable-Ad7771
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, August 30, 2024

M80 Just died and partner m36 acting odd

My uncle M80 died a couple of hours ago. I told my partner 36M and he said, already that was quick, then I was upset, more for my dads sake as he was extremely close to his brother. Partner asked when will the funeral be, I said I don't know he just died. I said you know which one it is and he said yeah I think I saw him a few times, I'm not coming to the funeral though I only met him a few times. That upset me more, my logic is you are there to support my dad and the whole family. Then he just went back on his computer googling retreats for himself so he can do some fasting or something. Am I overreacting or is this not normal?

TL;DR uncle just died and partner is not phased

submitted by /u/New2thisplac3
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wife’s (32f) poor treatment of me (32m). What am I doing to deserve this? How can I fix it?

My wife (32f) and I (32m) have been together 4 years, we have dated on and off prior to this but consistently together 4 years.

She had our first baby within the last year, and ever since she was pregnant, she doesn’t treat me the same. She has a short fuse, always snaps back at me, or is less than kind. This is getting to the point that I don’t even really try and converse with her because 50% of the time or more, I get some snappy, frustrated, or condescending response.

Prior to getting pregnant and having the baby, she was sweet, kind, affectionate, and very into me. We had a pretty passionate bedroom and the passion translated out of the bedroom as well. It was like the honeymoon phase on steroids. Now it’s turned into a dead bedroom, and what feels like a dying relationship. I’m critiqued about almost everything I do, or say. Don’t get me wrong, I do miss the passion in the bedroom, but it wouldn’t be so bad if I was treated with general respect, or had some stress relief. Also, I don’t really want to initiate anything, because of the day to day treatment is kind of a turn off. She is very well spoken, and focused in her remarks. Whereas I’m more of a reserved, kind person who tends to avoid confrontation.

I’ve been an attentive husband, I help with the baby as much as I can. Whether that be diapers, feeding, house maintenance, dinner\meals. Anything. Going from work, to family\house care nonstop to the point where I’m getting burnt out on all fronts. I’ve brought this to her attention, because I’d rather deal with it directly, than to be passive aggressive about it. This turned into her feeling horrible, crying, and me consoling her. I’ve tried to be as understanding as possible, because pregnancy, nursing, first time childcare is taxing, and a hormonal time. But I’m getting to my wits end.

Hopefully this all makes sense and I didn’t miss any details. This was kind of a vent to help relieve some stress, as well as if anyone has advice. I’ll try and clarify any missing points as they arise.

TL;DR my wife is rude and condescending to me after pregnancy and baby, and I’m getting fed up with the treatment and lack of intimacy.

Edit: another thought came to mind

submitted by /u/Alert-Cucumber13
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, August 26, 2024

Bothered about New Gfs Ability to Lie

I (29m) have been seeing this woman (34f) for about 2 months now and everything seems to be going well. We are teetering on entering the "boyfriend/girlfriend" stage, but we spent this weekend together and something happened that freaked me out a little.

I had bought us a bottle of her favorite tequila to enjoy together over the weekend and we drank a little bit Friday night. Saturday we spent the morning + afternoon at my place and I noticed she was extra affectionate and slurring her words a bit. She smelled of alcohol but I thought maybe she was just sweating out what we had drank the night before. She fell asleep on the couch once when I was home and when I came back from a mid-afternoon haircut she was also passed out. Again, I thought nothing of it because we were just having a lazy day. Fast forward to later that night when we get back from our dinner date, I ask if she wants a shot of that tequila; she agrees. I walk over to the fridge to find almost the entire bottle drank. When I asked her about it she said she didn't touch it and didn't know what happened to it. I recounted the her behaviour and thought it was very obvious she had been drinking throughout the day looking back, but when I pressed a little bit she got standoffish and promised me that she didn't touch it once again.I live alone and other than her dog no one else was in my apartment all weekend.

I don't care about the alcohol being gone, I bought it for us to enjoy and she didn't have anywhere to be. I do care though that she was able to lie to me about it without pause and keep up the lie without much effort. I asked her again the next morning, telling her I dont care about the booze just that I was freaked out it seemed like she was lying. She swore on my life that she didn't touch it so I backed off because I wasn't getting anywhere.

Other than this everything has been great, but I don't want this to plant a seed that breaks our trust going forward.

Should I try to confront her about it again? Am I overthinking this?

TLDR: my new girlfriend drank a bunch of alcohol at my place behind my back and lied about it. I worry about breaking trust this early and wonder if I should confront her about it a third time to try and get her to come clean.

Any advice/opinions are welcome. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Enginot95
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Me [23m] and my girlfriend [23f] keep discussing breaking up, but we struggle to do it because our relationship has many positive aspects.

TL;DR We've been in a 6-month relationship that started out wonderfully, but now it's on the verge of breaking up due to arguments and feelings of being pushed away.

We've been in the relationship for only 6 months, and we've been having a lot of arguments. In the beginning, everything was great. The first 2-3 months were romantic, and we were deeply in love. However, my partner started experiencing intense emotions during her periods, despite being on birth control. I tried to comfort her and show empathy, but I noticed that these emotional episodes were often directed at me. As time went on, these episodes became more frequent, especially during our 2-month trip to Asia. The trip started well, but we experienced a major disagreement that hurt me deeply. Though we managed to resolve it, similar 'hiccups' kept occurring over small issues throughout the trip. We both made mistakes, but we always reconciled and grew stronger. However, the arguments always seemed to start with her complaints about me, and I began feeling worn out. Despite this, I don't want to paint her in a negative light. I simply want her to be happy. We were supposed to go to Hong Kong together to meet her family, but we decided against it due to the frequent disagreements. I ended up flying back from Bangkok alone. Now that we're back home, we're on the brink of breaking up because of these ongoing issues. I'm unsure whether I should fight for the relationship, as we have many positive aspects. The whole trip was wonderful apart from the arguments. The arguments that are always aimed at me every time just really get to me because I've never tried this hard and put this much effort with a female ever. It would be heart wrenching to lose her. I'd appreciate advice from anyone who's been in a similar situation or any helpful insights. Thank you.

submitted by /u/King-Bricky
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, August 24, 2024

[Update] I (M28) didn’t want to talk to my GF (F27) about our past sexual experiences. Now that it’s all out there, I feel weird and I’m not sure how to reconcile

Original post : https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/s/5steioqyxg

If there is one place to get good relationship advice, it’s from strangers on Reddit. So here we go.

I have been dating my girlfriend for about 2 and a half years. I love her very much and I know that she feels the same way about me. Our relationship is good. We do fun things together, have deep conversations, laugh together, and both clearly love and prioritize eachother. She is my first long-term relationship and I am considering proposing soon.

Something that continually came up in our relationship is that my girlfriend was curious about how many people I had slept with before being with her and wanted to know about my previous relationships and sexual experiences. I didn’t want to tell her my number and I didn’t want to know hers.

Every time it came up, I told her that I didn’t think anything good could come of the conversation and who we were with before we were together shouldn’t matter since we are together now, committed to each-other, and don’t have any stds.

She said that she wants to know everything about me, and that me not telling her my number felt like I was hiding something from her and that it felt like there was a barrier between us that was affecting how much should could trust me and be intimate with me. This was very frustrating.

My opinion on the number of people that someone has slept with is that I would really rather not focus on it. I know that (unless they are a virgin) that anyone I date will have had sex with people before me. I think it is unsavory for anyone to think about their partner being intimate with someone else (unless they are into that sort of thing), so it seems sensible to me to just not go there. No matter what the number is for my partner, I would rather just not focus on that and instead focus on our relationship.

(I understand that there are statistics out there that say that people that have slept with a lot of people in the past are less likely to be able to maintain a long-term monogamous relationship. My take on that is that you don’t really need to know if someone has slept with a lot of people before you because people can change and if they are the sort of person who won’t be satisfied by one person, that will manifest itself in all sorts of ways.)

To give some context on the situation, I think it is necessary to summarize some of my background.

I struggled with dating for the most part growing up. I never had a girlfriend in highschool or college and struggled with confidence for a big chunk of my life due to bullying and other factors. From the outside, you would never know. I presented myself as a confident and successful dude, and upon meeting me, you probably would’ve never guessed that I had a hard time with relationships.

For years, I worked on all of the external factors, like going to the gym, progressing in my career, and improving my conversational skills (particularly with the opposite sex). I would have flings with girls and occasionally get laid, but deep romantic connections and relationships always eluded me. My mom one time asked me if I was gay. It seems like so much of your worth as a man is wrapped up in how attractive you are to women and how many successful relationships you’ve had with women, and I felt so much shame at my inability to get a girlfriend.

It seemed like every time I was actually interested in someone, it would fall apart. This made me feel like I was unlovable.

It got so bad that I became depressed and started considering suicide. I knew that something had to change.

I went to therapy and made a lot of progress on feeling better about myself. I came to learn that what was holding me back was how I felt about myself and the fact that I wasn’t myself with women I was attracted to. I was putting on a facade and coming across as needy (because I was). I started to believe that if I could detach from the outcome of any given courtship and just genuinely be myself that women would be attracted to me. And it worked! I started dating multiple women and it seemed like they were swooning over me. My newfound confidence was absolutely intoxicating. It felt sooo good to be desired.

One of the women was my girlfriend and as time went on, I realized there was something special about her that I wanted to explore further. I stopped seeing the other women and we became official. This was one of the happiest times of my life.

After going to therapy, I feel totally different about myself, and I am still practicing and enjoying the new perspective that I gained. Still, part of me feels ashamed of my past and I vividly remember times where I felt invisible and undesirable.

Back to the conversation with my girlfriend:

After having a conversation several times where she would ask about how many people I’ve been with and I would tell her that I don’t want to talk about it, I eventually caved because I told myself maybe it’s not that big of a deal and I don’t want us to have trust/intimacy issues over something so stupid.

We talked more about relationships and shared some of the experiences we had. I told her what my number was. Then I made a mistake. In that moment, the curiosity I felt after sharing my number and the asymmetry of her knowing mine but me not knowing hers was too much for me and I asked her what her number was as well. She told me.

Her number really isn’t that high, in the mid-teens. My number is 5.

After the conversation, I felt sick to my stomach. It’s not because I am disgusted by her number (I actually think it is really normal) but I feel insecure about my number. Also, I think it is always bothersome to imagine your partner having sex with other people and to have it concretely laid out for you in the form of a number. I couldn’t help but compare my number to hers and wonder about how I stack up compared to the other guys she’s been with.

It definitely doesn’t bother me so much that I want to break up, but I’ve tried to explain to her that having the conversation made me feel bad. I think about my number and makes me think about times in my life where I didn’t feel desired, and when I think about that conversation it makes me feel like I missed out on a lot of sexual experiences in my past.

She got upset when I said this and said that if I feel like I missed out, then maybe I should just go sleep around now and we shouldn’t be together. She is skeptical that these feelings of missing out will ever be resolved for me. I tried to explain that I don’t want anyone else, and I am happy with her, but that I still feel weird and insecure about the whole thing. Also, I kind of feel like I got blackmailed into having the conversation and can’t understand why she absolutely needed to know.

I haven’t talked to my friends about it because it seems too revealing to get into the details of the situation and also I am not proud of the way I feel about it. I really think that it should not bother me knowing her number.

I know it is stupid to think about her past sexual experiences before she met me and to think about my own number and how I stack up, but now that all that information has been talked about, it comes up sometimes for me and bothers me.

After learning about her number, I can’t help but think about my own number in comparison to hers and my peers and I feel left out. I feel like I missed out on a big chunk of my life. I know that this is illogical because it’s not like I had no experience before her and casual sex isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be anyways.

To some extent I think it is normal to talk about exes and past relationships. Particularly if it is relevant to the current relationship. I just wish that we could’ve just not had that conversation about the number of people we’ve slept with and that the conversation about our pasts could have happened more organically.

How can I reconcile with her and move on? Also, how should I approach the conversation about prior experiences in the future?

tldr: I didn’t want to talk to my girlfriend about the number of people we’ve slept with, but she wouldn’t let it go and now I have negative feelings about it.

Edit: A lot of the comments are about boundaries. Some people are saying that I should have just not had the conversation if I didn’t want to. I thought about it some more and realized that I missed an important detail.

I had always landed on us just not talking about the number of people we’ve slept with. I didn’t think anything good would come of it.

The conversation would come up periodically, and I always told her that I didn’t want to know about it and didn’t want to share my number either. I always told her that I would rather focus on us and I don’t care about how many people we were with before. I held this boundary for a long time. After about half a dozen conversations about it over the course of about a year and a half, she decided that this was information that she could not live without.

She told me that it felt like I was hiding something and that if we could not talk about it that she couldn’t see a future for us. We didn’t talk about it right then, but then I rested on it and decided that I didn’t think it was worth breaking up over something so stupid. That’s why I ultimately caved.

From her perspective, she said not knowing was causing her to feel distance and a lack of trust for me. She said that based on me not wanting to talk about the number of people we had slept with and not wanting to get into details of past sexual encounters, she felt like she couldn’t bring up past relationships and sex at all or it would freak me out. Also, she was scared of learning about my past in real time and didn’t want to be surprised by anything she learned.

She was cheated on before. Her ex continually lied to her face about the cheating. I wonder if her feeling like she needs to know absolutely everything about me is to guard against future cheating.

submitted by /u/Sweaty-Weakness-5429
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, August 23, 2024

29M Need Advice

My (29m) girlfriend (26f) confessed that she drunkenly sent a photo to her ex boyfriend several months ago while out with friends. The photo is of a pet they shared together and her ex. He responded the next morning just being friendly but not flirtatious and that was the end of the interaction. He did reach out a few weeks after she had texted him but she did not respond. She told me about him reaching out when it happened and did not respond. Before this, he reached out several times and she was always very honest about the communication which she either did not respond to, or responded in a respectful but faithful manner that let him know the door was closed. I feel very confident she is not hiding anything else.

She has apologized profusely and I can tell she feels very bad about this. She said as soon as she sent the text she felt regret and did not know why she had done it. We have since moved in together. I am really struggling with what to do or how to move forward

On the one hand I am glad she fessed up and feel confident she came clean to me about the interaction in its entirety. She came clean about two other very small things that I did not know about that were really not of any significance (she had used a nicotine vape a few times without my knowledge (I would not care) and something else similar and very minor). She confessed this all to me at once to clear her conscience and because she claims she is committed to not hiding anything from me moving forward and those were all the things she had withheld from me. She told me she is committed to being honest with me and recognizes her dishonest behavior as a problem that she needs to address. On the other hand, she withheld hurtful information from me that I did not know which stripped me of the ability to be able to make the decision to move in together knowing everything fully.

We have been together around a year and a half. We get along extremely well and are very likeminded individuals. Living together has so far been amazing and we are very compatible. I have been thinking about a future with her and until this I felt incredibly confident we would spend our lives together. Don’t want to tell my parents or friends because I don’t want them to judge her if we decide to work through this so that is why I am here on Reddit to get some advice. Appreciate your advice! What do you all think?

TLDR girlfriend texted ex. Didn’t tell me about it before we moved in together. Unsure of what to do now.

submitted by /u/Old_Couple2369
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Partner (28M) spends a lot of time with his friends but when I (25F) want to do something with him, he's too tired.

Hi all,

For context; my partner (28M) and I (25F) have been together for just over a year and we are long distance so really only see each other on weekends.

I really need some advice because my heart hurts.

So, for the last maybe 6 months, my partner and I have spend less and less time going out and doing things together, asides from the rare occasion where we will go for a drive or go out for food somewhere. (The last time we went out just the two of us together was to get food at the beginning of July, I did start a new job shortly after this so we didn't see each other every weekend like normal, so that's not quite as bad as it sounds.)

The part that gets me, however, is he spends a lot of time going out to spend time with his friends. When we've spoken about this, his answer has been that: he goes out with his friends for a drive in the evening/night when he has more energy, but I'm too tired to do things with him at that time. His wording was "you're too tired at night and I'm too tired during the day." There have been times where I've gotten to the point where I so badly want to do something with him that I've bit the bullet whilst I'm exhausted to go out for a drive with his friends in the evenings because I feel like that's the only time I can do something with him. It upsets me that I'm willing to do this, but he's not able to do the same for me when the roles are reversed.

I also get upset that on the occasion where he mentions something he'd like to do together, it's been something to do with his friends. The two that spring to mind that he's mentioned recently have been going on a double date to get food with his 2 friends and going to a car meet together (with his friends.) I'm happy to do it because, again, I want to spend time with him, but on the other hand, I don't want the only time we spend time together to be with his friends. I just want some quality time with my boyfriend and right now it really feels like I'm asking for too much.

Am I in the wrong for being upset at this?

Sometimes he goes out multiple days in a row with them, but each time we plan to do something it seems he's too tired.

Last weekend I suggested we go to the cinema, he agreed but the day of, he said he was too tired and spent most of the day sleeping. This weekend we planned to go for a drive, he wanted to have a nap first because he was tired, but ended up sleeping for too long and then it was too late.

I completely understand that he works nights and he's tired but it never used to be this bad, we used to do so much more but now we spend more time sat inside together. Don't get me wrong, I love sitting down to watch some shows with him and have a cuddle or playing video games together but I just want to go somewhere and do something together, go watch a film, go see some new sights, go play bowling or go to the gaming place we have. I've made so many suggestions and they just never go anywhere. I'm 25 years old and I feel like I'm just spending my life indoors and not making any memories.

I'm so fucking sad, I love this man with all my heart, he's genuinely the best thing that's ever happened to me, but I just can't stand not doing things together.

I want to clarify that I don't care if he goes out with his friends multiple times, that is not my issue at all. My issue stems from, he's doing all this but he doesn't have the energy to do things with me. If he went out with his friends and spent time doing things with me, I'd be totally okay. I just want to spend time with my partner and make memories together.

Any advice would be so helpful because I'm truly losing my marbles right now, I feel like the bad guy here because I'm getting so upset at him but at the end of the day, all I want is that quality time.

TL;DR - My partner is too tired to spend time with me, but spends a lot of time with his friends. I get upset because I see him doing this and I just wonder why we can't find a way to do this too.

submitted by /u/throwaway91772
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I (22M) may be cheating online on my GF(19F) and I feel like a terrible person, but I cannot help it. Am I terrible person? Should I tell her?

TL;DR; : I think I am a bad person because I message NSFW on reddit with random people, even thought I have a GF whitch I love

The thing is I have a GF. I love her and I cannot be happier with her. But once or twice a month I get this terrible urge. I get on reddit search some NSFW communities and then find myself an online Pet GF/BF. Then I chat with them for a while, maybe some roleplay, they send some photos and then it ends. It never got to IRL, I never met any of those people. They mean nothing to me and I always choose my GF before them. The thing is, I cant stop it. Even if I fight it. It even makes me appreciate her more and even more sexually aroused with her. But I still thing its bad and she doesnt deserve it.

Is that cheating? Am I terrible person? Should I tell her?

submitted by /u/BarMinute1986
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

My(18F)boyfriend(19M)broke up with me, and when i tried to talk things out he accused me of cheating, what do i do?

A little background information: my(18F) boyfriend(19M) had two exes before me, as far as i know both of them cheated on him. It left a huge scar on him, and I was aware of that when we started dating. I always had a few guy friends in my life, but not many, maybe one and two, but I only had one when me and my boyfriend got together. I told him that it's just casual friendship, and nothing more, and he didnt have a problem with that. The problem started when another guy from my school texted me a few times. It wasn't flirty text, he just told me that if I liked a certain band, there are a few songs I should listen to, and we sometimes spoke a few words about music. I didnt have feelings for him and I dont think he had feelings for me, because we never talked about nothing personal, maybe said hi and a few words in school. I of course told my boyfriend that I have a casual friendship with this guy, and if he doesnt like it I'll block him, because I dont want to make the love of my life uncomfortable. I know he had a hard time trusting people, so I showed him the few text we had (although at the time i was clearing my insta dms and I deleted a lot of texts, not just with the guy but with everyone else). After two months maybe, we had a huge argument because my boyfriend thought that I was talking with that guy behind his back, and I want something from him. I immediately blocked the guy, and tried to talk things out with my boyfriend. After two months, we finally fixed everything, or so I thought. A few weeks ago, he broke up with me. He didnt gave me a really good reason, we had a small argument before the break up, but nothing we couldnt talk out. Two days ago, I tried reaching out to him, talking things out. I begged him to just talk it out and we can fix everything, and he told me that I shouldnt think he's stupid, and he knows that I'm with someone already, and I cheated on him, because of the texts I deleted(although I didnt delete them for him not to see them, I deleted because we didnt talk anymore and I just dont want people whom I dont talk with in my dms). I really didn't cheat on him, although I know that I made him feel really shitty because I was friendly with someone else, but I really never had intentions having something more than a casual friendship. I didn't even talked the guy after that, I just explained to him that I dont want to make my boyfriend uncomfortable, so I dont want to be friends anymore, he understood and that was it. I really miss my boyfriend. He was a really good boyfriend besides the jealousy, and I feel like I messed things up and I didnt even cheat on him.

TLDR; I tried to fix my relationship with my boyfriend, but he accused me of cheating on him and being with someone else right now

submitted by /u/Hopeful_Meeting_8675
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, August 18, 2024

My bf (26) is possessive and questions my f(26) loyalty

We’ve in a relationship since 8 months and since 2/3 months he has started to become extremely controlling and possessive. He doesn’t like when other guys flirt with me. He doesn’t let me wear dresses that show any cleavage. He doesn’t like if I talk to any guy even as friends. I understand that he cares about me but it’s so confusing because he initially told me that he’s not looking for a serious relationship. Although now from his behaviour it seems he’s getting serious but he’s also leaving the country in a few months and I’m going to be here for another year. I don’t know what he wants because he told me that we could never marry because of being from different religions. And then he gets mad when other guys flirt with me. Also sometimes he’s like let’s get married but in a non serious tone and then laughs. He also thinks that I’m not loyal because I hid my insta story from him cause i wanted to post a picture in which id worn a crop top. He noticed that I’d hidden it from him and got suuuuuper crazy mad at me and then verbally abused me bec I did that. I don’t know what should I do anymore.

Tdlr: my boyfriend is possessive and controlling

submitted by /u/Square-Swing-1434
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, August 17, 2024

How do I break up with my fiancé?

I [M28] love my fiancé [M28], or at least I think I still do. We've been together 2 1/2 years. He was never perfect, but he made me feel comfortable. I never felt worried that he might leave me because he always said how much he loves me and how committed he is to making this relationship work, no matter what. That's not because of some special bond that we have unlike any he's ever had; that's just the kind of person he is. There are a few things that I really appreciate about him, but there's probably equally as many that strain our relationship. The biggest is probably just how particular he is. It inhibits every facet of our life. The foods he's willing to eat are limited. The things he enjoys doing are far different from me. He suffers from migraines and difficulty sleeping, meaning we often abandon plans or leave events early because his head hurts or he's tired. Or maybe he's just be bored. Or maybe he doesn't like any of the food there. I wouldn't consider myself the most extroverted, but I like going out to do things. But going out is hard not just because of the various reasons I laid out, but because I am usually the only one paying. He makes significantly less than me and, in the time we've been together, he's left every job because it either burns him out or doesn't make enough to cover more than his personal expenses. On top of that, anything I want him to do I have to ask for explicitly. Paying for things, helping around the house, and even sharing driving duty. I hate doing this because I'm a very independent person and I hate asking people to do things for me. I know he makes less than me. I know doing chores is more annoying for him. Everything just feels easier for me than for him, so I find asking him to do anything is like putting an unnecessary burden on him.

Even with all of that, I'd probably still be staying with him, but our recent move to Europe has left me with a pretty stark choice. He advocated for our move here, even though I was pretty sure he would hate it. His expectation, which I did kind of set, was that we would go back to the US as long as at least one of us didn't like it here. The thing is, I don't just like it here; I love it so far. Everything I love about it, he hates. He essentially can't function here because he hates the food and the air is messing with his allergies in a way that no amount of Allegra will solve. He's given me an ultimatum: we start making plans to go back to the US together or he will go back by himself. The thing is, he doesn't really want to go back by himself, not just because he loves me and would miss me but because he can't necessarily support the lifestyle he wants without my income. I'm pretty sure I could get him to stick it out here for at least another year, if not indefinitely, if I really wanted to, but I don't want to do that to him. Also, as much as I would miss him, having him back in the US would free me up so much, and not just financially. But every fiber of my being doesn't want to tell him that it's over. If he decides it, then sure, but I don't think he will. He'll keep trying to convince me to come back with him, keep asking me if I love this country more than him. I don't want to say "yes" because its more complicated than that, but I honestly dont know what to say. I don't necessarily expect not to hurt his feelings, but I'm not always gentle with my words and I don't want whatever I have to say to come across as being mean, at least from an outside perspective. How do I communicate these feelings I have in a way that doesn't just come across as me attacking him for being who he is?

TL;DR I want to break up with my fiancé because of various issues in our relationship, but I don't know how to communicate this in a kind way.

submitted by /u/best-of-frens
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, August 16, 2024

My 29F girlfriend’s ex is about to be in our relationship. I 27M need help?

I’m scared that my girlfriend might leave me

Hello I 27M have been having anxiety lately about my 29F girlfriend. We’ve been dating for awhile now and we have strong feelings for one another. We constantly tell each other I love you and we want to get married and have each others kids. We’ve been inseparable since we started dating. I’m always at her place. If we not at her place we’re on the phone for hours. I’ve haven’t felt a connection like this before with a person. We’ve been talking for awhile and been dating for half a year. She even accepted my promise ring yesterday.

Lately I’ve been scared and nerves are killing me. Her ex is getting out of jail soon and they share a kid together. He’s never met the kid without a glass wall between them. I fully understand that I know they will need to be co parenting and I knew that before we started dating. They were together for 5 years before they had their kid. She told me it was off and on and she has trauma from it. Before me and her started dating she was single for 3 years focusing on her and the baby. Is it wrong to be scared and have thought that’s she will leave me for him?

I’ve talked to her about this and she tells me I’m foolish. She could never be with him because of all that he’s done to her. She tells me she loves me and wants to be with me. She assures me that she wants us to work out and that we will get married. That being said our lives are going to change drastically because he’s going to be free soon.

Can I do something to help with my anxiety and is this something to be concerned about?

TL;DR in short my girlfriends baby daddy is getting out of jail and I’m scared she’ll choose him over me even tho she assures me that we’re going to have a future together.

submitted by /u/ThrowRA_Hernandez
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Staying in a city I don’t like for my relationship


I (f28) moved to this city about 1,5 years ago but I still can’t seem to like it here. It’s also in a different country but very close to my home country and the culture is similar. Me and my bf (m38) have a healthy and loving relationship.

When I moved here it was partly because of circumstances back home. My home city & country has a severe housing shortage and rapidly rising rents which made it impossible to find a place. On top of that I was unhappy in my job..so leaving felt like the best option especially given the financial pressure. My boyfriend earns a good income and supports us both. He owns the apartment we live in so I don’t pay rent and he never makes me feel like I owe him anything. He genuinely wants to take care of me.

I’ve been running my own business for four years but back in my home country I had to treat it as a side hustle because of the unpredictable income and the need to pay my rent. Now living with my boyfriend I can focus on my business full time. He even set up an office for me and supports my independence. I’m earning well ,saving money and my boyfriend fully encourages this.

Financially I’m secure and my relationship is filled with love and understanding. I have the freedom to pursue my hobbies, attend therapy, and do whatever I want without worry. We also take vacations often and overall my life is stable and good. But despite all this I still don’t like it here. After spending 10 days back in my home country I realize how much I miss it! The language, the social people and just feeling like I belong. I never thought the mentality would be so different given how close the countries are but it is.

My boyfriend can’t move to my home country due to his business but he’s open to planning a future move there for a smoother transition. However I’m struggling with whether I can stick it out until then because I’m so unhappy.

I really don’t know what to do. I value the stability I have now especially since I had a traumatic childhood where security was lacking and I truly love my boyfriend. But I’m so unhappy because I feel like I can’t express myself or form connections here. Has anyone been in this situation or have any ideas/ words of wisdom? What would you do?

tl;dr: I moved abroad to live with my boyfriend which I am in a healthy relationship with. Despite this I miss my home country and feel unhappy here. My boyfriend can't move now and I'm struggling to stay.

I have to add that objectively speaking this city/ country offers a higher quality of life. The streets are cleaner, it feels much more safe here , beautiful nature and much less homeless people here.

submitted by /u/Secret-Guava6959
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

I (32M) have discovered fiancee (29F) has continuously cheated in our relationship. Conflicted as to what should I do ?

Hi everyone,

I'm using a throwaway account for privacy reasons, but I’ve been a long-time Reddit user. This post might be lengthy as I want to present a fair and clear picture of our relationship from my perspective. I’d greatly appreciate your opinions and feedback as we're at a critical juncture.

I’m 32M, and my partner is 29F. We’ve been dating for 7 years and are scheduled to marry in September. I come from a relatively wealthy family and am running a fledgling business. My partner also hails from a well-off family and works a stable, low-demand job. While not wealthy, we live comfortably in our own home with a large yard and a dog we both adore.

However, our relationship has significant challenges. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and struggle with shallow emotions, avoidant behavior, and hyper-independence, likely due to my upbringing. I suspect I might have psychopathic tendencies due to my blunted emotions, but I am high-functioning and treat those close to me with kindness. Before this relationship, I had only one other serious relationship, which was shallow and lasted 2 years when I was 18.

My partner was diagnosed with sociopathic tendencies as a teenager, and we suspect she has histrionic personality disorder. She is anxiously attached, fears being alone, has severe self-esteem issues, and compulsively lies due to past traumas and childhood experiences. Her past relationships, including a marriage that ended because her ex-husband was closeted, were toxic.

We’re both fairly attractive and don’t have much trouble attracting attention from the opposite sex, though I avoid social media while my partner is active on it. Our relationship started with a strong connection. I knew early on that I wanted a life with her. We quickly became exclusive after dating for 4 months, even though I was already committed from the start.

We were in a semi-long-distance relationship at first, living in different cities. We met weekly, alternating visits, and stayed in daily contact, expressing love consistently. We gave each other space and trust; I never checked her phone and respected her autonomy, though, in hindsight, I noticed some early red flags.

Things went smoothly for about a year and a half before I moved to her city, leaving behind my friends and family. This was entirely my choice, though she was willing to move for me if needed. During this time, we had no issues progressing our relationship, and I was happy and in love. I covered most of the expenses, including holidays, as I was earning significantly more, but I was content because we enjoyed our time together.

After moving in together, I continued to cover most expenses, but she started contributing more. Moving in was generally smooth, though there were minor adjustments. Our relationship continued to progress well, and we both made friends in the new city. However, I noticed she became increasingly absorbed in social media, posting frequently about our holidays and dinners. Sometimes, she focused more on her social media than on me during our time together. She also posted revealing pictures, which I now see as a red flag, but at the time, I overlooked it.

From late 2019 through 2020, things began to unravel. COVID had a significant impact on my professional life, and I went through a particularly tough time. I withdrew into myself, becoming cold and distant, which affected our relationship. While I was preoccupied with my own issues, my partner also withdrew, though she didn’t make much effort to support me during this period.

By early 2021, our relationship had become strained, with frequent fights. As things started improving for me, I tried to make up for the past year by buying her a bag she had wanted for her birthday in 2020. However, a lingering feeling of unease led me to check her computer while she was out, and I discovered she had been both emotionally and physically cheating on me throughout 2020.

This revelation devastated me, but she begged me to stay, apologizing profusely. I confronted her, and during our argument, she immediately deleted her Instagram and other message threads without my consent, raising suspicions about the extent of her cheating. She admitted to some of it but consistently lied about the details, leading to months of fights where I continued to uncover more instances of her infidelity. She has a history of only admitting to things when there is evidence.

In summary, her cheating was extensive, spanning our entire three years together. Much of the evidence has been deleted, so I can’t confirm the full extent, though I suspect there’s more she hasn’t admitted to. My gut feeling tells me I still don’t know the whole truth.

1. After we met, she continued to sleep with two guys (Guy 1 and Guy 2) she had previously been involved with. This occurred just before we became exclusive and while we were still dating.

2. Around three months after we became exclusive, she slept with a guy (Guy 3) she met online. Despite not knowing him well, she decided to meet him for lunch and ended up sleeping with him. She covered this up and only admitted it recently.

3. She consistently communicated with strangers online, proposing and agreeing to meet up with them. While she claims nothing physical happened, her history of lying makes me doubt her honesty. This behavior occurred multiple times throughout our relationship.

4. In 2019, before I moved to her city, she met up with some guys she used to see, claiming nothing physical happened.

5. Also in 2019, her cheating escalated. She had a booty call with Guy 1, someone she had been involved with in the past.

6. She met up with and slept with another guy (Guy 4) multiple times in early 2019, right before I moved. She even attended a rave with him and took drugs. She continued meeting up with him after I moved, which was particularly hurtful.

7. One night, she got drunk and slept with an ex-coworker (Guy 5) with whom she had been consistently communicating throughout 2018 and 2019. She claimed this was a one-time event and covered it up, only admitting it recently.

8. In 2019, after I bought her a new sports car for her birthday, she immediately contacted Guy 1 and slept with him. She continued communicating with him about meeting up again, though she claims nothing else happened, but she deleted most of the evidence.

9. Before I moved, she slept with a guy friend (Guy 6) who was also liked by her best friend. I later met this friend, and we got along, which now makes me feel foolish. While Guy 6 didn’t tell me about their encounter, he later distanced himself from her out of respect for me, or so she says.

10. Throughout 2020, a guy (Guy 7) she met on Facebook blatantly expressed his interest in sleeping with her. She agreed and drove to his house to cheat on me multiple times. She didn’t hide her infidelity, agreeing to keep it private at his request. She also emotionally cheated, expressing things like “can’t wait to see you” and “I miss you.” She did this while I was under immense stress, which made it particularly hurtful. I have the most evidence of this incident as it’s the most recent, though I’m unsure if they actually met up in 2021, despite him continuing to message her.

11. Throughout our relationship, she communicated with countless guys on social media, too many for her to recall accurately, according to her.

12. She sent one nude to Guy 7 and other risky pictures to different guys. Again, I don’t know the full extent of this behavior.

This pattern of deception and trickle-truthing persisted, with her lying about everything even up until today. She deleted most of the evidence, so I can only rely on her word, though I suspect there’s much more I haven’t uncovered.

So, why didn’t I leave her after discovering all this? The main reason is that I loved her, and I believed everyone deserves a second chance. I also felt that I contributed to what happened. While she was clearly in the wrong, I thought she deserved another opportunity. Her reasons for cheating were as follows:

1. A need for attention, validation, and low self-esteem.

2. Insecurity about my past, lifestyle, and female friends, leading her to perceive me as a womanizer.

3. Suspicion that I was cheating on her, which fueled her actions out of spite, despite finding no evidence.

4. Fear of the intensity of her feelings for me.

5. Seeking comfort and control by turning to other men, feeling like she didn’t have the upper hand with me.

6. Fear of co-dependence, worrying I might leave her at any time, which I may have inadvertently reinforced during fights.

7. A lack of security in our relationship, for which I take responsibility. While I didn’t cheat or intend to, I continued talking platonically to female friends who might have had an interest in me, and I failed to provide her with the reassurance she needed.

After discovering her cheating, I committed to fixing the relationship by stopping outings, cutting off all female friends, and trying to show more emotions. I proposed to her because she wanted that security. We bought a house and moved in together full-time. However, I realize there are some things I can’t change to make her feel completely secure.

Recently, I discovered she’s reverting to her old ways, actively deleting evidence of her actions. After staying off social media for a year, she went back on, promising to keep it private but later making it public and messaging guys to meet up. With her deleting messages, I don’t know the full extent of her actions this time. We’re due to be married in two months, and we just returned from a holiday paid for by my parents, yet she’s still messaging other guys online.

I’m now calling off the engagement, but I find myself conflicted and swayed by my feelings. I don’t have clarity on the situation, so I would really appreciate your thoughts and feedback on what’s happening. I’m really conflicted.

I understand how stupid this maybe and the answer should be obvious by I think my judgement is severely clouded at this point and would like some feedback on what actions I should take.

TL;DR: Engaged for 7 years, I recently discovered my fiancée has been cheating on me with multiple guys throughout our relationship. Despite giving her a second chance and making significant changes to improve our relationship, she's reverted to her old ways, actively deleting evidence and messaging other men. With our wedding two months away, I'm conflicted and considering calling off the engagement, seeking advice on what to do.

submitted by /u/RateFast510
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

She suddenly started treating me like a stranger

For background - I am 19 years old, found a job, night shifts to be specific, and soon after I met a girl there. Things at first were doing fine, I would take a bus to work, we were always taking the same bus as she lives close to me. I remember that I was first to initiate this so called "relationship", I mean - I approached her first, began with some small talk, but pretty soon after I noticed we had really nice conversations, even she used to talk to me first as we were meeting on the bus a couple times, was asking me if she could see me off, and viceversa.

No matter if she was tired or not, she just wanted to keep up the conversation, we used to return home together on foot as we were leaving the bus. It was all okay until... it wasn't. First week since we met it was all fine, but I can't say the same thing about the second. Suddenly, I stopped seeing her in a bus, although we had the same shift at work. It wasn't a big deal for me as of course, she could have taken yet another bus.

Things started getting weird when I was returning from work. Instead of her approaching me after shift, she would see me at a stop and then stand a few meters turning away, without saying anything. Eventually, we were taking the same bus back home. But... she started to treat me like a stranger. She didn't really care if I sat next to her or not, not even mentioning about talking about anything. At first I was like: okay, I get it, we don't need to talk over and over, but this time there was such an odd feeling - like, we're not talking because we need some time for ourselves, but rather - we don't talk, because she doesn't like me. The weirdest part was when we were getting off the bus as we were going home. She suddenly chose the other door, walked away from me without exchanging a word, not even a single "bye" or "goodnight", just as if two strangers were going with the same bus.

Next time we were going home was even more bizarre. She just suddenly got off on a different stop, and said she has to go, just without any reason. I remember that earlier she used to tell me some details, it really used to look like she cared about me. I don't really know what to think about it, did she just get bored with me or no longer wants to meet me. I noticed that first she picks a seat but doesn't really care if I sit close to her or not, she's just rushing to a seat, not looking if I am with her or not. I used to sit close to her anyway, just to return together, not necessarily to talk about something. Maybe this is what she found uncomfortable?

Throughout the years I learned how to read people's emotions but it seems like a no advantage to me sometimes. I started making scenarios in my head, I stopped sleeping well, started feeling like sh*t at work. I feel like she no longer cares about me, or even worse, no longer wants to know me. Right now I don't have enough time to talk with her about it - as I get to work I don't see her, while waiting for the bus on the way home she doesn't want to talk or ignores me. Not only that, we also finish on different hours sometimes.

What's also weird, from approachable and talkative person she suddenly turned into "introvert", said she likes travelling alone.

While working we hardly ever talk, since it's a physical work and we don't have time.

Before someone says "she needs time", I want to say that if we really had good time together she would probably tell me that she needs it. Otherwise, she just no longer wants to know me. Currently I have no idea and have really bad feelings that keep me away from falling asleep, that's why I'm typing this. If you guys were in similar situation just let me know how to deal with it. Honestly, I don't want to be some sort of desperate so I am going to wait a while for some advice or when my mood gets better. Usually, when something is wrong, I trust my intuition (but I have to admit that I first deny my intuition, just to have some doubts in case and not to judge too quickly), which often doesn't fail or eventually I am absolutely mistaken. I talked to my best friend about it, he said that it's just my view on that and doesn't have to be true, and I shouldn't give someone a label.

"Just move on" - hard to say it to a person that makes strong bonds with newly met people I had a great talk with and will meet them multiple times. Probably that says a lot about me.

Seriously, I don't know if my mind is just playing with me or just gives me a subtle warning that something is wrong. If you read all this, just thanks. Right now I'm trying to get to sleep. Feel free to ask questions <3

TL;DR - I met a girl at work, firstly had long and nice conversations, used to get the same bus, but suddenly she started avoiding me for some reason, before and after work. I seriously doubt if she still likes me.

submitted by /u/eel900
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, August 12, 2024

Very long, possibly NSFW - was she with her boss & my friend?

I’d love to get a perspective from both males and females on this. It’s a little long and these events happened some time ago, but I’ve just recalled them. This is a two parter. None of the names are real. I’m gonna put rough dates in place to keep track of things.

I'm also open to DM if you don't want to post an opinion publicly, but I would REALLY like some feedback.

The reason I’m writing this is I’ve started to remember some things and they’re in my head & I’m finding them incredible hot to think about (like continuously, but it’s driving me nuts). I was going to break it into two parts but they’re kind of intertwined in the timeline so I have to keep it together. Sorry, it’s long.


Two years ago. I was going through a bit of a breakdown. Covid lockdowns were going on, I was suffering from depression & anxiety, I was off sick from work. I was aware a mutual friend of ours (childhood friend of hers) was going through some stuff as I’d heard she was also off long term sick. This friend (KATE), called in one day while she was not here, kids are in school & I opened the door & was surprised that she was there & told her Maria wasn’t home, she said she knew and wanted to talk to me, I invited her in & made her a coffee with some small talk & then she came out with I need to tell you something…. Kate had divorced a year earlier & we were both supportive to her. Her & Maria had several nights out when covid lockdowns were lifted both drowning sorrows & later getting her back on the scene. No problems with this at all, in fact I encouraged it. Maria would tell me when guys chatted her up or bought her drinks and it’s an insane turn on to hear other guys are interested in & find your wife as sexy as you do.

So Kate starts to tell me about something that happened with someone she was seeing that resulted in her being off work sick. I told her that I wasn’t comfortable knowing this on my own, and could she tell Maria, or could I tell her, she said she already knew and had known for about four months. Maria hadn’t said a word & I never suspected that she knew anything. I said it to her later and she was surprised Kate had told me and said she had asked her not to tell anyone, including me. So at that moment I realised, Maria is great at keeping secrets. What else did I not know. So I asked her, she said she tells me everything apart from a couple of times when she had bought herself some stuff at full price & told me it was on sale & there was one time when her & Kate were out & she was playing wingwoman and this guy tried to kiss her but she pushed him away and told him she was married. She didn’t say anything because she didn’t want me to think she wasn’t safe…

Now Maria is fun loving, great looking, and funny. The second I saw her, I fell in love with her & knew we’d get married someday. Now myself, I’m kind of a funny guy, but I was punching way above my weight with her. I mean she was stunning, while I was a slightly overweight badly dressed geeky type guy.

Back then I was Peter Griffin to her Lois :) Fast forward a couple of years and she’s been struggling with her weight & I’ve actually lost some and started looking after myself. She put on about 34 lbs and I lost about 40. Although her face is rounder these days, she’s still stunning, I’ve kind of grown into my face, less round, little saggy but I’d now see myself as handsome whereas I never did. Her body is more renaissance painting than barbie like, but she’s had kids & for a number of years we both kind of let ourselves go, just sitting around eating and drinking. We’re both doing something about it now, but my results have been a lot faster than hers.

Now for the rewind…


For a little backstory & qualification, when I met my wife (MARIA) she was almost 20 & I had just turned 25. She was a knockout then as she is now.

It took her a little longer. We went on a couple of dates and she wasn’t really feeling it, but I guess at some point something kind of clicked with her. I’d just come back from travelling & was living at home, she hadn’t yet moved out. I’d been with a couple of other women before while she had only been intimate with one guy when she was about 17, but hadn’t had sex with him - she told me it went as far as both of them going down on each other & hands, but she didn’t like him going down on her. We ended up sleeping together after seven weeks, so I guess I was doing something right. Although she didn’t like the idea of me going down on her so it didn’t happen.

Life went on. We went on… holidays together etc, after two years I asked her to marry me & she said no, she was enjoying herself too much to settle down… this happened every so often, we bought a house together & the fifth time I asked her, I told her that as I was now in my 30s, and had a home with her, if she still didn’t want to get married, I was totally ok with that, we’d be together forever but I didn’t want to keep getting turned down and so probably wouldn’t ask again. She organised everything and we ended up married eight months later… kids and life journey etc. ups & downs etc but that’s life anyway, it’s not a straight line & there’s highs and lows.. we’re happy.


Shortly after we got together, she got a job in a young small company in a very exciting industry, it was all parties & openings and launches and nights out. I met the people that she worked with & they were all great, guys & girls all great energy & nice people. The guy who owned the company (JOHN) was a really interesting dude. unnbelieveibly charismatic, not traditionally good looking, but handsome & well dressed and funny & interesting. She worked in one role and partially as his assistant. Some of the nights I went out with them, and some I didn’t. She still works there and has risen up through the company. There’s only about five or six oof the original ones left and the company has grown to quite a large international company & she’s quite high up in it now.

Early on, I told her of my best friend (GAVIN) who lives abroad, back then there was no Facebook, or email or video calling. (I feel old). My friend and I used to call to shoot the breeze every two or three weeks. He lived a very exotic lifestyle, had a different girl every time we talked, good looking, dated models, worked in an industry that was glam and lived the lifestyle. They talked a couple of these times on the phone, mutual fun slagging off of me in jest etc), I’d sent him a photo of the two of us, but the only one I had of him was him dimly lit in the background of a party where I met him). I should mention. He’s from here too, just emigrated many years ago. I grew up with him.


One day, he called me to tell me he was coming home to surprise his little brother for his birthday & asked if I’d pick him up, drop him off and we could all go out that night. So we went to pick him up & they got to meet in person for the first time. He hugs me, then her & then she pushes him back, holding onto him and say “Oh my god, you’re Sarah’s ex…. He looked surprised and said “Sarah (surname)??? How’d you know that?” Turns out an old teenage friend of hers had gone out with him for a couple of weeks months when they were about 13/14. Different parts of the city, but they had all met up, group of guys, group of girls a couple of times…. so as it happened, he met her before I did. I dropped him of & we all went out & hung out that night and a couple more times before he went home. The night before he went, we were hanging out & he said to us, we should come stay with him next year for our vacation. She’d never been there and we thought that’s a great idea…

Now the rewind…. Bear in mind, I’m remembering this some time after the events and my recollections may not be accurate


We go visit him. He brings us out to some of the hottest clubs and bars in town. He only had a couple of beers because he was driving, but we were on vacation so had many more. We head back to his 1 bed (he’d got a futon in the living room for us), and crack open a couple of beers to finish off the night. It’s around 2am, he’s up at 6 for work, we’re jet-lagged, but we’re having great fun. I made the mistake of sitting on the futon, I should have stayed standing because jet lag and drunkenness kick in and I find myself drifting off but still aware of the conversation going on, they’re talking about his current girlfriend who’s columbian, very exotic, and passionate but he says she’s only for now, there’s nothing there, he prefers someone else, at this point, I black out, I stir briefly some time after, open my eyes and they’re having a whisky I pass out again. I wake briefly again, unfinished whisky glasses on the counter & no sign of them, I figure he’s gone to bed and she’s either in the loo or beside me but I don’t have the energy to roll over to check. Look at watch, 5:15. Close eyes & wake again at 11:30am. He’s gone to work a while (left a note, she’s still crashed out & at some point, I or someone got me undressed.

I put on coffee & jump in the shower, when I get out she’s having breakfast wearing my t-shirt from yesterday (super sexy look), and we end up having sex on the futon (they’re not made for sex). We head off for the day, get home, he’s making dinner, we talk and go for a swim in his pool etc.. Days went on like this, we meet his girlfriend, she’s very hot. One night they have an argument & split, no big deal, he was only seeing her six weeks or so. So we spend the next week and a half doing our thing while he’s working & hanging out together when he’s not. One day he’s not in the best mood. He can be kind of deep, and he’s very quiet. This goes on for hours, out of the blue Maria asks (kind of annoyed) Do you want us to go get a hotel? And he says no, it’s him, just feeling off and we’re only there for another couple of days. So we stay & everything is grand. Drops us at the airport, hugs & we head home. Great trip

Me & Maria are doing great, we start saving for a house, she keeps turning me down, life is generally good.


She goes out on one of her work nights, I go out with my friends, but texts me about three am, asks can I stay at yours? Sure, get a cab, she turns up and I greet her, she’s pretty well on. Not messy, but well on. I ask if she’s ok, she says she did something really dumb & doesn’t want to go to her parents, I ask what it was & he hesitates for a second & then says someone was passing round a brownie & it got to me and I ate the whole thing and I was supposed to pass it round and I don’t know and kind of freaking out, so I hug her, tell her to get into m bed and then stay up all night watching her in case she gets sick, she ok the following morning, subdued but otherwise not sick or anything.


We go see Gavin again. He has a long term girlfriend now & we meet her & she’s awesome (in fact they’re married to this day). Another great trip. We meet some of their friends and go to some of their parties. Really jealous of the lifestyle. We’ve got our first house and are living together a year at this point (about three months after the previous entry). we’re at one particular party & a couple of people including me end up naked in the pool, everyone is dancing, Gavin is drunk & sitting down in the chair we dumbed our stuff when we got back to the house for the party. The two girls are up dancing with about ten other people. People are in the pool, I’m howling off & looking for my clothes, others are standing around drinking. This trip is awesome. I had a video camera (remember those) and am capturing everything, it’s really a great time.

Time goes on, they get married, we get married, they have kids, we have kids, Maria gets promotions & is rising up through the ranks, I change jobs a couple of times, we have ups & downs. I’ve always had a very high sex drive, her less so, this did lead to arguments & unfair demands on my part for which I’m truly sorry. She was tired & didn’t feel good about herself and I still made demands on her to satisfy myself. I probably jerked off every day in addition to wanting sex, it was not a good time for her. Even though she had put on weight I still find her extremely sexy & attractive, but sexually she would start to shut down on me, refusals and then telling me there was something wrong with me & refusing to discuss things. To this day, even though she would flash her boobs at me when we were out no matter where we were, she was always kind of prudish, only let me start going down on her ten years ago or so, which she loves now (so many wasted years), I’ve never finished from a HJ or BJ from her (finds cum distasteful - literally).

We’re recovering now, I’m going out of my way to be better for her, date nights, massages (with no expectations), flowers. We get intimate about twice a week in some way. I want to do the mojo upgrade thing with her but am afraid to bring it up in case she thinks I’m weird. She has said many times she doesn’t have any fantasies and is very vanilla, I don’t think I have any either but would be more experimental thinking. There’s stuff I’d like to try, but afraid to bring it up with her for what she’s think of me. I also, because of this stuff going on, thin I might have unlocked a kink or started a kink or developed an interest….

Fast Forward…


I’m on medication for depression & anxiety (stuff going on in work getting to me as well as struggling financially), it’s causing the most vivid full colour 8K dreams you can imagine. Some of them are sexual, some of them are terrifying. On the frightening ones, I end up waking in the middle of the night in a panic & have to calm down before going asleep. In the sexual ones, I’ve woken up having ejaculated in my sleep (wet dreams from teenage years are back). These dreams include Gavin & his wife & other friends of ours and sometimes co-workers of both of ours.

I find some old video cassette from back in the early 2000s in the attic. Long forgotten, I start going through them and discover a moment in one of them where I was recording at that party sitting down. Taking it all in, then zoomed in on the two girls dancing. And then held it on them but mostly Maria for a couple of minutes, she’s dancing sexily with his girlfriend, but facing the camera the whole time & then while Gavin’s girlfriend was turned the other way, she flashed her boobs it zoomed in. I didn’t remember taking it & figured I was drunk, then a couple of minutes later, I walked in from the pool, so it was Gavin who was recording…. I wrote it off as everyone being drunk and having fun but to was also really really hot knowing she had flashed him.

Flash Forward…


We’re out a couple of weeks ago, we had a nice meal and then some drinks and are having great time, we’re really getting on well & reconnecting. To this day, I still can’t believe she chose me. There’s guys looking at her, it’s hot, she’s a stunning looking woman.

We’re talking about some work stuff & she tells me that at last year’s Xmas party her boss John got really drunk and confided in her that he’d been going for happy ending massages because his marriage is a dead bedroom and had been for years. Over the years John had been with and slept with several of the women who had worked for him. I asked her was she ever upset that he’d never come on to her & she hesitated for a split second and said that about six years ago at another of their nights out, he got really drunk (does that a lot), so much so, that she called him a cab, got his coat and went to wait with him for the car to get him home, while waiting, he made a pass at him and she brushed him off… she’d never told me this (great at secrets), but instead of feeling annoyed, it felt hot. I asked her if she would have slept with him and she laughed and said no, I’m married (fake shock). I asked her if there was no chance of getting caught, or there were no consequences, would she & she considered the question, said I do think I missed out getting with you so young & inexperienced, I agreed and said that I wished she had experienced life and other people and probably sex more before we met (but then would we have met? Real sliding doors moment right there).

So now I’ve these events going over in my head, I find it incredibly arousing that others find my wife sexy & attractive even all these years later.

I’m not going anywhere and neither is she, we love each other and it’s so long ago, it doesn’t make any difference anyway as we’re still together, I’m also not going to call anything out about it to my friend or her boss, as there’s no point.

I do feel sorry for her that she only ever experienced one guy & I’m prepared to offer her a hall pass should the situation arise for her in the future if she wants to pursue it

TLDR - She possibly hooked up with her boss a couple of times and my best friend.


  1. I do find it hot, but should I offer her a hall pass?
  2. Why am I so turned on about it?
  3. What do you think happened with each guy if anything?
  4. Is it all in my head?
submitted by /u/deltazephyr
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, August 11, 2024

My girlfriend said the most awful things unprovoked while drunk

My girlfriend said the most awful things unprovoked while drunk

My (28F) girlfriend and I (30M) just moved in together after being long distance for some time. We are both single parents. The beginning of our relationship was amazing, but about 3 months in she sort of pulled away.

Honestly I couldn't tell if it was a love bombing thing or reality setting in that this was getting serious and a move would be involved at some point. It was still obvious she was head over heels in love with me, but the dynamic had changed. Frequency of sex dropped off hard, the fun and flirty vibe was replaced with a serious only one, she went from being very touchy feely to not wanting to be touched at all.

Since we were long distance we used to sext and flirt a lot, that dropped off. She said she couldn't explain why she was feeling the way she was but in other ways behaved otherwise like a woman that was very much head over heels in love with me. I chocked all this up to the very reasonable stress that was related to the coming move and did my best to not take it personally. All of these details are relevant.

Yesterday I came home from work and she was pretty tipsy. We were playful with each other, worked on unpacking, and had about a 2 hour chat. She initiated some really intense sex that I obviously enjoyed. She's never really been in to aftercare but l'm a lover and I want to cuddle and chat afterwards for a bit. She tends to want to roll over and sleep.

We cuddled for a bit before she pushed me off of her and started talking nonsense. Something about what she needed to visit Europe and get through airport security, how she hates America, and how everything is a scam. It was very odd and I figured it was the alcohol taking even though she had been otherwise coherent. I played al with her for a bit and told her l'd make her a tinfoil hat .. that's when she went off the deep end.

She told me she didn't love me, didn't want to be my girlfriend, wanted to move back home, wanted everyone to fuck off and go back to it just being her and her daughter, said she only pretended to love me because she wanted her daughter to have a father but has changed her mind, that my touch repulses her and she's disgusted by me and she has to force herself to initiate intimacy with me and started crying. I honestly thought she was having the drunk sads and maybe a bit of a breakdown but she insisted she wasn't saying any of this because she's drunk and she means every word of it. She told me l was a huge red flag for asking more about her life story. I told her I wouldn't be spoken to like this and went to sleep on the couch.

I've always gone out of my way to be thoughtful of her, make sure she feels beautiful and loved, do small meaningful things for her, and I love her daughter like my own. I'm genuinely dumbfounded as to where all of this came from and I don't know if I can continue in the relationship. There's never been any signs of any of this kind of thing coming and I've been nothing short of kind and compassionate to her.

Do I chock this up to some kind of stressed induced mental breakdown fueled by alcohol or do I take the verbal and emotional abuse at face value and walk away before it gets worse?

TL;DR my gf got drunk and started verbally abusing me completely unprovoked

submitted by /u/Zealousideal_Flow727
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Rejected By best friend but still like him.

I got rejected by my best friend a few months ago, he said he respected me too much and that he wouldn’t date me because the last time he did date his best friend it ended horribly. (I know it was a nice way for him to reject me) He told me that after he said no that I would probably get over it, and that it was just a phase and that my brain decided that because he treated me nicely I liked him. Which is probably why, but I still like him which is the problem. Ive liked gim for 2 years and im embarrassed to tell him that its longer than a week 😭I have one class with him this year and he would always keep eye contact with me and crack jokes mid class. He sits In front of me and often has his elbow at my desk. These feelings I have are still there, and they won’t leave. There are other small things that he does that are sweet but I don’t know if it’s him being friendly or what? I really need help on how to get over this. 😭😭 I respect him so much and I don’t want us to ruin our friendship over this.

TLDR: my best friend rejected me 2 months ago very nicely, but I still like him, he thinks ive liked him for a week when it’s more like 2 years.He does small things like putting his elbow on my desk during class and keeping eye contact with me and talking to me more than usual, how do I get over him?

submitted by /u/NotedSpace24343
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, August 8, 2024

[28M] My Height Disproportionately Affects My Ability to Date and I Need Perspective

I'm located in the United States, I'm 5'5 and Black. I don't generally ask for advice on things like this because mostly people give advice that makes them feel better about how they view the world, but is fail to engage with the actual point. Like if I said, "I think I'm being excluded from the social circle at work because I'm Black" telling me to be more confident would be both dumb and offensive. Similarly, talking about individual stories of success doesn't really get at the larger systemic issue. That being said, this is definitely a thing, and it's definitely a strong cultural norm and preference than an innate biological one. I've been to around 16 countries and this is only a thing in the United States and Europe. I have trouble understanding it, but I've isolated like the other factors in my life and gone back through my interactions for the past few years of my life to figure out if there are any other factors that could be hindering. It's definitely not my style because I get complimented on my outfits every time I go outside. It's definitely not level of fitness because I am definitionally more fit than 96 percent of people. It could be that people think I'm arrogant if I talk about my life honestly without trying to be self-deprecating, but on observation of how other talk about themselves the way I speak about myself isn't out of the norm. I'm also generally regarded as funny by my peers, and someone who can confided in by my subordinates. I'm a bit gruff on account of competing in combat nationally in college. I usually go the extra mile to make people feel both heard and understood, if they are someone I know is sensitive. Otherwise I will still help, but I won't be nice. I have my own experiences, but specifically what I'm looking for can fall into a few categories:

  1. Selection: I have a few preferences at things that point towards a person's general work ethic and being able to keep up with me. I have generally fuzzier edges on things like physical attraction. I have no hardline preference for like height, race, or hair color. I measure by general fitness and not by weight. So if you're generally athletic but carry a few extra pounds, that's fine with me and also I can't deal with people who are ultra religious, or Conservatives. I had one instance in my freshman year of college, where I got set up on a date with a woman who was 6'1, and I acted weird because I thought I looked like a child next to her. Afterwards, I felt intense shame because that wasn't consistent with the type of person I wanted to be so I reoriented the way I perceive attraction, so I no longer have that particular weakness. My assumptions are that these are reasonable standards to have based on my personal values and traits I find admiral in people. Here, I am looking for feedback on selecting partners and people that I should pursue, within reason. Talk about what kinds of people you have seen dating shorter people.
  2. Location: I think choosing location is important for finding partners. I am smart and charismatic. I am at a disadvantage at online dating and loud bars where people are judging largely based on looks, the other people there are 18-24, and where it is hard to hear. I am at an advantage in places like libraries, cafes, museums, art installations, and physical events that let you have down time like events at the park. If you have short friends who have done well with dating in the United States, where have they been successful. I am asking this question to understand if people have had success at places where I've struggled and if there are other places where I could be successful that I haven't considered. I've found that meet ups for a hobbies aren't particularly effective.
  3. Connections: Women generally do not recommend short men to their friends. So it's fine to be friends with women, but with a clear understanding of the lack of utility those relationships will provide towards this specific case. I do not date anyone through work, that's a disaster waiting to happen. My family are first-generation immigrants so I don't have an extended network to draw on. Also while my family is quite wealthy, money isolates. I move states every 10 months for work, so my options in terms of friendships delivering for me are negligible. What I am looking for here is if you know anyone who is my height or shorter and in my age range (1993-2001) who was able to use connections to find someone.
  4. Intangibles: These are things like chemistry, commonality, body language, shared history and interests. I'll reiterate, the go to the gym is not good advice for me I already go and for me putting on more muscles trends towards body builder territory. I have always been an athlete, I am extremely confident in the capabilities of my body and I go dancing every weekend. Areas where I struggle to connect with people, I am a first generation immigrant and struggle to connect with most Americans on shared cultural background stuff. I grew up Rich, I struggle to connect with people of a lower socioeconomic class at times. I have ADHD, at times struggle to put myself into the shoes of people who do not. According to others, I am funny. Like insanely funny. I do self-deprecating jokes about my behavior, but not about my appearance. In the past I've had 3 girlfriends for about a year, all were from online. None were from dating apps. The sites that I used to find them actively discourage dating or giving out contact information and it was a pandemic/post-pandemic happenstance that we decided to break the rules.

TL:DR I need dating perspective because I am short and Black in a country that denigrates both of those things. I am not insecure about my height, but recognize the social stigma around it.

submitted by /u/Sensitive-Bee-9886
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* This article was originally published here