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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Got asked out by my friend

My friend (23F) just asked me (23M) out and I am not sure what to do. I do really like her and wish I could say yes but the truth is that she deserves far better than me. I don’t have anything to offer her and I’m not sure what she sees in me or why she likes me. She’s a far better person than me. I don’t know what to do though, I don’t want to say yes because I don’t want to waste her time and hold her back from finding someone who truly deserves her. But I also don’t want to say no and break her heart. Deep down I wish I could be the right guy for her but I’m not. Is there anything I could do or say to avoid both of these?

TL;DR: my friend asked me out, I don’t deserve her, I’m not sure what to do

submitted by /u/mcto117
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, December 30, 2022

How can I (27f) show him (28m) that he is worthy of love?

I (27f) am seeing someone (28m) who thinks he isn’t a guy that women would not like to date. He often makes comments that show that he is not comfortable with the way he looks. He is super shy and a bit nerdy. But I feel super attracted to him. He’s never been in a relationship & I don’t want to overwhelm him by just tellling him how hot he is to me 😅 have you experienced something similar before? I want him to know that he is worthy of love in a nice way without making it awkward or being pushy.

Tldr: He is insecure & thinks that women won’t love him, but I want to tell him that he is great

submitted by /u/Lemoncatlady_95
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, December 29, 2022

[26M] [26F] Resentment

Hi all,

To add some context, me (26M) and my gf (26F) have been together for 2.5 years. Had our ups and downs, most of which was lack of communication.

I’m really struggling with how things are at the moment, I always check in with her and make her feel appreciated but now starting to get resentful as she doesn’t reciprocate. For example, Christmas this year I went above and beyond to get her some nice things, whereas she didn’t really put any thought into it. It’s not so much about the gifts but more the thought.

I’ve brought up her lack of affection which she says she struggles with, I’m not sure how to go about this now?

TL;DR Girlfriend is taking me for granted and making me resentful of the relationship

submitted by /u/Unfair_Philosophy_86
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Am I an asshole for having some kind of feelings for my EXs best friend after we broke up?

So some weeks ago my girlfriend of 6 years told me she had cheated on me which crushed me and we broke up. Our relationship sometimes felt like we were best friends who lived under the same roof so this is probably for the best. However during our relationship I have been very good friends with her friends and one of them to the point of me being able to be with her without my (ex)girlfriend (known that friend for about 6 years as well). I have always felt a good connection with her (friendly) and we are more similar than me and my ex. The last year of my relationship I have felt that it’s more fun hanging out with her then my then gf which I have questioned myself about.

So to the current moment. She has taken my side in all of this even though my gf and her has been friends since first years of school. We have talked on phone and been texting a bunch. She wants to meet when she’s home and talk and is also up for going for a drink sometime. I got invited to a new year’s party which my ex is not attending. She has even said she might cut the contact with her after what she did to me?

I have felt she might have liked me before but it was nothing we talked about. My ex also said that she is worried she liked me more but I told her we were just friends.

Do you think she might like me more than a friend?

Am I a total asshole for doing stuff with her that might lead to something more?

Otherwise me and my ex has had a really civilized breakup and talked a lot so not really any angry feelings. I am not doing this in any way to get back at her.

Might have had feelings for her more than a friend during our relationship but pushed it away because it’s wrong and I still loved my girlfriend.

Edit: Worried I’m just feeling this way because she has given me support during this shitty situation and genuinely cares about me.

TL;DR Broke up with my girlfriend of 6 years after she cheated on me and now I have been talking a lot to her best friend feeling it could lead to something more. Is this wrong?

submitted by /u/Affectionate-Note802
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, December 26, 2022

Girlfriend's[19 F] acting all strange and new to me[M 20]

So about 3 weeks back, me and my girlfriend had a fight, kinda a big one where i was insensitive about her feelings, but i talked about it with her and solved it, but she kept her grudges and i was fine with it cause i can understand how she feels about it, but anyways fast forward to the last 2 days, and she's just been acting differently to me, in fact it feels more like she again has an issue with me, but she isn't clear about it, and like we haven't really talked over phone since that fight, we met but that was once and that's about it, when i talk about something, she ends it with an ohh, or just doesn't reply to it, fine, but it's not just that she even acts like the things I'm telling her are new and acts like we are new people, she recently went somewhere on a hike and i was asking about it cause i was genuinely interested about it, and she just said it was good and wasn't telling anything much about it, i was so hurt and i didn't even know how to tell it to her that i don't like the way she's treating me, i just wanna break down at this moment, i don't even have any friends that i can go talk to, she was literally the only one i had

tl;dr girlfriends been acting like we are new friends and isn't really sharing things with me, i don't know how to talk to her about it

submitted by /u/DreamyNickel
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Bf constantly refuses me for emotional and physical affection if I initiate

My(26F) bf(28M) and I have been on the rocks lately. We were lying in bed tonight, but he seemed a bit standoffish and quiet, so I asked him if everything was ok. He replied yes, although right off the bat seemed pretty annoyed. I asked again since it was pretty clear he was frustrated, but that made it even worse. Tbh I get how that can be annoying since I kept asking, so I tried to let it go. I then asked him for a hug, but he told me he didn’t feel like it...Those kinds of actions make me very unsure in our relationship. Whenever he initiates any form of contact I welcome it, but I always feel like it’s only on his terms. Whenever I try it’s met with rejection 99% of the time. Over time it makes me feel desperate and unwanted when I try to initiate. When I asked him why he didn’t want to hug, he told me I was only asking because I’m insecure and that I shouldn’t put my emotions on him. I’m always left second guessing myself and just don’t know what to do. I genuinely just wanted to feel held. Maybe I should have apologized for asking twice in hindsight. He’s always making these assumptions about me lately, so I’m left waiting only for him to initiate. I want to feel like I can be freely affectionate too, but to him it just seems like everything I do has a motive behind it or I can only wait for him to come to me.

TL;DR BF(28M) refuses me physical/emotional affection if I(26F) initiate

submitted by /u/a1throwaway_
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, December 24, 2022

My [19M] best friend [19F] has been too busy to hang out even once over the last four months

Me and my friend met in high school and have been really close ever since. We always hung out, knew every little bit of gossip about each others lives and I was practically an honorary part of her family. People would always say that we acted like twins or practically shared a brain cell. She was like a sister to me.

But for the last four months, whenever I ask if she’s free to hang out, she’s always “Busy”. I was fine with it at first, but it’s starting to get a tad weird. Apparently she’s been working a lot, but there’s no way in hell she’s been working for seven days a week every week for several months. I have other friends with pretty hectic work/college schedules that still make time to hang out with me whenever they can.

We rarely even text or call anymore. It’s like our friendship just vanished and I have no idea why. We’ve literally never had a proper fight (Other than friendly banter) and I’m not sure what I could’ve done. It’s honestly really hurting me to drift away from my best friend like this

Any advice on how to deal with this?

TLDR: My best friend has been to “busy” to hang out even one for several months. Don’t know if I did something wrong or not

submitted by /u/kammzammzmz
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, December 23, 2022

My friend is an abusive household over Christmas - what can I do to help?

TDLR: friend has to deal with emotionally abusive dad and feels like she can’t leave. How can I help as a long distance friend?

My friend and I are both 22 and attend university together. We’ve both gone home to our families for Christmas in different parts of the country - me being south her being north.

I’ve known she’s had trouble with her family, pretty much all her life, but it seems to be going particularly bad atm - she’s being calling me crying/texting everyday about her dad.

Behaviours include Dad talking about my friend behind her back, manipulating discussions between them to her mum, being generally angry over small things, refusing to accept apologies from her (even though he’s more in the wrong for being the adult), threatening her to not tell her friends about how he’s acting

Basically, shes not happy being at home at all and her mum isn’t really supporting her either - the mum leaves whenever they argue (which is more my friend defending herself against an angry shouty man) and wants her to take the high road so they can move on and enjoy Christmas.

My friend wants to go back to uni asap, but feels she cannot leave until the agreed date on Jan because she’s worried they’ll think she’s being dramatic, and the dad will just take it out on her mum.

As her friend I feel terrible I can’t do more to help. She doesn’t deserve the treatment she’s getting and even know I would just up and leave I can’t force her to do that.

Is there anything I can say or suggest to help my friend during this Christmas period?

submitted by /u/Whistles-4018
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, December 22, 2022

I know my friend’s (24F) boyfriend (25M) of 2 ½ years is considering breaking up with her. Do I tell her what I know?

A few years back my boyfriend and I introduced my good friend and his friend to each other. They got on very well and eventually entered a relationship together.

Almost 3 years on, my friend is very much in love and wants to move in and get married to her boyfriend. However, it has just come to light that the boyfriend is in debt because of a gambling problem which he has been hiding from her. This isn’t great at all as my friend believed they would soon have enough money to put a deposit on a house together. She also asked him if he even wanted to move in together, and he wasn’t sure.

She has been speaking to me about this and wants to help get her boyfriend out of debt and fix his gambling problem, but most of all she is very upset and confused as to why he isn’t sure about moving in together.

Now the part where this is tricky for me is that her boyfriend is very good friends with my boyfriend, and he has been speaking about this on the group chat with a few other friends. They keep this chat very light-hearted but one thing he said that stood out to me is; “I do love her, but I am not sure if I love her as much as I should”. He also expressed that he often finds her difficult to be with but said that he can’t break up with her now because its Christmas and her Birthday soon.

My friend does have anger problems and can snap easily if provoked. She could also be considered controlling as well and I get the impression that her boyfriend feels that all she does is complain at him. Her family are verbally aggressive toward one another, so I think this is where she gets it from. I also know she is unhappy with her current situation and feels that moving out into her own place will help.

Her boyfriend keeps very quiet and emotionless about his personal problems which makes this difficult. Having a gambling addiction is sure to impact his mental health. He hasn’t even spoken to his best friends about his problem.

I don’t want to add fuel to the fire, so I am keen for them to work it out. My boyfriend suggested that we sit down with the and ‘mediate’ as they are terrible at communicating, but I think that is a little embarrassing for us all!

I don’t want to ruin my friends Christmas or birthday in a few weeks’ time, although I know this has its pros and cons. I also don’t want to get involved with limited information and cause conflict that they may have been able to resolve together. I really think he should just take some responsibility for his life and tell my friend how he feels as she has no idea at all!

Do you think I should mind my business?

TL;DR! I know my friend’s (24F) boyfriend (25M) of 2 ½ years is considering breaking up with her but doesn’t want to deal wit it until after her birthday next year. I don’t know whether to let them sort it between themselves or tell my friend what I know.

submitted by /u/hab1905
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

girlfriend just doesn't seem to be fully into me (25m) (22f)

Maybe it's my own insecurities, maybe not.

Me and my girlfriend met online. We spoke everyday for months until she confessed she liked me. From June to September the distance felt less. She would send me cute messages, we had nice talks about our feelings and us in general. It felt nice.

We met in September and things felt even better. We mutually desired each other and I stayed longer than planned cause she didn't want me to leave. She said some lovely things about me that will stay with me forever.

Once I got home things were more routine. Less gooey messages, less affection. We still spoke everyday but I did feel a burden. At one point I told her I felt her level of affection had changed, and she said that she was sorry I felt bad but that I mean a lot to her and she hoped I knew that by this stage.

Now I'm staying with her and her family for Christmas. I've been there since Thursday. When we met she immediately kissed me, hugged me, held my hand. In the days since, much less so.

Given we're staying with her family until the 26th, so I understand to a degree. Yesterday was our first date outside since I got her, and it was a very cute time. However, even then I still had in my head how I was iniating the kisses, the physical touch. She reciprocated when I initiated but in the 4 I've been back she's initiated off her own back only a handful of times.

Is this just me making issues in my own head? She still seems happy around me, today she even mentioned our two planned vacations together in April and June next year, but I just guess I expected her to be more into me physically after six weeks apart. Opinions?

TL;DR: girlfriend hasn't seemed as into me recently, physically. Makes me second guess her interest

submitted by /u/beskowe12
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

My[27f] sister[29f] has told my husband [28m] my children isn’t his

Tldr; my sister has been whispering in my husbands ear about my past and been putting him into contact with my ex boyfriend.

She told him about how I used to sleep with many many men when I was around 18-21. That was true and I’d just not mentioned it to my husband before.

Now when I was coming out that phase in my life I’d got a boyfriend. Now he cheated on me and I’d seen him cheat. So I cheated with someone else too. I know that was bad and I would never dream of doing it now but I was vengeful. My ex made sure to tell everyone and my sister said she liked the guy I cheated with and felt betrayed. None of this is good.

I met my husband at 23 and we were married when I was 25 and I now have two beautiful twins (7 month male and female). I’m pregnant again with another now and when I told my husband he didn’t seem as happy as he should have been. He didn’t seem over the moon at all just acted happy ish. That’s when I knew something was up, he’d been off for a while but then I knew something was wrong, if I’m honest I suspected him or cheating on me with another woman and that he would be leaving me for her.

Yesterday he sat me down looked me in the eye and asked me why I wasn’t being honest with him. He then explained that my sister told him everything about my past and I started crying. He then said he was in contact with my ex and he said what he was telling him matched up to how he was feeling now because I’m out meeting friends so much. He literally spat the word friends too like he thought it meant something else.

I told him that I’d changed and that I love him. He then said that he didn’t believe our children were his and that he knew I wasn’t faithful to him. I started crying at this point and just begged him to believe me. He just didn’t and I don’t know what to do. He also was asking me who I was with and demanding to know. He’s convinced I’m with his brother now because his brother lives pretty near and helps me out with the kids and comes our place a lot.

He’s now sleeping on the sofa and won’t talk to me at all and is convinced that I’m seeing other guys because I’m his head I couldn’t have changed. I don’t know what to do or how to convince him that they are his children. And even if he does end up believing me he will still be paranoid.

submitted by /u/throwRA-19951995
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Is it wrong or weird to find another girl interesting when you're in a long term relationship?

I'm (29M) currently in a long term relationship with a girl (31F) since 8 years ago and I still love her with the bottom of my heart. However, this week we got a new colleague (28F) at our clinic and she gives me the feeling of butterflies in my stomach even though we so far only have had short, mostly work-related conversations. Is it weird to feel this way despite barely knowing this girl? And also, this new girl seems to be in a relationship as well.

TLDR; I'm finding a new girl at work interesting even though I barely know her and I'm currently in a long term relationship.

submitted by /u/Bacgangster
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Does he (21m) like me (23f) or not?

We met (don't wanna say dating because I don't know if we are) a few times, and for me our energy kind of matched. We are getting along quite well and I feel really comfortable when I'm around him. To be honest, I maybe have a "minor" crush on him. But let's start in the beginning. When we first met I wasn't interested in a relationship and he didn't want just f+. We met like two times and then he told me he's not interested, he wants to date s/o but not me. That was ok for me, and I thought the case was closed. But then a few weeks later he called me in the middle of the night. We met again few days later, and that's when everything started to get confusing for me. I kinda noticed, that I really missed him and was surprised by the joy I felt seeing him again. He told me he kinda noticed what he had with me when I wasn't around anymore (to remember, we met twice before) and that he missed me too. Still confused I asked him what he actually wants from me...he just said he doesn't want a relationship. Okaayy?! I'm fine with that. Buuut when we see each other he tells me that he misses me, that he really likes being at my place and being with me. Otherwise, when we don't see each other, he never texts me. I know he's working a lot, I mean really a lot, but it seems to me like I'm not worth his time just texting me every other day. And he's never asking for meetings, it's always me. It's so intense when we are together, it feels like a perfect match, but when we don't see each other I'm so fucking confused. I don't know what we are, is there even a "we". Sometimes I think maybe I should just wait, maybe it needs time. But, on the other hand, I don't even know what I'm waiting for. I know, I should just ask him, but I don't wanna ask for a meeting again (he can do that too) and I don't wanna have that conversation on whatsapp. I hate not knowing where I stay with him.

TLDR: I like him. But he's sending me mixed signals, and I don't know what to think about it.

submitted by /u/validasHuehnchen
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, December 16, 2022

Am I (F23) too sensitive for my BF (M24)? His mental illness hurts me

Generally, he's very sweet. We live together and that's how we met. He will often walk me to work/college, he cooks me food when I come home late, he'll call me "sweetheart" all the time. He's very supportive when I'm down. However, sometimes when he's very down he doesn't want to cuddle and will tell me not to touch him. Then he feels guilty and says he's a bad boyfriend and "what's wrong with me, you're lovely, I shouldn't be so cold". He snapped at me yesterday while quite depressed. He said something about wanting to call in sick to work. I said he shouldn't because he'll feel worse about himself in the long run. From experience, when I start making excuses for myself, I spiral worse and feel so much worse. That's all I meant. He called me condescending, unsympathetic and said I wasn't his mom. I said I guess I can't do anything right. He stormed out of my room and didn't talk to me for 4 hours, until I tried catching him before work. He said he didn't have time for me, noticed I was upset (asked if I'd been crying- I was on the verge) and said he'd talk to me tomorrow?? When he was coming home at 11.30 and he knows I stay up till 1am usually. And knew I was upset??

He went straight to bed when he got home. I came to his room, said he had ruined my day with his stonewalling as I didnt know what was happening and he made me cry and if he cared at all, he wouldn't spoken to me after work or texted at the very least. He likened me to his emotionally abusive ex?? After a while he felt bad. Thing is, he clearly was quite depressed and I started to see it myself in his face as we got talking. He said something about feeling he can't be himself/trust people like me/our other roommates anymore. That i don't know the real him. He then said it's probably depression talking and apologised a lot. . However, he then said he has the right to be mad with me for a few hours or a day if he wants and he thinks it's manipulative for me to expected an argument to resolve after an hour or 2 of space when he needs space to cool off. Is this a bad relationship?

TLDR: BF with bipolar disorder is a bit of a jerk sometimes. Am I too sensitive for him?

submitted by /u/scaredvitbit
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Is it weird for a guy (M18) to say he really likes you (F18) when he barely knows you ?

I’ve just turned 18 a while ago and really I had never dated anyone before due to strict parents, my own insecurities and the fact that no guys has ever asked me out.

I’ve been in college for over two months and 6 days ago, this guy in my class started texting me and on the third day of us knowing each other, he asked me out.

I have very conflicted feelings for him because first of all, talking with him is the experience I had never have. It’s new and exciting and flattering. And, I’m afraid that I’d turn down a nice guy.

But honestly speaking, I don’t trust him. There’s this voice in the back of my head telling me this guy is not being sincere. Even though he’s been bombarding me with compliments and affection and constantly asking me out, I just don’t feel like he truly likes me. He told me he liked a presentation I did at class and implied that that’s how he noticed me but I find it suspicious. I don’t think that I’m ugly or unlovable but I certainly don’t think that someone would “really like” me just because of a class assignment i did, especially when that person has been in the same class with me for 2 months and didn’t even know I existed.

I told him he’s pushing it to hard and it is scaring me and his response was because he really liked me and then proceeded to ask me out again the next day.

I have talked to a few friends about whether should I keep talking to him and their opinions are 50/50. Some think I should try it while others think he’s being too shady.

I don’t have a lot of experience in this and I wonder if this is the gut feeling people always talk about or if it’s just my insecurities playing tricks in my head.

tl;dr: Is it weird for a guy (M18) to say he really likes you (F18) when he barely knows you ?

submitted by /u/taylorswiftforever
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Is he falling too?

TL;DR: I’ve recently told someone I’ve been seeing that I have feelings for him. He admitted to liking me but said he needed time to sort some things out. Now he’s acting even sweeter. Am I crazy or is he beginning to feel the same?

I (25F) recently began seeing Casey (27M) **using fake names. Long story short I’ve begun developing feelings and made a post prior to this where I decided to call for a conversation.

I went to Casey’s house and he openly listened and validated everything I was saying. I told him that I like him and expected nothing in return. That he could refuse and I wouldn’t be hurt or spiteful. But that I absolutely needed to bring this up because if he wasn’t feeling the same then I needed to step away before he really did hurt my feelings. His response was very appropriate. It was something along the lines of “I like you too. But, I have some things I need to work through and it wouldn’t be fair for me to drag you through that”. I told him I was very vulnerable after what we’ve been doing and worried that he would just wake up and ghost me entirely one day. We talked it out and he assured me he would never do that and I said thank you for being upfront about everything else. Kicker is, we still spent all night together. We laughed nonstop, talked about everything under the sun, rolled around smoking a blizzy or two and then fell asleep in each others arms. In his house. In his bed. He was the one to wake me up when my alarm went off with small kisses and made sure to embrace and kiss me before I left.

Then last night. My cars getting serviced so I can’t smoke in my rental. I texted him earlier in the day asking if he could take me for a smoke drive so I could clear my head. When the time came to hangout he was with two buddies but still wanted to see me. So he picked me up and made one buddy move to the back so I could ride shotgun next to him. We dropped them off and went back to his place where we laughed, smoked, talked and again fell asleep in each others arms. I didn’t wake up till my 5:30 alarm went off. I got up and got dressed. When I snuck back over to the bed and leaned over to tell him I had to go he grabbed me and said “nooooooooo” and pulled me on top of him pinning me there. So I started planting small kisses up his neck and eventually gave a few passionate kisses before leaning back and saying I really had to go. He said no and kept holding me before finally letting me up. He helped me out of the door and gave me a big hug and a kiss and said to text him when I got here safely.

Side note to last night, he randomly got up at 1am to completely shave his beard off. He kept saying “this is all for you” “you made me do this” and when I’d ask what he meant he would just say he’s being facetious and not to worry about it.

I AM SO CONFUSED I feel like after these last interactions he’s showing little signs of wanting more with me but is afraid to admit it. It’s like he’s fighting this connection we have sometimes but then when we’re together it’s undeniable even for him. Am I reading too far into this?

TL;DR: I’ve recently told someone I’ve been seeing that I have feelings for him. He admitted to liking me but said he needed time to sort some things out. Now he’s acting even sweeter. Am I crazy or is he beginning to feel the same?

submitted by /u/mushroomorgan
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

i (25f) don’t know how to get out of this relationship with him (32m)

i (25f) don’t know how to get out of this relationship with him (32m)

disclaimer: been in therapy for 3 years now and still actively doing sessions.

I’m in a relationship with a serial cheater and liar, it’s been 6 months. I found out about the cheating and lying a month ago a couple weeks before moving back home and graduating. so i put the conversation in pause until i moved home and so for the last two weeks we’ve been arguing non stop. he said he’s never been completely in love with me this entire time but thinks he can get to that point so needs more time and REALLY wants to be with me now that i’m moved home. it’s totally horse shit and i have absolutely zero respect left and no desire to stay in this relationship.


I just graduated so i’m utterly broke and in student debt, don’t have a job or know what i’m gonna do with my life, i don’t really have any friends. i live at home with my parents.

last time i ended things with my previous ex when i was without a job or life purpose or any friends (peak corona time) the grief was too much for me to handle. i had depression that led to one suicide attempt. the only thing that helped me out of it was when my ex started talking to me again and then when i found a new guy to start seeing.

i tried ending things with my boyfriend last week but couldn’t last even two days without him. i immediately started to miss him and the walls of reality closed in on me. I feel lonely and completely isolated.

So i know i’m pathetic and i have no spine but i went back.

It felt good for a moment but i immediately got smacked with intense jealousy and suspiciousness. i’m constantly anxious and snooping and on edge. the other day i had a panic attack for no reason. haven’t had one of those since the start of the pandemic.

I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. on one end i have the anxiety of being with someone i don’t trust and know doesn’t love me, and on the other it’s loneliness and isolation and potentially a long season of depression

i know in the long term i need to work on my attachment issue and dependence on men to fulfill me emotionally but that’s not something that changes over night. so for now idk how to get through this.

if anyone here has ever had a similar experience i’d love to hear some advice

TLDR: stuck in a toxic relationship bc my life sucks without him what should i do

submitted by /u/RelativeLow7712
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, December 12, 2022

Was this rude?

I am 27/F. I approached an older woman in a gym class and introduced myself. I never spoke to her before. We just saw each other in class. I asked her how she was and she did not ask me how I was. I told her my name and she did not respond with her name. I asked her for her name and she told me. She didn't repeat my name. She was like, "Are you leaving? Or why are you?" She said, "Have you been coming? I didn't come for 4 days. I'm always late." Then I walked away without answering.

Tldr: What did she mean by "Are you leaving?" Did she mean leaving the class or leave her alone? Was this rude?

submitted by /u/Flyaway_5
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Need to move on from ex gf that replaced me in 2 weeks

I actually don’t know why I am writing this. I don’t know if I want to accomplish something, but I have enjoyed and learned a lot from other peoples’ stories and I want to tell mine as well. I apologize if it will be a bit of a rambling.

In the spring of 2016, I met the girl of my dreams. I don’t normally have girls throwing themselves at me. The caveat – she had a boyfriend, that I first started to know about after a while. Huge red flag but she was quite good at convincing me that with me it was special and something unique and therefore she eventually broke up with him. The ex boyfriend was still lurking. They still met up even though it made me very uncomfortable. I always regretted not setting my foot down and saying this is too difficult for me. After 5 months, we went over separate ways over the summer break, as we were studying in a different country. At first, I did not hear from her at all. After 3 or 4 days, she finally reached out and said she wanted to come to me. It was not until months later I found out she slept with her ex in those days. So unknowingly we spent the summer together, but she was clearly still hung up on her ex. She went on a festival with her ex and just left me somewhere. Everything was very dramatic and up and down and I was sad most of the time. I clearly made myself weaker than I am. I should have broken it off, but I just naively thought, that we could have a nice life together as soon as the problems were gone. Back at university, the ex came on a visit, and I think she finally decided I was the one she wanted to be with. Things started going better but I of course never forgot how it all started and I don’t think I ever forgave her – but I just did not realize it at the time.

We were together for 6 years, and things steadily improved. I actually started to be very happy and thought to myself “see, it was a good thing that you fought in the beginning”. I felt so close to her, much closer than I have ever felt to anyone. The first clear problem came after some years when a drunken fight (I had quit drinking a year before) ended with my ex hitting me. I for sure had a responsibility in the fight, but I had to put my foot down and end things right there. I do not know if our living situation or the pandemic were to blame, but I ended up forgiving her and we got together again after some months. After some time, I moved into her new apartment and things were absolute wonderful. The best time in our 6 year long relationship. We were both stressed this summer finishing up our degrees (I was very delayed), and I thought it was natural that we had less time for our relationship. At least, I accepted that my girlfriend showed me less affection in these months, and did not think much about it tbh.

In the fall of this year, I went on my first trip alone in basically six years. I went back to some of the places I lived earlier and just visited friends and family and generally had a very good time. But before I went my girlfriend started showing some erratic behavior and being very angry with me and distancing herself from me. I considered postponing the trip as I had no idea what was going on, and she could not explain to me what the problem was. In the end I thought it was my right finally to take a trip, as the pandemic had made it impossible to travel for so long time. She had to work and therefore she could not join.

During the trip, her behavior changed from day to day. I felt strange but some days we talked on the phone, and everything felt better. Other days she would explode over the tiniest things, for instance if I did not call her at the exact time, I said I would. My mood was severely affected, and I thought it difficult to stay in the present moment and enjoy my trip. At the same time, I also wanted to be there for my girlfriend as she was clearly not doing well but I did not really know what to do.

The final week before I got back things started to get strange. She said she wanted to move away with me again, as she was not happy in the country we lived in. On the last weekend before I got back, she called me and said something crazy had happened. She has made an offer on an apartment in the city, and it was now hers. I was really surprised but also in a good way though I found it problematic she did not involve me in the process. It was her money and I accepted she could do with those as she saw fit but still it hurt me a bit. The day after, on our 6 year anniversary, I could not get a hold of her in the afternoon, and I sensed something was wrong. Finally in the evening I got a message that she had spent the whole day, with a guy she met the day before when she was out. She said it was platonic, and he knew she was in a serious relationship. But I just got so hurt and mad for all the things that had happened in the weeks leading up to this. All the anger, the apartment, everything. I felt so left out, and now she was ‘celebrating’ buying this apartment with a stranger. I did not calm down, and the next day, she said she could not do it anymore. Just like that. All gone, six years gone. I was also responsible for how it all played out, I really was. The beginning of our relationship had left me with trust issues, and I just saw it all black when she told me she had seen him without telling me about it beforehand. I thought she would change her mind about the breakup, but no. When I got back from the trip everything was just different, and she was a different person to me. Everything went so fast. Our apartment was terminated and I moved back to my home country in the span of 10 days. I just could not sit in that apartment alone with all the memories. My ex started living in the city. She basically moved into the other guy's apartment and after some time they started to date. Perhaps 2 weeks after we broke up. I know about this because I asked her and wanted some closure, and in some weird way it actually helped me a bit seeing everything clearer.

I am now reflecting on everything that happened and spending a lot of time alone. She on the other hand is meeting new people, living in his apartment, doing stuff to keep her preoccupied. We are not in contact anymore really, and I know NC should already have happened earlier, I just needed some answers. I also reflect on my own role in the break up. I for sure was not a great boyfriend all the time. I am quite introvert and I have a lot of personal projects that take up a lot of time, and this was just not compatible with her need for attention and more outgoing, extroverted personality.

I am working on myself, I know I should stop obsessing over her, and I am slowly getting there. But I still seek some answers and consider whether she has some undiagnosed borderline or narc tendencies. I do not know, but this whole thing clearly shows me she has some abandonments issues, as she broke up when I was away, and also that she clearly not can be alone and replaces boyfriends, just as she did when we started going out.

I needed to write my story out, and I am sure some will say that I deserved it, as I could have seen all the red flags earlier. But at the same time I have never felt so secure and happy with anybody and I feel like a complete mess. Does anybody have experiences that resemble this with a girlfriend showing some personality disorder traits, and how did you move away and accept the situation? I am still struggling with coming to terms with my new situation, and I am devastated she is with a new guy already.

tl;dr: Girlfriend broke up with me after 6 years. The start of our relationship was tumultuous with an ex lurking and I see the same tendencies in our break up now. My girlfriend showed abandonment issues while I was away and after 2 weeks started to date a new guy, she basically moved in with. I am a mess but need to movie on.

submitted by /u/AlbW89
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, December 10, 2022

How do i overcame feelings for a girl that lives too far away to date

I really like this girl that I met , but she is like 17 and I am like 19, and we live in different states. But she is so beutiful and we vibe so well, and when we talked. The only issue is our age and we live in different states. I want to ask her out, but how would that even work, we live in different places, and we have common mutual friends, which will make it even more akward if they find out. I am also a dry and straight forward texter, so that makes it even worse, if I wanted to maintain a convo to last long distance

Like I lokey want to wait a year before asking her out, and go there in person. I am down so bad, can you guys give me advice....... I want to get her out of mind, but I am so scared that I will never find someone as beautiful and someone that I vibe with so well.

tl:dr: like a girl, but she is under 18, and she lives in differrnt states.

submitted by /u/SnooRegrets1871
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, December 9, 2022

I am tired of people commenting on my boyfriend’s appearance.

I know I can’t control on how people react, but I get so stressed sometimes, I even have dreams about arguing with people. So, basically, I(F21) have been in a relationship with my boyfriend(M20) for about 4 months now. We always had a very pleasant connection, prior to our relationships we were friends for like 5 months. He wasn’t my type, but I always liked him as a person, like I just wanted to get to know him. I thought he had a cute face, but he is slightly shorter (I am almost 5’11 and he is 5’9). Height was never a dealbreaker for me, I can find men around my height (both taller and shorter) to be attractive, and as time went by I really got into him, we have amazing chemistry. So far, we had a few people say we are cute, but most just think that I am way out of his league. It hurts me so much to hear that, I honestly don’t think people would comment at all if he were taller than me, since that is the social norm. I asked him if he is bothered by me being taller and he said he was fine with it, as it’s not that much, but he never dated another tall girl before. I am aware he can too get insecure from time to time, but he never really shows it. I love this guy more than I ever loved anyone and we make each other so happy, I look at him and think he is so cute and when people tell me that I could do so much better it makes me feel like a bad person, like maybe I shouldn’t be attracted to him and I will end up hurting him(this thought kills me). My mom says that she really likes him, but as I am tall, skinny and very conventionally attractive, it looks unusual, but she can’t deny that we have great chemistry and personality-wise compliment each other very well. I start to care less and less because I love him more and more, but it still feels horrible to get all these looks and like I have to justify our attraction for each other.

TL;DR : My boyfriend is slightly shorter and not so conventionally attractive and some of my friends and my mom made comments that make me insecure. I like his looks so it bugs me on why people care so much to tear us down, makes me feel like I am doing something wrong

submitted by /u/ok_whatever_u_say
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* This article was originally published here

Thursday, December 8, 2022

My (20F) best friend (20M) is confusing me.

I met him over the internet a few months back and he was in a relationship. However, the relationship didn't last long after that (because of family issues) and they ended up breaking up with each other. After a while, he said he has feelings for me and I did too! However, I was scared of being his rebound so I told him no. Later a guy was interested in me and I rejected him and clearly told my best friend that it was because I was waiting for him to move on from his ex. He still talks to his ex and I know he loves her and misses her a lot. He told me I should say yes if I find someone else but then later when we were discussing the topic he said he'll be happy for me but a little sad at the same time. Now I was stalking his Reddit account and found out that he has been on dating subreddits and left a comment on a girl's post saying he would love to talk to her. I am so confused about his feelings. Should I think of him as just a friend and move on or should I confess my love? I haven't officially done it yet because I wasn't sure but with him going around looking for girls, I feel like he does not even like me cuz he would have waited for me if he did.

TL;DR: My best friend claims to have feelings for me but talks to his ex and looks for other girls to date. We have not committed to each other but he knows I like him back. Is he leading me on?

submitted by /u/throwaway_797290
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Be with a guy just so we can take a picture of him and brag about it

I'm sure I can't stand him (M19) from 1 month i,He always makes sxist and misgynistic speeches and sees the girls he has sx with as slts. He told me that he only sees me as an outlet and that if he doesn't have sx with me and say, he goes out on the town and that's all he gets angry,even if we did nothing but laugh and talk the days we also had sx. In May he wanted to end our friendship because I told a friend of his that we went out together, even years ago he wanted to hide me because he was ashamed of our friendship. He has always been ashamed to tell others that he goes out with me, I would like to take a picture of us and let our former classmates see it to expose him from this point of view To get a revenge towards all the people who they judged and insulted me behind my back or snubbed me, at the same time I am angry with myself herself for not moving forward and thinking about a class that is part of my past

TL;DR - I just wish I had a rematch towards everytime he hide me and towards a toxic environment

submitted by /u/Designer-Explorer956
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, December 5, 2022

My ex we t on 2 “dates” 2 weeks after she broke up with me but still loves me

Okay so this is a complicated story. We had a 3 year long relationship. A lot happened in the last year of it in my life so I started wasting my own life and our relationship suffered from it. She broke up several times and we got back together because I said I would change back to the way it was. Each time I didn’t change. So 2 months ago she broke up with me and we still saw eachother and still did things we would do in our relationship the first month. Then she told me she really had to choose for herself and stop seeing me because it couldn’t go on like this. So this time I was like okay I get you broke up with me, I got so many chances I can’t really talk you back into it because I say I will change. So I thought to myself I’m just gonna have to show her that I can change (and yes show myself too because I wasnt happy with it either). So I did and now a month later I told her the changes I had made and everything and that I just wanted one last chance and if I would fall back in to my old habits she could breakup with me and I would leave her alone. We had a good talk but then she told me she felt more free now and she even had 2 “dates” with a guy she met 2 weeks after we stopped seeing eachother. Nothing happened but still. She told me she didn’t see anything in him and later started to rephrase it as it was just hanging out with him to look what it would bring. I had a breakdown but we talked some more. At the time I could settle with it. She did say she still loves me and misses me every day but its just hard after all the chances she gave me. We still went and had a nice night she wanted to cuddle etc. It looked like she was willing to try again. And then after her brain told her against her feeling like I can’t do this again. And she told me she couldn’t. We had a long talk again and tbh I think I could still make this work if I try my best. But the thing that bothers me is that she went out with another guy so soon to see if they would have a connection. I know I’m not really in a position where I can talk as I’m the one who fucked up but what do you think I should do? I really love her..

TLDR: My ex broke up w me and went on 2 dates. She still loves me and I think I could get her back but it still bothers me.

submitted by /u/Mental-Acanthisitta4
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, December 4, 2022

My boyfriend loves me. Most of the time I think I love him too. But I keep getting hit with waves of doubt and anxiety, followed by waves of confidence and calm.

TL;DR; I think I might be avoidantly attached and I'm scared I'm going to let my anxiety and doubt ruin a great relationship, please help 😅

My bf (24m) and I (24f) have been officially together for 5 months, preceded by a weird will they/won't they period of 4 months in which we went on a first date, I said let's be friends, one thing led to another and we decided to date. So I've known him for a good 9 months at this point.

He is great. He loves me - we've both said it - he adores me, is very happy as far as I know, and is cautiously excited about our future.

Somehow, he is so perfectly attuned to me and what I need. I'll think about getting up to do something and sometimes he's already doing it for me. He always puts in effort, is always keen to spend time with me, both at home and making plans to go out. He follows through on all the "what ifs". He keeps it healthy, he has his own friends that he makes time to see independent of me. He is silly and ridiculous in the same way as me, we do stupid things together and nothing I do embarrasses him, instead he embraces it and gives it right back. Sex is great, he genuinely cares about making it good for both of us. Went from never finishing with my ex to having like a 90% success rate with my bf.

And yet I'm still anxious. About a month ago, I started having some painful doubts. Like, I don't think he's handsome, I don't look at him and think "beautiful", instead it's an affectionate "how silly". And sometimes when he's being silly, I get irritated, like "why is he like this, why can't he just be normal?!" While other times I don't give a damn. I worry that he's too keen, more than I am, and because I think I don't match the depth of his feelings I get anxious about saying "I love you" because it might not mean to me what it means to him.

I struggle to imagine us in the future. I don't have much idea of what it will be but he doesn't quite fit the picture perfect hallmark movie life that I just assumed would eventually be attainable if I just worked hard enough. (But in the flipside, I can't imagine any aspect of my future right now. There's a lot going on, uni just finished, working part time, planning a trip, preparing to start full time work, possibly working away for three months) Hanging out with his family is triggering, I think from the fear of making and losing again the relationship I had with my ex's family. It gives me more fear for the future.

Last time, everything was easy, I had no idea what I was jumping into. Now I know the pain of heartbreak, of having to start again, there's things to fear.

I've talked about this with my psychologist, we've discussed the possibility of my having an anxious-avoidant attachment style. You find yourself noticing the flaws and wanting to run away so you can find the perfect partner, but that perfection doesn't exist or probably isn't even what you want. You focus on it with intensity, it consumes you, and it ruins relationships that could be great if you aren't aware and don't handle it properly. I am just generally an anxious person, possibly could be medicated but I'm scared to go down that route so young when I could try other things.

And I feel like I do this a lot, I ruin things by stressing about them not being perfect- friendships, experiences. But then, am I just latching on to an explanation to avoid the dreaded idea that we might not be suited? Except I know that we are, we get on really well, have even had an acquaintance who is a relationship counsellor comment on it.

I don't know, my brain starts thinking and then it starts spiralling and I forget all my reasons for doing anything other than running away somewhere and hiding.

This has turned into me pouring out my anxieties to Reddit. I guess I'd love to know people's thoughts. Especially if you have any experience or advice for someone with an anxious-avoidant attachment style who wants to make their relationship work. And yeah I know there's various different names for this, this is what my psychologist used when she explained the origins and what they were and how they worked.

submitted by /u/bluetessellations
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, December 3, 2022

My Crush (Read The Description For Context) Hooked Up And Kissed Another Random Guy :( . Any Advice On What I Should Do?

Just to start off with some context, I'm 18m and basically, I've had a massive crush on this girl (18f) since the beginning of this year. We chatted heaps in all our classes, texted quite a bit, I've been to her house a few times and we even went to formal together (Australian version of prom) - anyway, according to her friends and even her parents (her parents are family friends with some of my family), she liked me.

A few days ago, she asked me to come to a club with her and her friends; I originally said I could come however I never ended up going as some stuff happened. Instead, according to a few of my friends who went to that very club and hung out with her and her friends, she hooked up with some random person who apparently was pretty trash looking - anyway, they were kinda shocked.

--- **TL;DR;** : When my friends told me the following day, I kinda felt slammed, not angry or anything but rather, just blatantly sad - I thought she was my 'soulmate' [we had sooooo much in common, we were also pretty accomplished as well - both of us got into Ivy League schools] but damn, I guess we weren't as close as we thought. Regardless, I feel rlly disappointed in myself for not making a move earlier or even letting her know that I liked her - even though it was very very obvious.

Anyways, what should I do? Should I Just Give Up And Forget About Her :( Or Should I Make My Move?

submitted by /u/Pyro_4444
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, December 2, 2022

Is it creepy for a 35 y/o man to watch videos of a little girl who is good at guitar?

She's probably like 8. For me, child YouTube channels are typically just gross by default for adults to follow.

But anyway, the man I'm dating seems to be interested in this child's YouTube channel lately. The channel is run by the Dad but is named after the girl and is about the girl's guitar talent. The girl is very good at guitar. Not AMAZING VIRTUOSO like "everyone needs to see this!!" but very good.

BF is good at guitar and is interested in guitar videos in general.

The 6 or more videos he's watched of her channel over past few days (some are like 15mins long) are things like: girl playing the guitar, girl talking about why she likes the guitar and which guitars she likes most, girl with her dad talking about how she got into the guitar, etc. There is nothing suggestive about the way she dresses. The videos advertise her additional socials where you can follow her progress with the guitar and all that.

It seems harmless, but something about it is still creepy to me. Is it creepy? Am I the problem? Who is this content for?

tl;dr Little bit sketched out by bf's [35M] interest in a child's YouTube channel.

submitted by /u/Majestic-Put-135
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

My boyfriend says he isn't ready for marriage

Before i start, my boyfriend and i are both arabs. And arabs don't really date as it is not religiously or culturally acceptable. Thus, both our parents don't know about the two of us.

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years. I 27 (F) and he is 30 (M) years old. As i mentioned earlier, arabs don't have the dating culture as most marriages are arranged. That being said, a guy came to ask for my hand, and based on the current information i have, he seems like a decent guy. I discussed with my boyfriend about that and he was very hesitant at first but was saying he wouldn't want to be selfish and keep me to himself. He kept on making up excuses and claiming he isn't ready for marriage yet and it's not in his 1 to 2 year plan. I love my boyfriend very much and i always thought he is the one, but after hearing him say that and letting me go easily.

TL;DR Does it mean i should get to know the guy (even though i am usually against arranged marriages) or wait for my boyfriend to be ready which is indeterminate?

submitted by /u/Remarkable_Theory_93
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* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Bf's sister doubled down on being a jealous brat and everyone sees it, but no one could do anything about it.

Hi. It's 3am in the morning. It's on my mind and I can't sleep, so I'm here to type my frustration away. Thank u in advance.

My bf (24M) and I (22F) have been together for almost 3 years now. He has 3 sisters, all of whom was shy to interact with me at first, since I'm his first ever relationship. Today, the older 2 sisters, 19 and 14, are as chill as an ice cube with me. The youngest sister though, C (13f), she's a different story. She was the most aloof when we first got together. Over the years, C and I were neutral, I came over to his house a lot, cooked for the fam, we bought C her dream kpop light stick for her bday and more. Point is - I tried. Anything from small talk, to spending more time, to inviting her out, to gift giving. She's always been "meh" about it, but hey, I'll take the tiny progresses. [ a bit of background about C: She grew up the youngest in a house of 5 children, her parents never disciplined her (sources are from the people living in this house themselves) and she has a history of yelling, stomping and slamming the door at the parents' faces when she doesnt like something. This is all recent and still happening btw, not 3 years ago one time incident. I hope it gives insight on how she normally behaves to everyone around her...]

However, recently, barely the past 6 months, we all feel like C doubled down for the worst. the vibe just changed, it went from neutral to hostile. Lots of passive aggressiveness, shes just straight up a b to me. - when we go out with just the 3 of us, me, bf and C, she'd only talk to him and exclude me. Every time we try to bring the convo back to being 3 people, she'd shut down, ignore us, then just pick up at where she left off with my bf. Even when I chime in, she'd go quiet, then just ignore it and continue talking to bf like I'm not there. - when we go out in our fam group, with all 3 sisters, bf and me, C would go into wall blocking mode. Every time bf turns his back to look at something, she'd scoot right in between me and him, then just walled me off. The entire night lol. - I'm fortunate enough to have a company car and gas card, living in CA, I always offer my vehicle whenever we go out, its a better economical choice. But I need a headcount of who's coming for insurance purposes should something happen. Well, instead of talking to me about wanting to come along, C basically snuck herself onto my car. She knew about the plan for days, I was in the same living room as her for the entire night, instead of talking to me and asking to come along, this kid just snuck onto my car and saw nothing wrong with it. We were waiting for her to ask to come along too. Nope. Nothing. She ignored me the whole night, then she walked in to my car like she owned it lol. That was the last straw for me.

Listen. I'm just frustrated and tired. I know she's being petty and bratty, but I wasn't going to enter into a cat fight with a 13 year old when she did that shitty jealous gf walling off move. Its comical as much as it is frustrating. I kept on thinking how she resembles every bad trait of the Kardashians girls growing up, turned out, she binged the show this year's summer and that was when her attitude has changed. Now She's entitled, disrespectful, mean, and just straight up a b word. She's not just mean to me, she's rude to everyone else too. The other 2 sisters talked to bf and I about it, bf and I also tried to talk a lot about it. I think the turning point for my bf and the 2 older sisters happened when C mocked of a haunted house actor for his profession, after demanding for everyone to go to the haunted house. From there, everyone has just been on the fence about C. They're convinced she just became a melting pot of all the Kardashians after the binge.

So, we are here. Bf and I talked a lot. We agreed on a few things we could say and do to combat her passive aggressiveness when it happens again. But im mad. I feel like now the responsibility falls on us to "fix" her and make her a better person. I know my bf is feeling that pressure. Their parents are done, they don't want to do anything anymore after all the drama and slamming doors, they just let her be. The other 2 sisters ignore C as much as they could now. She's just so very unpleasant to be around. I know I'm nothing to her, so it doesn't matter what I say, she ain't gonna listen. Bf tried talking to her though, blessed his calm heart he really tried, from pointing out her behaviors to just dropping a truth bomb that she doesn't have much friends because she's been acting like this. Her reaction is usually going quiet, walking away and locking herself in her room; when she'd emerge again, it was as if the talk never happened. She completely disregarded all of it and never addressed it. Every time she doesn't want to hear something, she just goes away. And just like that time goes on and it's been months of her being like this.

So yeah. Idk where to go from here. Keeping distance from her is ideal, I honestly have been doing that, until she invited herself into my vehicle. Bf does see the problem and he's troubled too, he doesn't know how to deal with her either. On one hand, we agreed that we have enough problems on our hands, we don't need to invite more by "fixing" her, it's not our job; but on the other hand, I do understand the sibling love, he worries for her and he just wants her to become a better person. But how do we communicate that with her when she's like this?? I don't think anything would go through to her thiccc skull right now.

Tldr: Bf's little sister turned into a jealous gf/sister against me after 3 years. I'm frustrated because it's literally not our job to "fix" her, all while she's doubling down on being a brat. She's not listening to anyone.

submitted by /u/MorePeas828
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* This article was originally published here

Monday, November 28, 2022

Am I (35F) being too sensitive?

My boyfriend (32M) and I (35F) have been together 13 months. We're LD and from two extremely different countries/cultures. I know his culture well, but he has zero experience with direct women from a country like mine. He's not fluent in English.

We recently got into an argument and he hasn't talked to me in nearly a week because I called him immature for stonewalling.

I've been having trouble with very dry lips and mouth in recent weeks, so during calls I was often trying to moisten my lips and salivating my gums as it was often uncomfortable feeling like everything was stuck together when trying to open my mouth.

I don't remember if I told him why I was doing it, but I started noticing him mimicking me when I do this during our calls. At first I wasn't bothered by it, but when he did it during our last call, he noticed I was upset by this because I couldn't figure out why he kept doing it.

He apologised in text saying he was only teasing me (as he said they tease in his culture when they like someone) and meant no harm, and I said that doing it once was fair enough, but to keep doing it, it felt like he was mocking me as he's done it during numerous calls now. I said, "how do I know you won't tease me about my insecurities?“, because he kept doing it during every call.

Everything seemed fine until I noticed he was becoming more distant. He finaly admitted 4 days later that he was bothered by that comment about insecurities and that he feels like he can't be himself anymore in case I take offense to something he says because I translate it wrong and negatively.

It turned into an argument through text. I told him I wasn't bothered by it until I noticed he kept doing it during every call, I said it wasn't necessary. I was starting to get annoyed.

What are your thoughts/advice and is this a dealbreaker?

Tl;dr: My boyfriend and I got into a text argument over something that could've been a misunderstanding and took offence to calling him immature for stonewalling over minor issues in arguments. Is it worth fixing/am I in the wrong?

submitted by /u/Tatlim86
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* This article was originally published here

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Can you love someone who you think is a bad person?

There is this woman I have had strong feelings for. We are in the same PhD program. When I first met her, I thought she was friendly and innocent, but then she acted flirty to help her cheat in homework. I was not seeking her out, but she acted that way anyways.

We still became friends, but fast forward, we take a qualifier exam. I pass it and she does not. We become friends, 4 months pass and she has to take the retake. Only then, after a month of not talking, does she ask me for help when we had spent the past months talking like best friends. She assumed I was interested in her, so she never wanted to meet me in person, but at the same time she never wanted to study for the exam.

She passes anyways, but later on, she thinks I am interested in her, and after months of not talking to each other in person, she wants me to spend money on a trip for me to have a chance to be with her, even though I had never given her an indication I was interested in her.

Anyways, it doesn't work out, months pass, and we finally have class together, I avoid seeing her, weeks pass and I have to present to the class. I actually see her and I feel an intense depression. I have a feeling she is using drugs because she is depressed. After that, I do not talk to her, but for 2 weeks I have been so sick I cannot sleep or eat. I can barely handle it, I do not why I am feeling this way. I keep thinking that it is her own fault that she did not do well in school and that she is ruining her life.

She is an international student from China, and she always did things that gave me a lot of concern. She does not speak English well and she is extremely shy in person. She is very pretty, but the only interaction she seems to be able to have is with men who she thinks are interested in her. She is extremely awkward and I think she has autism (I think I have autism too, not a joke). I think she is extremely hedonistic. I am quite the opposite. I always did well in school. I do not know if I should care about her. She has treated me poorly and only got interested in me again after I said I was going to get a job (we were arguing, and she started to drill me pretty badly, so I came up with that just to not loose so much face after telling her I still cared for her). She has been trying to rekindle but I keep acting as if I do not know that. I am not sure if she has given up. Should I rekindle our relationship?

tl;dr Woman I have strong feeling for does bad things but I cannot decide to leave her.

submitted by /u/MrOrangeCoin
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* This article was originally published here

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Guy(M30) I'm(F26) seeing/working with told me he never felt like this before now ghosted me

I'm (F26) seeing a guy from work (M30). From the day we saw each other we couldn't stop flirting, after a month I asked for his number as he was keep going hot and cold. I knew he was/will be flaky, but I only wanted sexual relationship, so I didn't care.

Texting between us were quiet intense first week (sexting included). He knew what I wanted, but he asked me to take things slow as he wanted to get to know me better. Anyway he isn't into texting or social media so we'd chat for a bit, but every day, and I wasn't mad about it, because me too I'm not that much into texting, and we started going out.

I think important fact I met quiet a few friends of his, I also was introduced as a friend as we just started going out recently.

During the last outing a few days ago we fell out a few times...

Once for something silly and we laughed at it. The second time we fell out because he said something between the lines while we were kissing and getting touchy that he is in demand and that the same evening he received a message from a girl who wanted to sleep with him. I asked him why he's telling me that because it just ruined my mood. He said that from the day I asked his number he rejected every girl as he is serious about me/us. He apologized saying "he had a life before me", and he understand it wasn't the right thing to say....

After a few more drinks he started to talk about my living situation (I still live with my ex as he can't move out because of the finances and difficult housing situation). I said it was not the right time or place to talk about it as both of us were quite drunk and in public, but he kept pushing and asking about our possible future.

I like this guy, but I don't like his lifestyle, and he knows it. I tried to explain my point of view, but he got offended even though he said that I'm right and he likes my honesty also he added that I read him like book. He got emotional during our conversation, he started to tell me about his childhood and that all the men he was surrounded by lived like he does now. He said that he needs someone to change for, as he won't do it for himself. Also, he asked me how he could prove it to me. I just told him If I could see that his behaviour would change towards excessive partying, I'd like to be with him. I was truthful as he was and I told him back how much I liked him.

The next morning I sent him a message saying sorry if by any chance I hurted his feelings as it wasn't my intention also I added that I wanted to see him again, and just to get to know him better.

He texted me back saying that he was glad I was honest and that everything I said was true and that's why he felt shit. He said he want to carry on seeing me, and that he is going back to sleep. I responded with a smile emoji. Now is more than 2 days, he didn't text me, I didn't texted him. Tomorrow I suppose to see him at work, and I don't know what to do. During our last outing, he said 100 times how much he is into me, and that he never felt like this about anyone the way he feels about me. Keep in mind he is 30, and never had a serious relationship. He keep saying that he want to settle down and how much he likes my personality and me in general. Is he ghosting me now I don't understand.

TL;DR I'm seeing a guy from work. We were hanging out, drinking and having fun and he had a melt down, about his feelings towards me. I was honest with him why our future as a couple is questionable, he agreed with what I said, he also said that he want to prove me that he can change. Now he ghosted me for the last two days.

submitted by /u/raudonaarbata
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* This article was originally published here

Friday, November 25, 2022

Sick and tired of my (26F) partner (29M) “keeping the peace”

I (26F) have been in some form of relationship with my partner (29M) for 10 years and living together for 8. He is my one “great love” for all of you greys fans. One HUGE issue that has affected me for the better part of the last 10 years is the discrepancy in how our families treat the respective partner. TLDR at the bottom because this is LONG.

I have a VERY strained relationship with my family 90% of the time. However. They have always treated my partner as a member of the family and welcomed him with open arms. There is a running joke that even when they don’t like me they’ve always loved him. He even stayed with us the first COVID Christmas and my family absolutely rallied with gifts (normally partners just get an inclusion on the card and a token wrap up) so that he wouldn’t feel like crap on the day when myself and my brother had gifts and he just had mine and a few token bits.

My in laws, on the other hand, have never liked me and everyone knows it. SFIL is ambivalent towards me at best and just blindly follows his wife. I first met them 9 years ago when my partner invited me to stay at their house with him in the summer. During that time my MIL (50s F) decided that I was smelly, because I didn’t shower enough - I, at the time, had BRIGHT BLUE hair and was terrified of staining her bathroom, so whilst I actually showered every day, I only washed my hair every other day and apparently that meant I wasn’t showering. This information was relayed to me after the fact alongside the fact that apparently she thought I was a “lazy {female dog}”. She was nice to my face.

We live several hours away so seeing her has never been an issue. I used to show up when I needed to show up and be polite, but that gets draining fast. I would also always buy gifts at Christmas that rarely went acknowledged much less reciprocated. My partner for the longest time would say absolutely nothing to his mom when she started slagging me off because he wants / wanted to “keep the peace”. This went on for a few years until we had a screaming argument where I told him I couldn’t take it anymore and I wanted out purely based off that and the way it had slowly worn me down over the years.

The double standards came in when his younger brother got his first, more serious girlfriend. She was seemingly welcomed in to the family with open arms and that stung a little but I wasn’t bothered really. It was actually my partner who picked up on, and took issue with the double standards there. Some of which included:

1) I was snarked at / almost berated for choosing not to wear makeup to go out to dinner in torrential rain. BILs ex never wore any to any sort of dinner / outing she went on with them and had nothing said to her.

2) MIL invited BILs ex to go on holiday with them / be with them at family events / come over for Christmas but made it very clear recently that I would not be welcome on their upcoming trip / family events etc.

3) I was told I had dressed inappropriately in the house but again BILs ex and I had a very similar fashion sense. The only difference was she was thin and I am not.

And it’s now gotten to the point where even my partner cannot deny that there is clearly an issue.

However he refuses to confront her about it because “he wants to keep the peace” and “nothing is going to change because this is how she is”. But I told him ca. 7 years ago that I didn’t want to marry him because of how he lets his family treat me, and now it’s something that’s seriously on the cards for us I need him to step up because what I said all those years ago still stands. We’ve also had a few pregnancy “scares” recently and I would NOT be comfortable with my child being around any of them for any length of time, especially without me, because I couldn’t trust their dad to step up if they randomly took a dislike to my child because they’re mine. And I need help communicating this to him efficiently because nothing I’m saying atm seems to make sense to him. He has recently agreed to ask her what her problem is next time they speak but he is putting that off.

TLDR - my partner of 10 years’ family has always treated me like garbage and had massive double standards when it comes to me vs the other partners. I don’t want to marry / bring a child into a family like that. How do I tell my partner he cannot carry on “keeping the peace”?

submitted by /u/ThrowRA_yikesMIL
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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

My fiancé (22M) wants me (22F) to forgive his family for calling me a demon, amongst other things

Hi everyone. My fiancé and I have been dating for almost three years and I had moved in with his family during the Covid phase about a month into our relationship. I understand things moved fast, however it sort of fell into place as I was a student living in a dorm and the dormitories were closing due to the Covid breakout and we thought it would be nice to stay with the family and get to know them for a few weeks.

I (22F) had been living with a cousin due to family troubles and haven’t had a stable home. After some time with my fiancĂ© and his family, I saw stability and love in them so I decided to go for the move.

My fiancĂ©s (22M) mother is hardcore religious catholic with the statues and everything. I don’t mind this but she happens to push her religion hard on everyone around her.

Fast forward to September 2022, I was a recent graduate looking for job opportunities. Where we were residing the job market was almost nonexistent and I was left unemployed and looking for work for a few months. I brought up the topic of moving up north to his sister's house to find a job up there. They quickly turned down the conversation due to my fiancé already holding a minimum wage down south and that we needed to leave together.

I was already receiving messages from interested parties regarding opportunities up north so I felt strongly about making this move. I wanted to start making money so that I could start building a future with my fiancé. Aside from all that, ten of us lived in a single-family house. His brother stayed in the basement, his sister and her three kids in a single room, us in one room, and his parents in the master bedroom. Needless to say I needed space to start my career and future.

My fiancés family believes in strong family ethics and they do everything together. His brother, dad, brother-in-law, and uncle all drive trucks. His sister stays at home to watch the kids and his mother has been a stay-at-home mom since he was born. I have this feeling that they want me to follow in their steps and settle down and have kids while my fiancé works hence then stopping me from leaving.

Eventually, I found a job up north that gave me a generous offer well over my starting range and my cousin happened to be moving into her own apartment in the area. I decided to take the leap and told MIL a couple of days before moving out in the middle of September and I would be making the move for the job. Literal moments before telling her about the move, she came rushing home and asked me to babysit her grandkids for the day and abruptly told me that she will be going up north for gastric bypass surgery and wont be back until the day after I would have already moved out. The thing was I had already taken the job offer and needed to move up north at a certain time. We have known that she would be getting the surgery, however, they needed her to go for some testing the day before and dropped the bomb on me out of nowhere.

As my MIL was packing with her daughter, I dropped the news to her and she did not take it well and passive-aggressively told me 'good luck' before leaving with her daughter for the testing. Not five minutes after that she called my fiance at work and told him I would be leaving to go cheat on him and that I can't be trusted and wanted me gone by the next day. I had enough of the drama and everything else and packed what I could for the day. During the whole day, my fiance and his family had back-and-forth arguments over the phone over me. they called me a demon, that I can go to hell, useless, not right for him. His brother threw me under the bus and snitched to his mom that I was bisexual and smoked weed (although I had been clean for 2 years) just to add fuel to the fire. His dad called him stupid for staying with me.

Everyone sort of piled onto me to make me look bad towards his MIL and everything was just going downhill. My fiance admitted mistakenly over the phone when he thought it was muted that I've made him the happiest in his life and that his family makes him miserable. At this point, my fiance was facing eviction and I was willing to take him with me to my cousins. He had to call his job to tell him he was kicked out and wouldn't be going back. His sister made a jab that if my fiance wanted to end up without family like me by leaving, which I thought was very uncalled for.

After hours of agonizing arguments and realizing that they would be losing their son, they were saying that they were sorry and to please don't go that they she will die without her son. I ended up having a heart-to-heart with my fiance and told him to please stay for the sake of keeping his family otherwise he would lose them for good, and I didn't want to be the reason that they broke apart.

Fast forward to today, his MIL has fully recovered from her gastric bypass, and wants to make amends with me. During the two months I've been away from their home, I had broken up with my fiance due to the stress and panic attacks I would get from his family. We got back together after a week and decided to try to heal things. The problem is this: His mother is famous for saying the worst things she can say to someone, apologizing when she is no longer mad, and then repeating that cycle.

Because I don't have much family, I was happy to take in my fiances family as my own. They owned ten dogs that shit and pissed everywhere, I would always vacuum and mop and clean and help tutor his sister's kids. I was always supportive and the moment I decided to move toward my own life, they pushed back. At this point, I feel like my relationship with them is beyond repair as it would require me to allow them to continue to step on me when they choose to, and I don't think anyone would be offering a sincere apology other than her mom, who is bound to repeat the cycle again.

My fiance wants me to speak with his mom so that our issues are resolved. I still feel very hurt and don't want the issue to be pushed under the rug like I know it will be. His other family members are very stubborn in their belief that they are right and I'm confident that they will see nothing wrong in what they have said to me. It is easy to just leave my finance and turn away from this mess, however, I feel devastated that something that is out of my fiance's hands is what would end our relationship.

TLDR; My fiance wants me to speak with his mom to resolve our relationship after she called me some nasty names. I feel strongly against it.

submitted by /u/Plane_Importance_843
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* This article was originally published here