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Friday, August 4, 2023

I know it's a bad idea. But it's exciting.

I'm no spring chicken (38f) and I just got off a breakup. No rush to meet someone, enjoying my single life, etc.

But I just started dating a guy I met at a spa. There's a common area for men and women to hang out and relax after their massages. Guy starts talking to me out of the blue and I talk back, we go to dinner, I find out he's 19.

In the back of my mind, I told myself "no", but he's nice and respectful. And he didn't flinch when I told him I'm twice his age. He's shorter than me (he's like 5'5, and I'm 5'10), thin as a rail, and wears dorky glasses.

But he makes me laugh and knows a lot of stuff. Like he can carry conversations like a man with twice the years of experience he currently has. That's really the thing that gets me. I love talking about history, culture, and all that other boring stuff. But somehow he stays on the level. And what really gets me is he acts like a lord from the 1850s (opening doors for me, standing up from the table when I stand up, holding my chair for me, that kind of shit). I'm not into that, but it's fascinating.

We've gone on 4 dates. No kissing or any type of fooling around yet (neither of us broached the subject). I didn't know society built 19 year olds this way? Or maybe I'm being scammed or something. I don't know.

Whatever it is, he makes me feel younger and excited. Perhaps I'm just in the rebound phase? I also don't want to upset him if we take this too far. I'm not stupid. Relax. I know It's a bad idea to keep going and I can already sense the comments telling me to stop it. Maybe someone can knock some sense into me. :)

TL;DR - dating a guy half my age and he's nice, respectful, and knowledgeable beyond his years. Bad idea, maybe someone can make me realize it.

submitted by /u/ThrowRAinn
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* This article was originally published here

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